All Signs

Some mild challenges face us in the week ahead. Planets squaring Jupiter trigger a little excess. The Full Moon on Tuesday is in a Fixed sign which makes people a bit rigid and inflexible. As planets move through Capricorn they oppose stern Saturn in Cancer. This triggers feelings of criticism both from others and from oneself. Saturn is tough love. "Here's a present. I bought you a hair shirt." Saturn does not suffer fools gladly nor wimps. (Pain is character building and all that.) And perfection is a constant reminder. (Oy vay.) Fortunately, there's a bizarre quality to Saturn as well. I think it's because you cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're walking a fine line this week between going outrageously overboard, and in the next moment, feeling foolish, self-conscious and self-critical. Don't let others do this to you. You're a brash, courageous sign, and it's your nature to stick your neck out or jump in first without looking. (Just murmur "Lemon Sherburt" and you will be protected.) You do things spontaneously, and any kind of negative thinking can squelch your enthusiasm for life. It's important to protect your mindset. You are the pioneer of the zodiac! You can't wait around for guarantees. Experiments always involve failure. Big deal. Don't listen to your critics.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You feel increasing tension dealing with parents and bosses in your life. (Problems always tend to increase in intensity and difficulty as the Full Moon approaches, and then they diminish after the Full Moon peaks.) Therefore, this is not the time to push your agenda with your boss or a parent. Wait until later. Travel plans and matters related to publishing, higher education, the law and medicine might look discouraging. But this is just the appearance of things right now. This will change. You might decide you cannot do something. (No money, no funny.) Resist this negative thinking. After all, this is the year that your job and your health will improve so wonderfully! I kid thee not.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You suffer from a slight crisis in confidence about your ideas or beliefs about something (perhaps religion or politics). You feel shot down by someone. This is tough to bear. There's what I call the paralysis of the negative. Society has equated criticism (literary and other kinds of "criticism") with intelligence. This can make you afraid to open your mouth! Or express a thought or put forth an idea. And that's the pits! All great ideas and discoveries have to go through fumbling stages. There has to be room for people to make mistakes and explore. You might make financial errors right now. Perhaps you're broke or bouncing cheques like ping pong balls. (Horrors.) These things happen. Life goes on.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Each Full Moon is different. But when the Full Moon occurs in a Fixed Sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) it's all a bit more intense and everything seems to be more written in stone and all that. On Tuesday, the Full Moon is in Leo (opposing an Aquarius Sun.) This translates into tension with partners and close friends. You might feel that others are being foolish or making mistakes in their lives. And you can't resist telling them so! But you know that in your heart of hearts - no one wants to hear criticism. Why not take the high road? Maya Angelou observed: "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Oh yeah.....

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week the Full Moon is in your sign. And Mercury opposes Saturn. And your car won't start, your cable's cut off, your bills aren't paid, and that line on your face won't wash off because it's a new wrinkle! Been there. Got the T-shirt. Actually, the truth is that if you're reading this column - you are among the fortunate few on planet Earth. For starters - you're literate! And living in a great country. (I know where this column goes.) And you're about to embark on a whole new journey in life in the next year. So what's to complain? People around you need your positive take on life. You're a Royal. Grab your crown and walk over to the sunny side of the street. Now.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Things at work become more and more demanding in the next few days. You feel stressed about your job. But then - who doesn't? Later in the week, after the Full Moon peaks, most of these problems will diminish in importance. Everything is relative. You might be worried about responsibilities with children as well - or a love affair that's suddenly in the toilet. Fear not. The future is much like the present, only longer. And when it comes to true love, the course of anything is never smooth! This year, you'll feel an increase in that which you most value. Look at your goals. See what you have to do to achieve them. Your life will definitely be enriched in a way that is meaningful to you. (Probably cash.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You love to have a good time. You enjoy a pleasant ambiance, harmonious company, stimulating conversation - and of course - great clothes! These are the very areas that are challenged for you this week. Vacations might be cancelled or curtailed in some way. (Lousy room service?) Relations with children are problematic. Life with parents is difficult. Repairs at home are demanding. Where did all the fun go? It's still there. It was just sent out for alterations. It will return! Just get through this Full Moon, and the moments of critical feelings that abound between you and others. Judge not lest ye be removed from the invitation list.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Relations with parents and family members are strained this week. Yes - pushed through a very tiny sieve. This is not the week to ask for anything from your elders or any authority figure in your life. Bide your time. And relations with siblings and relatives are kinda the pits as well. Car problems and static with retailers about shopping or returning items is also a drag. However, these problems are minor. Hardly worth making a scene about. (Save that for something worthwhile.) You can make your life easier by refusing to criticize others - even if they're completely out to lunch. Avoid "schlimmbesserung": an improvement that actually makes things worse.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You vitally need to maintain a positive headspace. I really mean this. Optimism and activity are survival issues for you. If you don't believe there's something better around the next corner, it's curtains for you. Therefore, the stress (albeit mild) of this week's Full Moon coupled with the negativity of planets bouncing off Saturn could really get you down. Don't even go there. No negative e vibes, man! (Remember Donald Sutherland in Murphy's War?) Your money anxieties are temporary no matter how they look right now. Ditto for transportation glitches. Life is just a play for which you never had a chance to rehearse! (And who did your make up?)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Money, money, money. Where is it? This week's Full Moon brings some financial stress into the picture. There's a now or never quality to something. Maybe you have to let go of something that is not working and you refuse to acknowledge this? (I hate it when that happens.) The moment of truth and all that. Plus partners are so critical of everything! It's all very demoralizing. Yet, you have to admit you thrive under pressure. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. (I'm sure a Capricorn coined that one.) In truth you are protected this year because moneybags Jupiter is at the top; of your chart. Relax. Throw some more bills on the fire.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This Full Moon opposes your sign bringing tension to your closest partnerships. Guaranteed. You're not too happy with someone and vice versa. But lo! Fear not. I bring you good tidings. (Sort of.) This is actually a time of wonderful opportunity. You can show others largesse, sympathy, understanding, tolerance and forgiveness. Ya think? Everything you need to work with is right at hand! And later, when things mellow out, others will remember your generous spirit. How you didn't scream when they stepped on your hands as you wiped up all that spilled milk. You da best! (You can't buy press like this.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're very psychic. That's why you get these vague feelings out of the ether. This week, lots of ether-like feelings get under your skin. Many of them are related to work and possibly even your health. And the criticisms of friends are hurtful. (Have they no couth?) Don't quit your day job. At least wait a week. Don't let others get you down. (What do they know of life? Especially yours.) (And look at their shoes!) In a few weeks, the Sun will be in your sign giving you tons of foxy energy. Until then, there's always re-runs of Ginger and Fred. (And to think that she did everything he did, backwards and in high heels!)