We have a month before Mercury goes retrograde again. (July 22 -- August 16.) In all probability, we'll feel this influence in about two weeks: mixed up communications, misunderstandings, transportation delays and breakdowns, and goofy, little errors in our daily routine. No big deal. We need to be patient with others and ourselves. Mercury retrograde is an opportunity to clean up our act. There's more! Next month Saturn leaves Cancer (where it's been for 2 1/2 years) to move into Leo. This is significant. Lots of big changes are taking place. Not everyone is happy with them. This is no surprise. Science has proven that for every action there is an equal and opposite criticism. On the other hand, if you always plow a straight furrow - you're in a rut. Shee!
Your focus now turns to home, family and real estate. Stock the fridge with lemonade and beer. Company's coming! Mars in your sign makes you extra feisty and aggressive. Now is the time for physical exercise. (Blow off some pent-up steam.) This is also the perfect time to renovate, redecorate or handle residential moves. You've got the energy, motivation and the drive! This is also an excellent time for real estate deals. Jupiter opposite your sign promotes partnerships; and Saturn still wants you to hunker down and solidify your home base. In a way, this is your last major push in this area. More fudge anyone?
You're busy! Short trips, shopping, buying and selling, discussions with siblings and relatives, plus errands and tasks keep you hustling! You can handle this. Prepare for the effects of Mercury retrograde to your communications (pay your phone bill); your mail service (expect delays here); and all ground transportation. If your car or truck looks dicey - do something now to prevent breakdowns in rush-hour traffic or mornings when you're late for work. (Horrors!) Your job is fine. But your mind is busy. Thich Nhat Hanh's suggests: Watch your breath as you breathe in and out. Then breathe in and out and smile. Think, "Present moment." Breathe in and out and smile. Think "Only moment."
A gaggle of planets focuses your attention on financial matters. You might be concerned about getting a new job, or getting a raise. You're shopping more or making big purchases. Something fixates your mind on your cash flow. That's okay. We all need money to pay our bills and stay alive. Be alert for offers from places you worked at after before, or things related to old plans and ideas about making or spending money. If these resurrect themselves again, give them serious thought. They'll worth pursuing. Ever since 2001, you've been dancing in a new sandbox. Now you have to nail down some important values to guide your life.
Gads! The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are in your sign. This strong planetary emphasis in Cancer attracts people to you, as well as opportunities for many, many things. Your optimism about your future is growing. The next six weeks are very strong for you. Go after anything you want. You've got the powah! Talk to everyone. (Mercury in your sign.) You're oh so charming and diplomatic now. (Venus in your sign.) Your energy magnetizes others. (Sun in your sign.) And you have a solid, experienced maturity that everyone respects. (Saturn in your sign for the last 2 1/2 years!) "Stick a fork in me, Lord I'm done."
You've been busy. In particular, you've been talking to lots of people -- especially groups, clubs and organizations. The result of all this is you're exhausted! You can't be all things to all people all the time. (Of course, as the Performer of the zodiac -- you can be all things to all people some of the time.) Now however, you must pull in your reins, and fold your tent like the Arabs and silently steal away. It's best if you work alone now. You need a lot of solitude. Plus you have a lot of things to sort out; and you need breathing space in order to do this effectively (the way you want to.) Travel plans look exciting. Ditto for publishing opportunities.
Schmooze with friends and groups. You need to hear your mouth expressing your own ideas out loud. And you need to hear what others think about your ideas and how they react to them. In addition, you need to hear what others are thinking; and likewise, you'll give them your feedback. Capice? This give-and-take of ideas and plans of action is important. Some long-term goals and objectives are at stake. Conflict about shared property, and other people's values are just some of the things you're concerned about now. In your own way, you're making progress. Winston Churchill said, "We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glowworm." Shine on!
You're inspired to talk to groups, clubs, and associations as well as friends and casual acquaintances. There's something important you feel you have to communicate to people. It matters a lot to you. Fortunately, you couldn't pick a better time to do this. VIPs, bosses, parents and authority figures are easily impressed with you now. With the Sun and Venus at high noon in your chart -- this is a given. Mercury is right up there as well, making you articulate and convincing in the eyes of others. And of course, the Sun is a spotlight on you! People notice you now. Therefore, drag out the soapbox. Jump up. Speak your peace. Then bow gracefully. (Applause.)
Your appreciation for beauty is wonderfully heightened. In fact, your appreciation of spiritual ideas, philosophical concepts, and different ways to embrace life is unusually vibrant. You see things in broad strokes -- symbols, myths and ideologies. Your brain is turned on! Not only do you want to expand your world intellectually speaking, you want to literally expand through travel, study, and interaction with people from other cultures who have different ideas and values. So much to learn; so little time! Maybe you'll grab some fabulous trinkets and tchotchkes? Exotic little items that have that certain cache. "Ce'st moi! Citizen of the world!"
You're embroiled with issues about shared wealth, other people's property, duties and obligations and trying to define who owns what. It's old stuff. And it's here again. This time resolution is vital. You're going to do it, no matter what it takes. Hot tip: It's important to remember that one man's Mede is another man's Persian. We don't all share the same values. It's hard to grasp this. But when you look around the world - we all eat starch yet some like rice, some like bread, some like potatoes, some like pasta. Who is right and who is wrong? Clearly, the pasta wins -- but it's fattening. (But not if you eat it in the dark with pesto sauce.)
Four planets in Cancer are sitting directly opposite you. Admittedly, it smacks of Gunfight at OK Corral. ("Let's make this a fair fight, boys.") Actually, Mercury and Venus promote civilized, friendly discussions about important matters (or trivia.) Your schmooze skills are excellent! Therefore, this is the perfect time to achieve consensus and understanding as well as compromise where there's been rifts and misunderstandings. Conflict begets conflict. An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind. And have you seen the price of Armani sunglasses? (Personally, I like the Serengetis.) Stop focusing on differences. Start focusing on what is shared. What do you have in common? (Aside from sexy sunglasses.)
You're really busting your buns now. In a way, I'm starting to sound like a stuck record. That's because you've been working hard for a long time now! Nevertheless, this is an extremely active and productive month. You want to be efficient, effective, and organized. One of the reasons you can pull this off now is that others are supportive. People cooperate with your aims and suggestions. They'll even help you. It's a good time to start a new health regime to improve your state of mind or buff your bod. Yes, summer is here. Cellulite city in all its glory! (If you want to lose weight -- never eat on an empty stomach.)
It's party time! A handful of planets now urge you to play, flirt, and express your creative self. Accept all invitations. Slip away on a vacation if you can. Grab every opportunity to express yourself creatively in any of the arts. Enjoy playful times with children. Jump into any love affair or romantic liaison that looks promising. If this person isn't the "right" one - at least they can be the "right now" one. No? Take what life offers you. Never run from temptation, it might not come your way again. You're working hard to earn and spend money. Basically, this is a fun time for your sign. Enjoy yourself. Laugh it up. There's no time like the pleasant!