All Signs

Some lovely, planetary aspects are at hand. We all feel altruistic and humanitarian. A genuine concern for the suffering of others arises within us. Following this, an openhearted expansiveness triggers positive joy! (These are different planetary aspects.) Then we're infused with a strong attraction for mind-boggling sex! (Whee! Yup - we're talking Venus and Mars, folks.) Then we have strong opinions about absolutely everything that morphs into a know-it-all attitude at best, at worst -- obsession! Quite the range of human emotions. Ah yes. Despite the rising cost of living - we all still endorse it. (Smoochy boochies everyone!)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

I think your sign comes out best this week. When it comes to the part about being altruistic (See All Signs above) you really grab some kind of philosophy or spiritual ideology with an idealistic fervor. Likewise, when you feel warmhearted to everyone around you, you do it in style! And when that sexual magnetism hits your chart, let's just say it's a bull's-eye! You'll have a maaarvelous time. (Buy sexy underwear.) The only downside is a tendency to preach to others on Tuesday. You feel you've been to the mountaintop, and you need to enlighten the little people about what's possible. (Remember: there are none so deaf as those wearing headphones.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're a hot, sexy sign but you don't flaunt it. This week you feel particularly generous to others. You want to use your resources and even line up the resources of others to help someone or do some good somewhere. Some of you will be very effective doing fundraising now. Similarly, you can make equipment, budgetary allowances, and staff increases materialize at work. You really have the Midas touch! But a juicy part applies to partners and close friends. (These friends have to be really close.) Venus and Mars together create a delicious simpatico. Yummy! Venus softens Mars' aggression. The result is sweet union. Even platonic friendships give you a warm feeling in your tummy.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Your relations with others are superb now! The Sun is opposite your sign but it makes lovely aspects to Neptune and Jupiter. This is fabulous for publishing deals, creative work, travel, vacations, and anything related to education. You see that you're going places! (It's all so reassuring.) Not only that, relations at work with coworkers and clients are warm and wonderful. You've got tons of energy to get things done, and despite Mercury retrograde's delays and goofy slipups - you're styling! You can make money now. You can show people how good you are. This is a chance to prove to others what you can do. So, do it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're in the groove, babes! You can really make it happen this week. You don't even have to be aggressive about anything. Just focus on tying up loose details, and getting organized in every area of your life. You can really solidify your real estate scene now -- in fact, you can create wealth here. You also feel idealistic and very fair about shared property at this time. You want to do right thing. Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, you're reviving your memories of first sex. (First sex, then seven, then eight.) Some learning curves are fun! Don't worry if it's been awhile. It's like riding an escalator - you never forget how. (And escalators are easier than bikes.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a joyful time for you. To begin with, you feel very true to your own nature right now. You're a generous sign; you're creative, and you love children. Right now you have the ability to shine in all these areas. You're helpful, inspirational and a beacon of encouragement to others. Not only does this benefit others, it also makes you feel good. It straightens your spine. It makes you cover your bathroom mirror with kisses. There's more! Your relations with family members, and your energy to redecorate and improve things are superb now. Lovely, positive changes take place on the home front. It's enough to make you want to bake cookies. (Chocolate chip with real butter.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Some wonderful things are happening at home, and within your family right now. Good feelings abound! There's a genuine sense of generosity and mutual respect and concern among the clan. This is as it should be. People are helping each other. Either you or other family members are displaying practical help, encouragement, and generosity through gifts of money and other things. This revs your engine! You feel powerful, positive and dynamic. If you have to teach, write, sell, market or wheel and deal -- you're invincible. All this positive action around you makes you unusually assertive and confident. (But you really ought to trim that nasal hair.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You should wear roller skates. You have so many things in the air, and you're going so fast in so many directions, you must have an outboard motor on your butt. (Forget the roller skates -- too scary.) Can you continue to juggle all this in the air? Yes! With Jupiter in your sign now, you are blessed. And because you feel this positive energy around you, in turn, you want to extend it to others. (Just as enthusiasm is contagious, so is generosity.) Where you really get freaky is your cash scene. You're spending money like water. (Be careful, water costs more than oil.) Yet you're earning money as well. (The Little Engine That Could.) Whatever you buy now, you'll love it. (Remember Pink Floyd's "Mon-ney"? Ka-ching.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

There's an extremely strong focus on money, possessions, earnings and shopping right now for your sign. You are increasing your wealth and your assets. But you are also increasing your spiritual assets as well (according to the stars). This is a far greater wealth. I'm not saying this because it's the classic platitude. (Yeah, yeah.) The basis of seeking more is a feeling of not having enough. This feeling of discontentment, of envy, of grasping, of wanting more and more actually arises from your mental state. It has surprisingly little to do with what you actually own. A deeper spiritual awareness of what your true wealth is will truly enrich your life now. (What glitters simply has a high refractive index.) Sex is great too.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a fabulous time for your sign. Stop for a minute and be grateful for your life. Extend the wish that others could know your good fortune. The Sun is in your sign making lovely aspects to Jupiter and Neptune. You enjoy being with others now. You want to be part of something bigger than yourself. Group conferences (social and professional) really turn your crank now. Review your future plans. Talk to bosses and VIPs. You get along with everyone now! You might be involved in charitable activities. You're interested in improving your own spiritual well being as well as that of others. (Dreams are free but there's a small charge for alterations.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a soft, touchy-feely time for you. You're learning a lot about yourself and your world. You've been active with friends and groups; however, privately you've been doing some soul-searching. You're not a lazy sign. You'll put out for what you want. The question is -- what do you want? Sure there's all that stuff about money, fame and success. (But, if you had everything, where would you put it?) You want to make sure that at the end of the day, and at the end of your life, you feel proud about the choices you made. Networking with the government and large institutions can really pay off now. You're willing to help someone who needs it. But you're doing it all quite quietly, behind the scenes. Bravo.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a wonderful time for you because you adore relating to others. (You truly love people.) But you like to have quality time with quality people. And this is what is possible right now. Discussions with others include lofty topics that are philosophical, mystical, technical, scientific, and supernatural. All grist for the mill. Furthermore, you have a very soft ego right now. You're willing to cooperate, to be a shoulder to lean on, or a sympathetic ear to listen. Others are truly grateful to you. Privately, you're ambitious to get a lot done. Travel, publishing, higher education and foreign countries benefit you now. You might fall in love with your boss. Hmmm.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

In some ways, it doesn't get much better than right now, dear Pisces. Others look at you with tremendous admiration. In a bigger sense, the universe is also admiring you (if you will) and thus all kinds of goodies, gifts, favours, complements and advantages come to you now. What gives? It has something to do with the fact that your generosity and your genuine concern for others are very public right now. People know you care. You're more than just a pretty face. In addition to lining your coffers, big advantages connected with publishing, the law and medicine now exist. Make plans to travel somewhere. Education and travel are beautifully blessed!