All together now, to the tune of "I've Been Working on the Railroad" -- Mercury retrograde's upoooon us. This Mercury retrograde is from March 19 until April 12. There are three Mercury retrogrades each year; and although they always cause delays, confusion, and silly little errors -- because Mercury is in a different sign each time, the flavour of each Mercury retrograde is unique. Ah yes! This one is in Aries. Therefore, it tempts us to tell everyone to go to hell. (Aries is fiery and combative, like a firecracker!) We'll need patience to survive minor, daily irritations. This is not a good time to buy ground transportation, computers, printers and such. But it is a good time for a chicken joke: Did you know that a chicken crossing the road was poultry in motion?
Well, my dear. Suddenly, it's all about you, you, you! (Yes, moi, moi, moi!) This Mercury retrograde (until April 12) is in your sign and coincides with your birthday. This means Mercury joins the Sun and Venus as all three sail through Aries. Yay! It ain't gonna to be boring! One thing is practically a guarantee: you will encounter ex partners and close friends you haven't seen for a while. This could be exciting or unpleasant depending on how those relationships ended. Some things just drift off into the sunset; others end with slamming doors and clothes on the front stoop. Some of you might rekindle old flames. (It just takes a little oxygen and breathing space.)
This particular Mercury retrograde is inclined to stir up old feelings from the past. (And you thought those tapes were dead and buried.) But these feelings are practically knee-jerk reactions to certain things. And they're related to fears and insecurities you had when you were younger. These are the worst kind. You feel hesitant and doubtful, and you're not even sure why. Shake them off if you can. Pay them no heed. You're a different person now with newfound strengths and experiences. You don't have to be afraid of the dark. All you have to do is turn on the light. So much of our life is simply habit. And this applies to our fears and insecurities as well. (Once the game is over, the king and pawn go back in the same box.)
Naturally, you'll feel this Mercury retrograde -- Mercury is your ruler! (Over by April 12.) This particular Mercury retrograde brings friends from the past back into your life again. In fact, you might find yourself embroiled or prevailed upon by members of groups and associations who want your input and your presence. They might even want you to assume a position of responsibility. (I always avoid AGMs for fear of nomination.) It's your choice whether you want to become active again with these people or not. You're feeling very social this year. You'll have lots of good times. The arts, romance, work with children, and vacations are all significant. These might tie into your re-connection with people from your past. Ya think?
There's a lot happening in your life right now. (Let's hope the creek don't rise.) Mostly it's good. The Sun, Venus and retrograde Mercury are all at the top of your chart. For starters, this draws attention to you. People notice you. (The spotlight's on you.) This is a good time to reevaluate your life direction in general. Are you headed where you want to go? You might also be dealing with a parent more than usual. Retrograde Mercury will certainly cause some tape loops here: old bosses, authority figures from your past, and memories of times with parents will come back again. You might be asked to give your artistic or creative input about something. Be forthcoming! Cooperate with others. You can deliver the goods (even if you doubt it.)
You have a serious hankering to travel somewhere. Scotland, Paris, Manhattan, Mexico, Cache Creek. You want a fuller life by learning more about other ways of living. This desire to learn might even prompt you to go back to school or register for a course. News from afar (people you haven't heard from for a while) and invitations to visit distant places are also possible now. It's all coming together. Aren't you glad you bought that new luggage? Be patient with partners. Mars opposite your sign makes you feisty and argumentative. Be aware of this. Don't be boorish. It's so tacky - and you hate tacky.
Your ruler Mercury is retrograde until April 12, bringing little inefficiencies into your life. You put down a piece of paper, and then you can't find it. Ditto for books, keys and the Astroglide. (This is getting serious.) It's annoying. But they're small glitches -- nothing big-time. We're talking hangnail hindrances. The good news is you can make great headway with inheritances, wills, debt, taxes and anything to do with shared property. You can get a lot done! You have to deal with old business connected with your partner's property and jointly held material. Fortunately, you're gung ho to get organized.
For the next few weeks, the Sun, Venus and retrograde Mercury are opposite your sign. This brings ex partners and old friends into your life. More than that, it brings back old issues. These issues could arise from an external cause, or they could arise from your feelings about something. The best way to use this planetary phenomenon is to learn more about how you relate to others. You enjoy company; therefore, successful partnerships and close friendships matter to you. Perhaps it's time to "put away childish things"? All relationships end in the three Ds: divorce, desertion, death. Nothing lasts forever. Therefore, appreciate what you have while you have it.
There's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is that this Mercury retrograde (until April 12) hits your employment sphere. Delays, confused communications, staff shortages, computer crashes, broken equipment, and lost items will plague you at work. The good news is this Mercury retrograde is in Aries, and Aries is close to your sign in terms of style and energy. Despite these minor difficulties, you have the oomph to get things done! You're in work mode. Plus, others will help you. You can even earn more money now as well. (But remember: what the large print giveth, the small print shall taketh away.)
Old flames are back on the horizon. If you don't meet these people in person, you might hear from them on the Internet, or by phone, or bump into them in an elevator when you're feeling tired and grungy and they're standing there with a gorgeous new partner. (Don't ya love it?) Ah, the vicissitudes of life! In a more positive vein (the other arm) you might have an opportunity to return to a place you vacationed before. Old fun spots are available once again. It's also on excellent month to deal with unfinished business related to children (including their care and the responsibilities for them.) Old love could even blossom once again!
Stock the fridge. Your relatives are coming. All kinds of past family business related to domestic situations, real estate and your family are back in your lap again. Family reunions and get-togethers are likely. It's time to sit around and talk about the bad old days. Unsolved problems can now be resolved. Delayed real estate deals can be wrapped up. (Don't initiate new ones until after April 12th.) Buy something beautiful for where you live -- something you've had your eye on for some time. Just remember we can choose our friends but we're stuck with our relatives. (Smiling and beer helps.)
This Mercury retrograde (until April 12) really hits you where it can do the most damage: that part of your chart that rules daily communications and transportation! Yikes. Pay your phone bill. (This is the classic time to be cut off.) Make sure your cell is charged. Guard against breakdowns with cars and trucks. Allow extra time for short trips. When shopping -- keep your receipts. This is a poor time to buy Mercury related items: cars, trucks, bicycles, computers, printers, faxes, telephones and Pogo sticks. Expect to see siblings. Good time to finish up old paperwork -- writing, studying and reading.
The Sun, Venus and retrograde Mercury make you focus on financial matters now. In fact, at a deeper level you're actually wondering what really matters? You want to make sure you're on the right track. You want to put your money on the right horse. Old financial issues are back in your lap again. You might even run into people you worked with before. Job offers from places you've been employed before could arise again. You're spending money now buying beautiful things for yourself and for loved ones. (This is a poor time to buy computers and ground transportation. Wait until after April 12.) Old money deals can now be settled -- and to your favour. Yes!