All Signs

This week has moments of idealism; moments of sensible, hard work and application; and moments of criticism and disappointment. (Your basic life scenario.) But it's small stuff really. Let's focus on Jupiter. It's retrograde all this month. (It reached 18° but is now going "backwards" in relation to Earth, all the way back to 8°.) In early June, it swings forward for its last six months run through Libra. We have to make the most of this! Jupiter makes us overdo things (overeat, overspend and drink too much.) But mostly, it encourages us and brings us blessings. It's a good thing! The ancients in astrology referred to Jupiter as "the Great Benefic." Here's a recap of what we can expect from Jupiter in the next six months. (Life short -- eat dessert first.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your ability to relate to partners and close friends hasn't been this good for 12 years! You have a far better understanding of how to get the most out of your closest relationships. This includes relating to the general public or your prime clients. (It most certainly includes spouses, committed partnerships and significant others.) In part, you underwent a huge change since 1994-96. The New You has more maturity relating to others. You have more patience, more tolerance and more generosity. What you put out is what you get back! While Jupiter continues to move directly opposite your sign, you'll continue to enjoy relating to others. This is a fabulous blessing!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

At this point in your life, you have a chance to wonderfully improve your daily work. I knew someone several years ago who went through what you're going through now. This person had a boss from hell! A real neurotic. (I would have walked.) At any rate, when Jupiter entered the part of their chart that affected their job, this horrible boss moved elsewhere (to torture other innocent victims) to be replaced by the most fabulous boss in the world! It was like a miracle come true. I saw how a job could radically change from the pits to the sublime. In varying degrees, this will happen to you. In the months ahead, your job or your duties will change to beautifully improve your day-to-day work!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You are having the most enjoyable Jupiter transit of all 12 signs. (Mom always liked you best.) Jupiter is traveling through the part of your chart that rules love affairs, romance, vacations, the arts, financial speculation, children, professional sports and everything to do with fun stuff! In other words, you'll have a great vacation this year. Romance and love affairs are hyped. Your creative vibes are hot! You understand the value of expressing your creative self; and of savouring life's precious moments. You know life is more than just work, work, work. You appreciate beauty and joy in your daily world. You're more confident and more deserving of good things. (Hmmm - not bad.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a particularly comforting Jupiter transit for you because Jupiter is improving your home life, your real estate scene, and everything to do with your family dynamic this year. These are the areas that are close to your heart! You need to have a warm, cozy nest. So when the very things that you value most are blessed -- how good is that? Obviously, this is a great time to buy or sell real estate. It's a good time to improve where you live by fixing it up or renovating or buying things for your home. Family relations are warm and supportive now. Because Jupiter enlarges and magnifies -- your family might grow through birth or marriage this year. It's all good stuff!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're happier this year because your frame of mind is more positive. Your confidence in your ability to communicate to others, to write, to speak, and to deal with siblings and relatives is growing in a positive way. Many of you are prepared to write book, a speech, or take exciting courses and expand your education. Similarly, you feel more confident as a teacher, trainer or actor. The whole area of communicating, whether professionally or casually on a daily basis, is where you feel the biggest boost this year. Since your daily mindset enormously affects your life - in a word, you're happier! (Now, are you going to come quietly or do I have to use earplugs?)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your sign will earn more money this year. It's gotta happen. Jupiter represents abundance and increase. It's now traveling through your House of Earnings. You do the math. Somehow it augments the money and possessions that come to you. Yes, you'll spend more as well. (That's how you're increasing your possessions.) But 99% of you will earn more. You'll also have opportunities related to your job. Expect the best here this year. Later, in other ways, you can improve your job because your career takes off. But this year, your earnings should definitely increase. (Spare change?)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your life is taking an enormous turn for the better because Jupiter is in your sign! Plus with Saturn crossing the top of your chart, it's a time of harvest and culmination in your life. You've never felt more confident, and more sure about what's working and what isn't working in your world. You see it clearly! What isn't working is history. Get rid of it. What is working is your reward for planting the right seeds in the last seven years. You're also embarking on a new 12 your cycle of growth. You believe in your ability to achieve something. You can really grab life by the tail right now. (Power corrupts but absolute power is kinda neat.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

As you prepare for a major time of harvest (soon to come) Jupiter now promotes your ability to get in touch with your inner self. ("Hi there -- remember me?") You feel nostalgic about things. (Nostalgia is about life in the past lane.) You're increasingly aware of how rewarding it is to benefit those who are less fortunate. Sometimes we have mouse mind; sometimes we have eagle mind. When your emphasis is me, me, me - your rewards are not as enriching as when you benefit loved ones or even strangers. The joy of material rewards is fleeting. But knowing you made a difference in someone's life -- is forever. (At least until next Thursday.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Jupiter is your ruler. Your life definitely changes according to what sign Jupiter is in and where it is in your chart. This year it's helping you to get in touch with your hopes and dreams for the future. To be more specific, it will help you to take these dreams from the abstract into the concrete. No longer will they just be dreams -- they can become your reality! Probably, this will come about through your interaction with friends and groups. There's no question that your popularity rating is strong this year and increasing! Everyone wants to see your face. People love you now! Accept this encouragement from others. Grab the baton and run with it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a rewarding year for you. You always value your reputation and your status in society. You want respect. And you want the trappings of respect. (But of course!) This year Jupiter is traveling across the top of your chart bringing you opportunities to improve your career, your reputation, and your status among your peers. You will travel more or enhance your career through dealing with foreign countries, medicine, publishing, and the law. VIPs, bosses and influential people are ready to help you and endorse you. This is invaluable! One needs a mentor or sponsor in any organization. You make a great impression on others now.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is an exciting year for you in terms of travel to foreign countries, dealing with universities and higher education, enjoying expanding opportunities connected with publishing and the media, and generally expanding or increasing your experience of the world. It's all big stuff. And it feels good. You adore learning and no matter what you do this year -- you will learn more about the world! Travel, publishing and universities definitely benefit you now. Sure you're working hard. But the rewards of your hard labour are starting to become apparent. (Get out of those wet clothes and into a dry martini.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Each of us has two "money" Houses in our charts. One "money" House is all about the money we personally earn or create for ourselves. But the other "money" House is about the wealth that we get from others. This relates to earnings from our partners or people whose wealth can affect us. It is this latter area in which you are now receiving all the goodies! Benefits come to you through others this year. People give you things! Partners earn more. Many of you will inherit or get money back from the government or receive gifts from others. Don't worry about attached strings. (You can snip those off later.) Just smile and say thanks.