Life is like teeter totter. On one hand, we get goodies; and on the other hand, we don't. Nothing is ever completely wholesome or completely negative. This week the positive energies win out, but some brief, nasty urges flare up. "Did not." "Did too." "Did not!" "Did too!" Don't get suckered into anything. The good news is that surprising benefits appear now. Keep an open mind so you don't miss them. If you have a fixed idea of what they will be, you might "sail through an army of Angels and not notice anything more than a mere freshening of the air." (Doris Lessing, paraphrased from memory.) I want a whiff of that!
Unexpected goodies come your way through family members, or they somehow benefit your home and domestic scene. You might buy something beautiful for your home. Or you might get a lovely gift for your home. You might also enjoy a wonderful, entertaining evening with family or friends. It's all hey nonny nonny -- good drink, good food and maybe even more! To be sure, difficulties with siblings and relatives are possible, especially around Monday. But this doesn't have to happen. Don't take the bait. Don't retort. Just rearrange your goodies to make your home more cozy and welcoming.
Lots of new situations are in your face: new people, new contacts, new places, new ideas, in fact, a new home environment! You find this exciting and stimulating! You're making positive changes to your everyday surroundings. Conversations with siblings, relatives and neighbours are upbeat and enjoyable. Don't let your concern about money issues (on Monday) spoil the wonderful headspace and attitude you now have. First comes the thought; then comes the word. The word is followed by the deed, which slowly becomes habit. Then habit hardens into character. Therefore, be grateful for your happy thoughts! That's what Popeye said: "I think therefore I yam."
You can really clean up when it comes to good luck and good fortune this week. You might literally receive cash, a bonus, tangible gifts, opportunities to earn more money, new job offers, or you might literally find cash! (And I don't mean sofa money.) You have bright, new, moneymaking ideas. A possible inflow of cash allows you to buy yourself a gift, or buy a loved one something special. (This part you like.) Just be aware that Sunday and Monday might be a bit tense with partners and close friends. Maybe somebody is jealous of your good fortune? Make an effort to avoid squabbles. They only muddy the water and settle nothing. Be patient. Don't get sucked into anything. Instead, appreciate your good fortune.
Although recent conversations with parents and bosses might generate tension and conflict, some wonderful opportunities suddenly fall in your lap. (They could be related to publishing, education or travel.) Your window of opportunity will be brief. Therefore, be ready to act. If you try to make improvements at work or improve how to deal with the government and large institutions -- be careful. You'll meet with obstacles here. Instead, focus on travel, education, medicine, the law and publishing. These are the areas that encompass your brief good fortune. Your closest relationships also get a lovely boost now. Some of you will even meet someone yummy!
The way in which you receive your unexpected good fortune this week is quite subtle, because it has a more spiritual overtone to it. It could be an epiphany of sorts. You might suddenly really see how it all works. "The crack in the wall lets the light in." Quite likely, you see how your positive attitude of generosity and patience makes your life easier. All this time you thought you were giving to others -- and instead you're receiving! (Life's cosmic joke.) A sticky situation with a friend (or group) could turn into a power struggle. Resist the urge to climb on your throne. Let them rescue themselves. You have other things to do. (Like get rid of more of your stuff.) Keep streamlining your life. Less is definitely more.
No matter what kind of power struggles go down between you and your boss, or you and a parent, possibly between you and the police -- this is not your theme song this week. A much stronger and longer influence is extremely pleasant; namely -- new friends bring wonderful new elements of delight into your life! Expect to meet exciting, unusual people. (You'll be thrilled!) At the same time, your interaction with groups is surprising and yet reaffirming and reassuring. Even your current friends might shock you. Everything to do with groups, clubs and associations is suddenly highly stimulating. What's the buzz? Who said what to whom and when? Expect some gossip to flow your way. (Like gravy on the side.)
Wonderful goodies come way now. Lovely Venus is at the top of your chart getting zapped by wild, electrical Uranus. Sudden job promotions, and unexpected opportunities to shine in front of your peers, pleasant events at home or with your family, maybe even a sudden flirtation with your boss? -- these are just some of the surprising bonuses that come your way this week. What you have to avoid is heated religious and political arguments with siblings or daily contacts. Don't even go there. Especially the way things are today. One could argue about stuff until the cows come home. Oops - I don't think we should talk about cows either. And that's no bull. Anyone got a beef with my bad puns? (They're just laughing stock.)
You're probably quite testy about something related to shared property, jointly held possessions, or the responsibilities for someone or something. You might resent feeling forced into a certain position. Or you might feel you had to play the part of the heavy. Just let this go. It's a brief, dark cloud on your horizon. The good news is that sudden opportunities to travel, or boost your scene through publishing, or to take a course, or get increased education or training in some way suddenly appear. Yay! Pack your bags. Something new and unexpected definitely will come your way. But you have to be ready to respond quickly. Opportunities never wait.
This week we can see why your sign is considered to be lucky. (After all, lucky, moneybags Jupiter is your ruler.) The area where you can expect good fortune is quite literally in terms of gifts and tangible goodies from others. People will give you things. Perhaps they'll let you use something they own. ("The key to the cottage is under the little frog by the front door.") Some of you will benefit because something great happens to your partner, thus you receive an indirect blessing. If something has to be shared, it will be decided in your favour. The downside is that conversations with partners could suddenly become pushy. If so, it's because one of you is trying to "improve" the other. Resist this awful temptation. (Dumb.)
Your attempts to make improvements at work will definitely meet with resistance. (Even if your ideas are great. Many people resist change - ya think?) Do not be insistent. Maintain your diplomatic, calm exterior. You can have your hissy-fit later after you get out of those wet clothes and into a dry martini. What you will enjoy is surprising developments with partners and close friends. A casual relationship might suddenly start looking -- dare we say -- committed? Your dealings with the public yield pleasant surprises now. Unconventional arrangements with partners are sexy, titillating or stimulating in some way. Who woulda thunk?
You've been struggling with your job for quite a while now. It's been a tough, uphill slog. At times, you felt overwhelmed by everything. Therefore, it's only fitting that suddenly -- goodies are finally coming way through employment and work! Ha! You might suddenly get a promotion. Or praise. Or a raise. Somebody fun and new might enter the scene (which definitely picks things up for you.) New technology might make your job easier. A variety of things could be the cause of a pleasant improvement. Meanwhile, conversations with lovers and possibly children are at loggerheads. Don't feed this fuel. Let it sputter out all by itself. Just be glad things are picking up at work.
Lucky you! Romance is in the air. Love spores are dripping all over you. (Look! Some of them fell on the ground.) New flirtations, opportunities for vacations, surprising little getaways, unusual opportunities related to professional sports, everything to do with the arts -- these are the areas where you shine right now. Your interaction with children is also pleasant and delightful. This is a wonderful time to be on vacation. Even if you're chained in your cube farm, or working in the salt mines, lots of opportunities for entertainment and amusing diversions are present this week. You might even go for a roller coaster ride or something like that. (Theme parks beckon!) Ditto for new love affairs.