All Signs

To learn more about 2005, please read my annual forecasts. If they are not published in this newspaper, you can buy them on my web site: (All the money raised goes to a school for Tibetan refugee children in Nepal.) This week is full of obsession and compulsion. Zowie! It's powerful, penetrating and intelligent. Pluto lines up with Mercury and Venus to create intellectual, emotional passion in all relationships. Hmmm, think: nude rap sessions and Vulcan mind melds. (Which are very nice with shortbread and Tom and Jerrys. "More rum please?") Pluto also brings reform and improvement. Basically, it's an intense, sexy week. (Remember: celibacy is not hereditary.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're very passionate about life. Your sign is the archetype of the hero or heroine. To perform your brave deeds in the world, you have to believe in yourself. This requires that you hold true and steadfast to certain principles. This is both very good and dangerous. It's good to hold true to your convictions; yet, how do you now you are not blinded by dogma? This is where it gets tricky. Fortunately, you're not stubborn. Be aware of the seduction of believing so staunchly in something, that you cannot see the forest for the trees. You want to embrace something passionately now. You want to convince others to agree with you. Be careful.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Like Aries, you're also passionate. But your passion is different: it's sensual, in a very physical way. You're certainly into touch and taste. And if it's good -- ownership comes into the picture. ("I own the whole North 40 right back up to that ridge.") Yes, Aries fought to win the West but Taurus bought it. This week is all about passion, sex, romance, and love affairs; plus shared property, debt, taxes and figuring out just who owns what. This is pretty heady stuff. But it's right down your alley. You're going to learn how to use both these areas to your benefit and your advantage. Sex and money. The stuff of movies.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Discussions with others are definitely memorable this week. Super major topics and meaningful exchanges are unavoidable. You want to convince others of your point of view. Meanwhile, they're trying to do the same thing to you. Yikes! It's a battle of the minds. Actually, if it really is a battle of wits, you'll win. Who is faster, brighter, and smarter than you? Only another Gemini. Lighten up about trying to improve someone. And don't let anybody else try to do this to you. It's an ego trip. The result is a power struggle. Perhaps whatever you wish for someone else, is something you really wish for yourself? Think about it. (Once again, the Queen of Denial looks nervously in the mirror.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You might not know this but you are more mechanical and more practical and more frugal than other signs. You also have a lot of street smarts. I mention this because it's easy for you to assume that others are dropping the ball, when in fact, they don't even see it. Lighten up at work. Don't be judgmental about others. Even if you think what they do is stupid or extremely ignorant, it's just that you immediately see how to do it right. Not everyone has this inmate, natural practicality. You think it's commonsense. But surely you know that commonsense is not so common. Oh no! Recently, they auctioned off some commonsense at Sotheby's and it went for an uncommon amount.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

All this passionate intensity that I mention in All Signs above explodes in your love life, and everything to do with your creative world this week. Your physical passions are running high. (Do you want them any other way? I think not.) Encounters with lovers will be the stuff of diaries. (Who has time to write?) Parties, vacations, fun times and social occasions are intense and ardent. Be careful you don't get too excessive in matters related to children. It fact, you might be too excessive about practically anything! (Pluto triggers compulsive behavior.) You're tempted to demand what you want in social, entertaining matters. This can get petty. Especially over the choice of movie rentals. Duh?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You might obsess about something related to home and family this week. Perhaps you want to buy something for your home or a family member, and you know exactly what you want. You won't accept any substitutes! You ordered the deluxe model and that's what you expect to get. Alternatively, you might really want your way during a discussion with a family member. Compromise is out of the question. Actually, the best way to use this energy is to try to repair something or fix anything that is broken. You have a lot of energy now to make improvements at home and reorganize things so that everything works better. In particular, this might involve children's toys, bedrooms or playrooms.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This week you're practically obsessed about something. You've got this idea stuck in your mind, and you can't shake it loose. You're determined to let others know what you think. Furthermore, you want to persuade them to agree with your point of view. Because of this, discussions with siblings, neighbours and relatives might turn into power struggles. Be extra cautious driving, cycling, jogging and walking. A dispute about who has the right-of-way could cause accidents. Look for common ground in discussions with others. Is there a win/win solution? Perhaps you can make your success of success of others? What seems important now won't look that way in a month. Be mellow and patient.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

An intense, penetrating, obsessive energy is present in your job or in some financially related area this week. It's hard to say how it will manifest. It could be good. Your determination to buy something or earn money could bring you a prize you value. On the other hand, (the one in your wallet) you might completely lose your focus and have a serious disagreement with someone about financial matters. It's hard to see eye to eye with others right now. You have an intense black-and-white point of view. Perhaps somebody else has a completely different take on things. There's the rub! Consensus is difficult to achieve this week. You had better agree to disagree. Nicely. (Put that down.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Don't mess with the kid. That's how you feel this week. It's not nasty; it's just firm, clear, and not open to interpretation. (Oh yeah.) You're super gung ho about something. You can't understand why everybody else doesn't agree with you. It's so obvious! Surely a good idea can just sell itself? But there are none so blind as those who are playing videogames. The way to use this intense energy you feel is to make improvements to your body, your appearance, and even your style of relating to those who are closest to you. Quit trying to sell your ideas to others. Quit trying to improve others. Turn this energy inwards to yourself. Get back on that treadmill, and do some huffing and puffing.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might be involved in some pretty incredible secrets this week. Behind the scenes activities, and matters related to security and hush-hush operations could be your focus right now. Perhaps you're dealing with the government or large institutions like hospitals and prisons. You might also feel driven in a compulsive way and not even know why. This is your subconscious screaming for some kind of stimulus or escape. Be comforted by the knowledge that this itch manifests in everyone in a different way right now. But it's tough if you can't scratch it. Hang in there. (It's always darkest before it gets pitch black.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are an unusually stubborn sign. (It's hard to say who is more stubborn you or Taurus.) The compulsive element I mention in All Signs above will manifest in your relationships with friends and groups. You might try to insist on getting your own way about something. Or you might encounter somebody else who is doing this to you. You might join forces with others to make improvements and introduce needed reform somewhere in the world. Your revolutionary, reactionary, activist side is totally turned on now. You know what you want. You believe you're right. You're willing to march with placards to make the world a better place. Somebody's gotta do it. (Are you finished with that magic marker?)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Steer clear of power struggles with parents, authority figures and VIPs. It's easy to fall into a bottomless pit this week. Disagreements will be intense. The kind where there's no turning back. (Unless you left your digital camera behind.) Some of you want to get up on your soapbox to proclaim something to the world that is very dear to your heart. You feel you must be heard! Actually, don't get sucked in by this energy. This is not on all or nothing last-minute, fight to the death type of stand. It just feels that way. It's all a matter of perspective. (Sometimes a banana is just a banana.)