Some lovely aspects occur this week, but there's heavy-duty stuff as well. (Gulp) Let's all sing: You have to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive, e-lim-in-ate the negative, latch on to the affirmative and don't mess with Mr. In-between. (If Clint Eastwood can sing this, so can you.) We all have to guard against compulsive overreactions -- especially power tripping and the desire for revenge. Something to consider: if you think only of yourself, then your mind is small, so naturally your problems are big. If you think of others, you widen your mind, and shrink your problems. Voila! Capice? (Of course, if you widen your body, you'll have to let out another pleat in your shower curtain.)
You are ruled by Mars; and Mars rules all things military. Therefore, you are a warrior. Admit it, you like to spar, to parry, to thrust -- to win! Ah, sweet victory! If provoked, you can't resist reacting. (And you're competitive!) This edgy energy is fabulous for accomplishing things; but it makes compromise and diplomacy difficult. This week, heated debates with others about political, religious or personal ideologies are hard to resist. (You take the bait every time.) Quit arguing! You'll need these people the next time you need a jumpstart. Instead, guard against criminal activity or theft. Avoid dark alleys and that kind of thing. Keep your eyes open for real danger.
You're never casual about money. Actually, you're not casual about anything; although, you're basically easy-going. You might have very strong feelings now about money, financial issues, your possessions, or about something you want to buy. This could put you at odds with a group or a friend. Nevertheless, you're a bit like a dog with a bone! Consider for a moment: since you value your money, your assets and your possessions -- is an obsessive, compulsive state a wise frame of mind to make important decisions? I think not. Guard against knee-jerk reactions and impulses. Take a moment to give everything a sober, second thought.
Gads! Venus in your sign opposes Pluto. Mars at the top of your chart squares Pluto. The Sun in your sign squares Uranus. What gives? You refuse to be dictated to. You're going to rebel if necessary. You have the rebel flag, and you're going to hang it from the bell tower. Damn the torpedoes - full speed ahead! Let's start at the beginning. What's your objective? Is pushy going to win the day? Don't get your belly in a rash about this. With the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your sign, you are already empowered! You're holding three aces. You just want to be happy. Right? It's your turn for romance, vacations, creativity and all that good stuff. Why sacrifice your peace of mind to win an argument? Phffffft!
In the last analysis, you're a feeler. You get vibes about things and people. Right now, something to do with politics, religion, publishing, travel and foreign countries, and possibly the government really bugs you. You're not a happy camper. You don't have to understand where these feelings are coming from because they're deep and they might even be subconscious. But you do have to decide who is Captain of your boat. Are you steering your course, or just responding to a bad feeling, which let's face it, could be that dicey snack you had last night? (You know how your stomach gets when you're upset.) I think you should just chill out.
You might get caught in some kind of love triangle this week. (Actually, it could be a rhomboid. They're out this time of year.) Friends, lovers, shared property, who owns who, who owns what, boundaries, territory and threatened insecurities - omigawd - it's the stuff of daytime soaps! (At least it's something to do.) Rise above all this. You're royalty. This is all too petty to be believable. It's beneath you. You like to think the best of your friends; and you're very generous with what you own. If others are disagreeable -- avoid them! Don't get in a brawl over anything. It's not worth it. Plus, you hate to look foolish. Take the high road, and make a reservation someplace where you can feel entertained and well fed. "Fresh horses! And whiskey for my men!"
This is a very bad week to tangle with your boss, your parent, or the police. For that matter, things are dicey with partners and close friends as well. What is this? If things are difficult with everyone - is it you? Is it your deodorant? Is it something you said? These are the cold, hard facts. Potential conflict surrounds you! Therefore, don't get on your high horse to try to prove anything. Bad timing. Success is knowing when to hold and when to fold. You wouldn't play poker with someone named Fats. (This you know.) Therefore, don't tangle with others when conflict is bristling to take place. Use every trick in the book you know to remain calm, detached and sane. (You'll love yourself if you do.)
Conflict about publishing, education, travel, dealing with foreign countries, and possibly medicine or the law could create tension at work. You need this like a fish needs a bicycle. You want harmony in your life. You want matching towels not scowling faces and accusations. Don't create a situation so aggressive you don't know how to get out of it. In other words, remember Pandora's rule: never open a box you didn't close. It's too easy to fall into political or religious arguments this week. Don't ruin your relations with others over these passing issues. Just be loving and patient. Forgive your enemies. (But remember their names.)
This is truly a time of testing for you. By nature, you're the most compulsive of all the 12 signs. This week the entire world feels obsessive/compulsive. Where does that put you, my friend? Snap! Snap? Hello? I'm clicking my fingers in front of your face, but your eyes are glazing over. Issues about taking care of children, or sharing the responsibility for someone or something have you stoked right now. You might also be jealous about something. Yikes! (Jealousy is all the fun you think they're having. But they're actually not!) Walk away from anything that looks potentially violent or nasty. Keep your name out of the paper.
You might feel very hot under the collar about something. There are so many big changes taking place at home - repairs, renovations, and changes to your family dynamic -- that you might lose perspective here. Something seems to be so important, you'll demand your way and be in conflict with others - even loved ones, partners and family members! This sucks big time. It's not your style. You hate negativity. Why even go there? Don't try to convince others to agree with you. Sit up. Be a person. Live and let live. That's who you are -- you believe people should be decent to each other. And their pets. (Don't betray your own ideals.)
Your reputation matters a lot to you. You care what people think about you. That's why status is important. (You can spot a Louis Vuitton at ten paces.) Naturally, you'll get riled up about what's important to you at work. Your professional reputation matters -- big time! Your wisest course now is to back off a little. (I know, I know, you don't want to do this.) Pushing your agenda. If you do, you'll regret it. Avoid conflicts, especially with siblings and relatives. Guard against theft and crime. Drive carefully. Speak softly. Forget the big stick. A smile is the same in any language. Well, maybe not Java - certainly not Perl. (Eek!)
Passionate issues related to children, romantic liaisons, professional sports, possibly even vacations, show business and the arts -- these are all hot areas for you right now. You have a lot riding on something. Is this why you feel pushy about money concerns or possessions? Or do you think your values are threatened? Something is definitely pushing your buttons. Why not switch to zippers? Remember how much you value friendship and your good relations with everyone. Everyone! Don't jump to conclusions. If you give people enough rope - maybe they'll make a nice swing for you in your backyard? Expect a miracle!
Your life can be high drama. Ecstasy, euphoria and despair all before your morning coffee. (You're good.) Mars in your sign right now makes you competitive and combative. (Much more than usual!) That's why you're willing to take on the big guys. This is a mistake. And it's a mistake to throw your weight around at home as well. It's okay to want something very much now (and you do.) You might want to buy something for your home. Or you might feel intensely passionate about a relationship. However, whatever it is, don't get in a fight about it. If you win, and your triumph creates dissension in the family -- you actually lose. (Dumb.)