All Signs

As Mercury bumps up against stern Saturn, then says hello to big Daddy Pluto, we're all undergoing different versions of feeling critical about others, critical about ourselves and in general - worried! Oy vay. Kvetch, kvetch. This is immediately followed by a time of self-introspection and a desire to get to the bottom of things to really know The Truth about something. This reminds me of the time (years ago) when I took my six year old son to a museum to see the famous sculpture of Rodin's "The Thinker." As we gazed at this wonderful piece, I bent down and said softly, "See that? He's sitting there and thinking and thinking." In a clear voice for all to hear, my son replied, "I think he's thinking where his clothes are."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Conversations with parents and family members might be stiff, mutually critical, and difficult. Of course, this kind of thing arises in all families. (There isn't a family on the planet that doesn't suffer from negative interaction at some time.) You see flaws in relatives and family members and vice versa. But -- nobody likes criticism. (Horrors!) For some, this could manifest as broken appliances at home. By Mother's Day, you have a strong need to express yourself to anyone who will listen. You want to tell it like it is. You want to clear the air. You want others to understand where you're coming from. Psychology, philosophy and subjects about self-transformation intrigue you. You want clarity and understanding!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

It's a time of emotional upheaval for you. Many of you are plagued by a gnawing worry. It could be about something very practical, or it could be about something you can't put your finger on. It's there -- smoking-- on the back burner of your mind. Initially, you might be critical about daily colleagues and siblings. Things are said that confirm your worst suspicions or fears about yourself. Whatever happens makes you question everything, at a deep and private level. This is the good part. You're suddenly willing to take an honest look in the mirror. You have a good chance now of discovering -- more deeply -- what really make you tick. (Now you'll know what size batteries to buy.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Mercury is your ruler. As it bumps against Saturn and Pluto, you will undergo changes. Money worries, and arguments about money, possessions and values create a strain in relations with friends and groups. In fact, this could trigger a breakup. In turn, you might feel lonely and cut off from others. This sets the stage for some serious thinking on your part. You could meet someone who transforms your beliefs about something. You're talking to lots of people now trying to get to the bottom of things. Be careful. Your search for the truth is a bit obsessive. This kind of thinking latches on to one thing and crowds out other ideas. Ironically, what you arrive at might not be the truth at all!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Difficulties with partners, parents, bosses and authority figures make daily communications very touchy. On top of this, you're a sensitive person. Harsh words make you feel alienated from others. However, all this could morph into serious discussions with people. You want to sort things out so that you know where you're headed. You can't stand not knowing! Be careful here, because your desire to get the facts might make you shape things so that it all fits neatly into some kind of theory. You might filter out some truths you cannot or do not want to see. (Do not trifle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.) Hmmmm.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're doing some heavy thinking about profound stuff right now. You have an unusual desire to get at the truth of something. You won't settle for superficial explanations. You want honesty. You want to know what's really going on. These sound like lofty intentions, but our interactions with others don't really work this way. You can't be brutally honest all the time every day. It's too painful. Courtesy and diplomacy are needed to oil our daily interactions with others. You might encounter a teacher or a philosophy that blows your socks off. But life has to go on in a mundane, ordinary sense. People can only live with so much intensity. Lighten up! What's on Channel 9?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Conversations with friends and groups have been difficult. You might feel worried, cut off from others, and critical about someone (possibly even yourself.) Your challenge is to put things in perspective. You're probably obsessed about something right now, possibly something secretive, sexual and/or dealing with shared property. Fortunately, you have a logical mind. You want to sort things out and arrive at the truth. But life isn't always that simple. Contradictions and inconsistencies have a way of messing up tidy thinking. Beware the illusion of thinking that you really know. Do you? (Do you want to make a phone call?)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Conversations with parents and authority figures have been in the toilet lately. You're critical about others; they're critical about you. It's a Mutual Criticism Society. Whatever happened to admiration? (That was so much more fun!) Mercury rules how you talk and think. It's encounter with Saturn and Pluto brings doubt, criticism (including self-doubt and self criticism) and intense, obsessive probing. Consider this: you can never see your own face. Factoid. You can only see a reflection of your face. And yet, what's closer than your own face! Be careful about jumping to conclusions. (I met a man who had no shoes; then I met a man who had terrible taste in Gucci loafers.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your desire to improve things at work might ruffle some feathers. You could create a rift with coworkers. You might feel surrounded by things that need to be fixed. By nature, you're intense. You see issues in black-and-white terms. This makes you jump to conclusions. While this is very handy if you're a general on a battlefield, in ordinary daily life, this thinking doesn't always cut it. Ask yourself if your decisions and line of thinking will cause you later regret. Sometimes things appear to be a really big deal. And later you realize - pfft! It was peanuts. When you come right down to it Cole's Law is just thinly sliced cabbage.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Who wants to get at the Truth more than you? No one. You've been a truth seeker all your life. But here's the catch. Since you'll continue to be a truth seeker, doesn't that imply that the truth you discover now needs to be constantly modified and amended? Because if you find The Truth right now, what is it that you're going to be seeking later on? You're too wise to embrace the folly that you "know." Your wisdom rests in the knowledge that you don't know. You know that it's important to know that you don't know. You know that once you're convinced you're know -- you don't! Ya know? (Gawd, you're smart.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Part of you worries about what the neighbours will think. Scandal horrifies you. You have a strong sense of what is correct and appropriate. Is this what so offends you now? Criticism of family members (or maybe just with yourself looking in the mirror) cuts you off from someone. As a result, you're pondering big questions. Hot tip: when Pluto is in the picture, it allows one to slice to the bottom of things; yet it makes your thinking quite narrow-minded. Whatever doesn't "fit" is quickly discarded. This leads to obsessive thinking and tainted conclusions just as sure as sex leads to close dancing. (Every time.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your sign represents the best in scientific analysis. You intuit far out ideas that others cannot begin to grasp. So what's with all this negative stuff at work? If you're critical of others, you'll cut yourself off from people. Be careful of fanatical thinking. Your desire to get to the bottom of things, might ironically do the very opposite. Your obsession with something could blind you to facts that don't fit your model. You want a nice, tidy truth. But do you have all the facts? Do you see all sides? You know how electrons work: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays they're particles; and on Tuesdays and Thursdays they're waves. (Who knew?)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You feel critical about the arts, romance, professional sports, or children. Something doesn't sit right. It bothers you so much, it's made you question your values. (No small thing.) You want to know what's going on inside you at a deep level. (Yes, right down to those tiny capillaries.) Sounds good to me. Know thyself and all that. Just remember that Mars is in thy sign. And while this gives thee strong energy, it also makes thee ride roughshod over thy neighbour. (Nay you say? Yay, verily I say unto thee.) Remember: "Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" Yup.