All Signs

We survived Mercury retrograde. (Ex-partners, old flames, the lot.) Now Venus and the Sun slip into something more comfortable -- namely Taurus. (Ahhh - crepe de chine!) Taurus is super tactile: soft skin, tempting food, exceptional wine and luscious fabric. Touch is the turn on. This planetary duo encourages us to indulge in creature comforts. Inviting music, tempting flavours, and the feel of someone's breath in our ear - this is the stuff of Venus! Plus (of course) money. Yes, we'll all focus on finances in the next few weeks. Mae West, with Jupiter in Taurus, said: "I've been rich and I've been poor; and rich is better." (Gosh. That's handy to know.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're in the mood to spend money. You want to buy beautiful things. You're so clever and artistic with your hands you might even buy beautiful things to work with to create something even more beautiful! (That's your style.) You love the results: but you love the process just as much. Fortunately, this emphasis on Taurus can boost your earnings as well. (Sounds good.) But at a deeper level, you're wondering about your basic guiding values in life. Are you clued in to where it's really at? You don't want to be waiting at the train station when your ship comes in.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is one of the strongest times of the year for you. That's because the Sun is in your sign and Venus too! You're empowered. The Sun rules your heart (in astrological parlance); therefore, in the next four weeks, you're energized both psychologically and physically. You believe in yourself. In addition to this, Mars is at high noon in your chart making you ambitious in terms of career and your life direction. All this makes you aggressive, assertive, confident and willing to go after what you want. Job changes and residential moves might be part of what compels you now. Whatever it is -- rest assured that you are in the right frame of mind to make big decisions.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It's your nature to be busy and to multitask. You're curious and interested in everything; plus you like variety, and you like to be busy and active. However, even you need a rest now and then. This is now and then. During the next four to six weeks, you're best served by staying on the sidelines, or behind the scenes. Work alone if you can. Get more rest. You need to restore and replenish yourself before the Sun enters your sign on May 20th. That's when you'll charge out into the world brandishing your sword for justice and protesting the rising costs of paperbacks. (Now that your ruler Mercury is no longer retrograde, you're ready to stir the pot and come up with something new.) However, first -- a little nosh.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

For a variety of reasons, your popularity with others increases now and in the next few weeks. Groups, clubs and organizations demand your presence. Interactions with friends become increasingly important. Not only do others want your input; you want feedback from others as well. Talk to people and share your hopes and dreams for the future. Articulating this out loud will help to clarify your goals in your own mind. You're not rash. You give a lot of thought to anything before you make your move. Friends can help you now. One thing is certain: home, family and real estate continue to be blessed. (This gives you a warm feeling in your tummy.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Right now the Sun and Venus are at high noon in your chart. This calls attention to you. (It's like a spotlight.) This is the perfect time to examine your life and see where you're going. What's your role in society? What role do parents play in your life right now and vice versa? You are streamlining so much in your life (in terms of possessions and contacts) and letting go of so many things -- it's important to know what you want in the future. In the next few years, you'll be in a new sandbox. It might even require a new wardrobe. This could be one of the biggest transitions in your life! (Or at least the beginning of it.) Stock up on quality junk food. (Is there such a thing?) Intersperse these binges with fresh fruit to relieve the guilts.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You want to increase your earnings. You have a desire to expand your experience of the world right now. Look for opportunities to travel or increase your education in the next few weeks. They could come along. If they do - grab them. Opportunities related to publishing, medicine and the law might also appear. These are the areas where you have good fortune right now. You're working hard. You want to get organized. Further training is a good idea because a big change a few years down the road is likely. Many of you will be in the new sandbox in 2007-08. What do you have to do now to get there? (Yes, I know you have to get dressed.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A big aspect of success is timing. That's why it's good to know that this is a strong time in your life! With Saturn at the top of your chart, and Jupiter in your sign -- this is a time of harvest and opportunity! You can either make important changes, or you can reach out for something you always wanted to do. Sometimes we can't do this easily. But for you -- this is the time! Right now you have to deal with taxes, debt and shared property. Clear up these loose ends. Privately, your gonads are in overdrive. Sex can be literally transcending. Lucky you! Time to buy new sheets. (Get a high thread count --you deserve the best.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

With the Sun and Venus opposite your sign now, your focus swings to partnerships, close friendships and important clients. The Sun is like a mirror. It reflects different areas of your life or aspects of yourself back to you. In the next four weeks, you can learn a lot about yourself, and your style of relating to others. This is important. When we have successful relationships -- life is easy and we're happy. When our relationships are in the toilet, we're miserable. Sure money is nice. But warm, caring, supportive relationships are priceless. No one ever lay on their deathbed muttering, "I should have spent more time at the office."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Get down in the boiler room and fire up the engines. You're serious about getting organized. (You wince to think of how much time and energy is consumed by your constant preoccupation with what you should be doing.) Oy! All these worries, plans and thoughts are anti-productive and anxiety producing. Enough with the lists and big future plans! It's time for action. Because of where the Sun is right now, this is actually the best time all year to get better organized. While you're doing this, you can also think of ways to improve your health. Yup - we're talking a whole new you. (Drip dry, wrinkle free.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a marvelous time for a vacation for your sign. As the Sun and Venus shifts into Taurus (your fellow Earth sign) you want to party! Love affairs, romance, entertaining diversions, and fun getaways are your top priority now. However, this same energy promotes activity in the entertainment world, show business, all your artistic and creative efforts, plus professional sports and working with children. (Gasp.)Your love life can really blossom now. If you're single, be bold about meeting new people. Check out online dating. (You don't have to leave your phone number in washrooms.) If you want to meet others -- be friendly.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Suddenly your focus is all about home, family, where you live, where you're going to move to, or what you're going to buy. In other words, your domestic world has priority now. This emphasis could be on family, parents and dealing with relatives. Or it could be all about fixing up where you live or finding new digs. You couldn't pick a better time to do this. Venus makes you want to beautify your surroundings. Yes, why not buy that cavalry twill throw with the faux Persian lamb trim? And what about that funky, modern floor lamp that looks like it landed from outer space? You need these things! They're necessities!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're definitely running around with an outboard motor strapped to your butt. You've got places to go, things to do, people to see. It's show time! This is not the month to stay at home. Get out and hustle! Short trips, conversations with siblings, negotiations, buying and selling, increased reading, writing, and studying are just some of the reasons your dance card is full. You can make money from communications right now. Teachers, salespeople, writers and marketing types will do extremely well. You're also full of bright moneymaking ideas. That's because your neuro-peptides are popping! You see a short cut through this interconnected binary universe. Yay!