They say the course of true love never runs smooth. But the course of true anything never runs smooth! This is a mellow week with pushy moments. Mercury opposes Pluto on Tuesday, June 7. This triggers power struggles! (Oy vay.) Fortunately, other planets have a soothing, stabilizing effect; so - it's a mixed bag. The secret is we can choose how we want to respond. One thing is certain: it's easy to work hard this week. We can get a lot done. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we do." (This is the kind of thing a guy named Waldo inevitably arrives at. Sort of a boy named Sue thang.)
You're working behind the scenes. You want to get a lot done -- and you will! You're counting on the cooperation of others, because the collaborative efforts of you and a friend or you and a group can help a charitable cause or improve something. However, your high ideals and desired goals could make you so intent on something, you get downright pushy with siblings and daily contacts. Not good! Remember what your original objective is. (You want to be happy!) Don't attack others for letting you down. Whatever happens, they can't help it. Not everyone is as resourceful and energetic as you are.
You might have a dispute with someone about money or possessions. In one way, this makes sense because these are areas that matter to you. You're never casual about your money and your stuff. (And why should you be?) This week, you'll put your shoulder behind the wheel to help friends and work with groups. Meanwhile, you have to be tough with yourself about what you can save and keep, and what you have to let go of. You're the collector of the zodiac, so this is often painful. But the more you own, the more you have to maintain, clean, protect, oil, water, dust and feed. It's all a pile of rust waiting to happen. (Oh yeah.) Remember: you never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
This is a pretty intense week. Mars is at the top of your chart making you ambitious. Fortunately, this weekend, it makes a lovely aspect to steady Saturn, which helps you to be effective, efficient and enormously productive. You'll work hard for money; and you'll work hard for glory. And you'll get them both! However, your determination in these matters could make you impatient with partners and close friends. Do not ride roughshod over anyone; and don't let anyone do this to you! Power struggles inevitably create hollow victories. Therefore, while you work this week (and you're working hard) be patient with others. Think of it as your personal challenge.
You're putting out a lot of effort now related to publishing, educational matters, traveling, and dealing with foreign countries or people from other cultures. Not only are you working hard, you don't want interference from others. You want to be free to do thing your own way. That might be why you're having trouble with others, especially governments and large institutions. You resent obstacles in your path now; and you'll resent anyone standing in your way. Think of your big objective: actually, you just want to be happy. That's what this is all about. Therefore, calm down. Mellow out. Be kind to yourself and your stomach.
This is a popular month for you. You're out there with your colours flying! You feel idealistic, sympathetic and caring for others. You're schmoozing with people and trying to be helpful. When it comes to dealing with shared property, debt and anything you own with someone else -- you're hot! You're ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in. (Expect to get a lot done.) Unfortunately, nasty words with friends and groups reveal some kind of power struggle going on. (Don't they realize you're royalty?) Just back off a little. If your efforts are not appreciated or understood -- let it go. Your life is too important to get your belly in a rash over something that will be forgotten a year from now.
Some areas of your life are working beautifully this week -- some are not. You can definitely get a lot done working in conjunction with partners, close friends, clients and members of the general public. This is for sure. However, when it comes to dealing with parents, bosses, VIPs, teachers and any authority figure in life -- watch out! Here's where difficulties arise. These people are pushy with you in terms of their expectations and their own opinions. And possibly, you feel the same way. Try to avoid these power struggles. You won't win, anyway. You've got to know how to pick your fights. You gotta know when to hold and when to fold. It's that simple.
You can catch up on a lot of work this week. (You've been waiting for this, and now the time is here.) Roll up your sleeves; get down to it. However, one dark cloud on your horizon is somehow related to ego tussles about publishing matters, education, politics, religion and travel. This is where things can get nasty. Arguments and debates about politics or religion could destroy your serenity and peace of mind. Not good. You need harmony in your environment and in your daily life to function well. When you're at odds with someone, you fall apart. You're too distracted. Therefore, avoid these silly arguments. Don't proselytize or convince others about anything. Let them go wherever they want in a hand basket.
You've had some difficulties recently, and you might have them again this week. They're related to a difference in values between you and others. This means you believe you're right; and others believe they're right (i.e. you're wrong.) Possibly, this dissension is about shared property or the shared responsibility for someone or something. You feel your efforts are misunderstood and unappreciated. Bummer. Keep in mind when you bite back, you don't mess around! Others are intimidated! (I know Scorpios who think they're pussy cats.) Ha! You can accomplish a lot in the arts (in fact, all creative projects) and things related to children, sports, the entertainment world, and the hospitality industry. This area looks great.
You're really hustling around the old homestead. Time to clear the North 40. Renovations, redecorating projects, and residential moves keep you busy. Possibly, your preoccupation with family and domestic activities, creates tension, or makes you sidetracked in some way so that personal difficulties with partners arise. This is likely. You will react if someone tells you what to do or how to improve things. You feel you have enough on your plate. You also feel you've gone more than halfway with certain issues now. You've been very sympathetic. Your best bet is to avoid arguments with partners and close friends. Keep working. Keep your head down and your powder dry.
It is highly likely you'll have some difficulties with coworkers or someone related to your job. Ironically, it might even be something related to owning a small pet. Others think you're coming on too strong. And of course, you're a perfectionist with an agenda. (This is a deadly combination.) It makes you highly accomplished and successful in whatever you set out to do, but it also makes you tough to deal with at times. Decide right now to avoid arguments at work. Postpone dicey discussions until next week. Apply your energy to study, writing, sales, marketing and other work-related communications. Here you shine! Plus it's easy to do a lot of routine work right now. (Slog, slog.)
You can achieve gargantuan results at work now. You're gung ho to get things done. You're like a bulldozer! Choose routine, dull work that you were avoiding. You'll cut through it like a hot knife in butter. No problemo! However, romantic difficulties could arise now. Don't try to improve your main squeeze. This is not the time for constructive criticism. Similarly, you're a bit sensitive about criticism from others. Difficulties with children (working with them or caring for them) might also arise. The only solution to this is to practice patience. Demonstrate grace under pressure. Be a role model for others. And be glad you're getting so much done at work.
You will accomplish more than any other sign this week. Fiery Mars is in your sign; and Mars rules aggression, assertion and your muscles. This week, it makes a nice aspect to hard working, steady Saturn. This allows you to work with perseverance, endurance and focused concentration to whatever task you set for yourself. You're like Pac Man! Chomp chomp chomp. (Remember him?) Your determined efforts might be the reason you're impatient with parents and bosses right now. Because that's where you have difficulties: bosses, VIPs, teachers, parents and authority figures. (Gulp) Avoid these clashes. Just focus on your work or watch movies.