All Signs

[Last week, one Mercury retrograde date was wrong. (Me bad.) The correct dates are July 22 - Aug.16. (Not July 2.)] In 2004, (after a brief peek the year before) explosive Uranus entered Pisces, the sign that rules the ocean. Uranus rules explosions, volcanoes and earthquakes. At the end of 2004, the tsunami struck. Coincidence? Uranus stays in Pisces until 2011. But when a planet enters a sign -- and again when it leaves it, there's a heightened expression of its makeup. Ironically, Uranus in Pisces combined with Neptune in Aquarius (each in the sign of the other) also triggers global feelings of compassion and reform. Harsh times offer us opportunities to be compassionate and helpful. The world works in strange ways. Two wrongs don't make a right; but three rights make a left. Oy vay.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're moving into a month where you're much more popular! Your involvement with friends, groups and organizations will intensify. Friendships will be more important. Perhaps a friend in particular, will need your counsel or practical help. (You're a loyal, caring friend.) Personally, you're starting to think about your long-term goals and dreams for the future. This is timely. By late this year and all of next year, you'll be asking yourself what your true path in life is all about. It's not easy for you to settle down to one thing. You love to experiment and explore. Grab any travel opportunities that come your way. Publishing and the media look sweet as well. It's a vuja de week. (That's the feeling that this has never happened to you before.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're a Fixed Sign, along with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. You want cranberry with the turkey, and predictable rituals that one respects. This week, the Sun moves into Aquarius. This is a significant change! It means the Sun is right at the top of your chart for the next month. Bosses will no doubt notice you and thrust extra responsibilities upon you. Don't shy away from this. Inexplicably, you'll be able to perform even if you doubt it. (And you doubt it.) Celebrate your moment of recognition with a marvelous dinner and good wine. Travel is also appealing as well. (Your sign loves cruises.) Sexy Mars in your Eighth House cranks up your libido. What will you choose for dessert?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You want to blow town. You need something different, something adventurous and totally invigorating! You want to learn something new and at the same time, be enthralled with what you encounter. Let's face it -- you need a change. This same astrological influence hugely boosts publishing, the media and higher education for your sign. It also brings travel opportunities your way. But essentially, it makes you reach out for something more. Plato said, "Knowledge is the function of being." (Or was that Mr. Rogers?) Ever since 2001, your life has taken an exciting new direction. It's still happening. And it won't be over until the fat lady sings. (Around 2007.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're sensitive and moody, but everybody goes along with this because you can cook. (Food is basic.) Your relationships with close partners and friends are chummy and warm now. You might have conflict with coworkers, but at least you're putting out and getting a lot done. Your home and real estate scene are going to be the best ever this year. (Yes!) Practically everyone sitting at your kitchen table is happy. Nevertheless, you can't ignore those boring, red tape details about insurance, inheritances, estates, shared property and the joint ownership of things. Will this never go away? Apparently not. You'll have to finish it. And you can. (If the string has one end then it has another.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Once a year, the Sun opposes your sign for four weeks. (This is it babes.) This is always interesting. More than any other sign, you're self-aware. You're aware of the impression you create on others. You're aware of your posture, your movement, your speech, and what you're wearing. (That's why you act or teach.) With the Sun now opposite your sign, your relationships with a partner or friend are super magnified! You feel more involved. You might even have the feeling that someone is uncooperative. (What? No fawning?) Whatever happens, you can now learn more about your style of relating to others, and who you are. (A self-addressed envelope might also help.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're not the lush earth of Taurus, nor are you the bone metal of Capricorn - you're the intelligent, practical aspect of Earth. You like to be productive. You find joy in giving excellent service. The next few weeks will be rewarding because your desire to get organized and be productive is strong. Your home will most likely be your prime target. Since you're earning more money now, you might even drop a few sheckles on something that helps you get organized, or something that improves things at home. In fact, you're doing it all this month! Romance, parties, dealing with change at home, plus working hard at your job -- yikes! Can you handle all this? Of course you can.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

There's kind of a curious connection happening for your sign right now: you have the opportunity to write, sell, teach, act and lobby on behalf of needy children or possibly the arts. In turn, perhaps as a direct result of this, your own enthusiasm and participation in what you believe makes you feel unusually optimistic and confident. Success in one area makes you feel the potential for success everywhere else. Is it really this easy? Yes it is. It's the old story about the overnight success that took 27 years. The key to your success is your state of mind. Your ability to be tolerant, broad-minded, enthusiastic and generous attracts this good fortune to you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

There's a lot happening. You're spending money on home and loved ones, and possibly real estate. Some goes to luxury but some of it goes to help benefit others in some way. As a result of this generosity (it appears) you end up making more money! Go figure. This simply illustrates that what goes around comes around. The details of the energy that you give out are the kinds of details of the energy that you receive. Nothing happens without a cause. (Just because.) You're very persuasive and charming this month. Restore order to your home scene. Talk to parents. Vacuum those dust bunnies before you break an ankle.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your sense of communicating to others is heightened now. You have something to say to neighbours, siblings, colleagues and relatives. This heightened communication might also come about from increased reading, writing and study. Short trips to explore ideas or meet others are also likely. Your sympathy and encouragement to others attracts people to you. In fact, you'll soon be involved with a group or a friend in a positive way. You might travel somewhere together. You definitely can swing this because not only do you have moneymaking ideas, you have the bread to score some treats for yourself and others. How sweet it is!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You are wise. You think beyond today. Your ability to conserve, to avoid waste, to plan ahead supports your future security. (Exactly what you had in mind.) This month you'll do this by juggling money, initiating new moneymaking ideas, beginning new jobs, and working behind the scenes for a needy cause. Your efforts to benefit others will rebound back to you (in a week) in the form of career opportunities. It's such a clear-cut connection it's obvious. (Although it is always hard to see connections in one's own life, as opposed to observing them in the lives of others.) Ever notice that?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

On Wednesday, the Sun enters Aquarius. Recently, you've been doing what you do best -- networking! You've been working with friends and groups for worthy causes. In doing so, you've been able to alleviate the suffering of others. This humanitarian impulse on your part brings you opportunities to travel, publish or expand your world through medicine and the law. It's axiomatic. Whenever you reach out to the world, naturally the world reaches out to you! You know this. To you the planet is a global village. Nevertheless, it's reassuring to see it confirmed, isn't it? Your own positive actions coming back to you -- hmmm -- kinda cool.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

It's time for you to work behind the scenes now. It's also time for you to respect your need for increased rest and relaxation, perhaps even meditation, yoga or quiet walks somewhere. Everybody get ready -- it's contemplation time! Of course, with Mars at the top of your chart making you so ambitious now, you feel if you snooze, you lose. And you're probably right. Therefore, do what you can working alone. Stay under the radar. Your energy will direct benefit to needy causes; and this in turn, directly benefits your reputation and your good name in your circle. Many of you will get a raise, praise, kudos or lovely goodies in your profession life. (Sounds good to me.)