Last week I mentioned how depending on where your Jupiter is, you can benefit others -- and depending on where the Jupiter is in other people's charts, they can benefit you. (To find out where your Jupiter is see my web site weekend, Jupiter opposes both the Sun and Venus. This means we're goingto over do something. (Oh yeah.) Jupiter is all about excess. ("More gravy?Please finish the rest of this whipped cream.") Deprivation is challenging;but excess is overwhelming. Restraint is not easily cultivated. It's hard tofind a balance in life. Nevertheless, anyone who cooks with too much butteris popular! (And a chef is just a cook who swears in French.)
You have lots of hobbies. Others accuse you of dabbling and not finishing what you begin. What do they know? You have so many things on the go! You're trying this out, and testing that, and you intend to figure out how this works - ya know? One of your hobbies of course, is indulgence. You love to -- briefly -- jump in all the way, over your head, perhaps to invite the challenge of whether or not you can survive. And you always do. You like to test yourself. But be careful. Others might try to follow your example. They might not have your warrior stamina. Or your courage. We are all role models for each other, no?
You're really giving it your all at work. And yet, (here lies the contradiction) you don't really want to work right now! You want to kick back, relax, and enjoy some wine. Perhaps a little smoked salmon, capers and cream cheese? Ah, the good life. Friendship is the bread of life, but munchies are the honey. Give yourself permission to enjoy yourself now. You can't work all the time. Yes, with Mars at the top of your chart, you feel particularly ambitious now. But this is the time for you to seek solitude, ponder profundity and watch reruns. You are replenishing and restoring yourself right now. More brie?
The excessive influence of Jupiter right now makes you extremely popular. You're probably overbooked. But admit it. You like running around with an outboard motor strapped to your ass. Who can multitask better than you? Your busy schedule energizes you. What you do over here stimulates what you do over there. It always works like that with you. Some people need simple, one pointed, dedication to a singular task. You approach life like a conductor leading an orchestra. Let's hear it from the strings! And now the brass! Enjoy schmoozing with everyone. Accept all invitations. Conversations with others will teach you a lot now.
You're trying to be all things to all people this weekend. Of course, this is impossible. However, you're doing a pretty good job of the impossible. People regard you with admiration now. They don't know how you do it. (They can't see the man behind the curtain.) Nevertheless, you are a frail mortal like everyone else. If you feel stretched or spread too thin trying to cover your obligations with career, home and family - give yourself a stern talking to. Look in the mirror. Begin with, "I've told you a million times not to exaggerate." (Something like that.) Make a pledge with yourself to reduce the busyness of your life. This will be your salvation. Give yourself an ultimato: that's the choice of eating your vegetables or going to bed without supper.
You're excessive about excess right now if that makes sense. You've been excited about publishing opportunities. You want to talk to lots of people. You want to teach others -- reach others. You want to make a difference. Some of you will want to do this by traveling and directly interacting with people from distant lands and different cultures. You're on the gravy train! You like this because it feels exciting. And you feel important. You're out there touching others. And you're soaking up what others have to offer. Don't ruin these wonderful influences by going overboard. Strive for a balance between what comes in and what goes out. To teach, you must learn. To learn, you must teach. (And wouldn't it be nice to get paid for this?)
This excessive Jupitarian influence hits you in the pocketbook. It can certainly affect your possessions, your shared property, and even the wealth of your partner. No matter how altruistic you feel right now, don't give away the farm! And don't give up your possessions out of misguided notions of asceticism. You must use what you own or have access to, to help others get in touch with their own resources. Help people help themselves. (Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to surf the web and he won't bother you for weeks.) Something like that.
You're not a person who likes to do things alone. You enjoy company. Even if there's not much talking going on. You like to know they're there. Right now however, you're ready to give the Sun and the Moon to ensure that a partner or close friend will always be there for you. Nothing is too much trouble. You're lavish someone with affection, goods, words and fabulous sex. Your impulse to overdo things right now is based on some kind of need. But are you that needy? I think not. Retrograde Mercury now stirs up lots of old stuff from the past regarding partnerships and ex partners. You're just reacting to this. It's normal.
You are a powerful sign. Great generals, leaders, engineers and garbage collectors (actually, I'm serious because Scorpio rules garbage) are all ruled by Pluto. Once you set your mind to something, you're obsessive! You're relentless. Naturally, this can achieve a lot. But you can also suffer from burnout. And you can miss out on a lot in life because your fixation with something (achievements at work for example) cause you to miss a child's first step, or gentle, affectionate family times based on relaxing with loved ones. It's easy to lose one's perspective in today's goal oriented society. (Of course, I'm not talking about you. I'm referring to other Scorpios.)
Gads! You work hard and you party hard. This is the part where you party hard. Generally, you deserve this perk. But it is a fact that your sign is often inclined to booze it up too much, and overdo excess. Just think about that. Overdoing excess? That's because your ruler is Jupiter! You love to go for the brass ring. You adore a challenge, a dare - the long shot! Enjoy romance, parties, vacations and sports now. But don't abuse your health having a good time. You want to be around next month to do it all again - right? "Do not like; do not dislike. All will then be clear." Those are words of wisdom. You'll notice the lack of excess.
Your focus is definitely on home, family, domestic matters, and real estate deals. Relatives, family stuff, and old business from the past need to be rehashed right now. And your brother-in-law's second cousin is still sleeping on the couch! You are however, enjoying buying beautiful things for home and family. (On sale of course.) You're redecorating the place. But be careful about extravagance and indulgence right now. Normally, you have restraint. Your sign does not like waste; furthermore, your belief in 'no pain, no gain' does give you a hair shirt mentality at times. But this hair shirt stuff can be excessive too! Enuff awreddy!
Are we busy or are we busy? You're hustling! In part, this is because you're trying to do a lot and at the same time, you're trying to communicate so much to everyone. Everyone wants a piece of your time. Letters, e-mail, phone calls, short trips rob time from other tasks and conversations that are important. What was that your grandfather used to say? "No rest for the wicked?" Pshaw! He only said that after his knees gave out. You cannot escape your busy pace. Therefore, don't promise too much to anyone. Sure you want to say yes; but if you say yes to everyone - you'll end up with egg on your face. (If so - A little ketchup helps.)
Perhaps more than most, you have to be cautious at this time. That's because this excessive (actually fun) influence of Jupiter opposing the Sun and Venus hits you in your money chart. (Let's just put it that way.) That means you can definitely go overboard spending money now. You might buy extravagant things, or just blow money on others, and having a good time in general. You do like to up the ante. That's your style. But don't turn the gain up so much that you blow yourself off the planet. Plus, if you're putting all this on plastic - those bills will arrive. Oh yeah.