This is a tricky time for Santa Claus. On Nov. 30th, Mercury goes retrograde until Dec. 20th. Eek! This is not a good time to buy cars, trucks, or any mode of transportation. It's also a lousy time to buy computers, answering machines, telephones, printers and any kind of messaging gadgets. If you're buying these kinds of presents, shop now or wait. Or buy sweaters and sox. (Boring.) A completely different planetary aspect also occurs now (Jupiter trine Neptune). This hugely heightens our idealism and generous inspirations. We all feel kinder, more tolerant, more compassionate, and more in touch with our inner goodness. It's a more direct awareness of who we are. In other words, 'wherever you go, there you are'. Simple. (Your luggage is another story.)
This Mercury retrograde plays havoc with publishing, universities, travel, dealing with foreign countries, medicine and the law. This is where silly delays and confusions will take place. Count on it. However, these same areas generate people and past connections. World travelers who keep you on their trap line are showing up on your doorstep! Now is an excellent time to finish things re: publishing, school papers, and legal matters. If you travel now, your best bet is to go somewhere you've been before. Dealings with others are very sweet and understanding now. Your world is filled with lovely, mutual generosity. You truly enjoy partners and close friends now.
Suddenly, you're back dealing with old business about insurance matters, shared property, debt, who owns what (between you and someone else) and possibly even old sexual hang-ups you thought were long buried. Yikes. (This feels so good it must be fattening, unhealthy or illegal. Am I allowed?) This can promote conflict with a partner or ex partner. Fortunately, everything at work is hunky dory. People are ready to help you and vice versa. Nevertheless, keep your eyes open and defend your own self-interests. Be cautious in business dealings. As the old saying goes, trust everyone but tether your camel. (That's before Bedowins starting wearing ties.)
You're running into ex partners and people from your past. This retrograde Mercury is taking place right opposite your sign! Like hello? (Echo, echo, echo.) Some of you are falling in love, and also falling back into old patterns of relating. We all know that moment. It's painfully familiar. You know you've been here before, and it wasn't a good thing. Except, this time is going to be different, right? This time you know what you're doing. But lo! Idealistic self-deception abounds this week. Be careful. The good news is your creative talents are off the wall now. Be patient. Romance, fun times with children, vacations, theatre and the arts are totally inspirational. (And so they should be.)
Mother said there would be days like -- but years? Your job is frustrating right now. Messages are confused. The mail is late. Shipments are delayed. Tall orders are short. When they do arrive - they're missing things or completely wrong! Old problems with coworkers are back in your lap. You feel hexed! Equipment breakdowns, lost papers, and mind numbing inefficiencies make you want to curl up in a fetal position and turn your electric blanky up to nine. (No thumb sucking.) One saving grace: things at home with family members are quite lovely and supportive. These people understand how sensitive you are. They know it's hard out there without your towel. It's fun to be generous to family members now - and vice versa.
Old flames and ex lovers are back on the scene. This could be wonderful or heartbreaking. Maybe it's both. Maybe all that good stuff is back but so is everything that drove you crazy! (Will they never learn?) Many of you are rehashing matters connected with children. If so, you can make strides. But remember: your top priority is what's best for the kids. (Forget pride, forget vengeance, forget the new know-it-all stepparent.) Get your priorities straight. Past business connected with professional sports, the entertainment world, and the hospitality industry can also be ironed out now. Look your best at all times. (Living well is the best revenge.) Oh yeah. You're a survivor who knows how to accessorize!
Old problems on the home front are back again. Bummer. And you thought you swept that closet clean! Of course, problems never really disappear. They just hide on another hard drive. Waiting. Plotting. Lurking. The minute you get sloppy -- Bam! They're back. And they're bigger, stronger, and wearing drip-dry, wrinkle free suits. Eek! Relatives are camped on your doorstep. Appliances are breaking down. And you want to book that Alaskan cruise. That's because, you've decided to throw money at luxuries so that you'll feel better. (There are worse cures.) If you have good taste -- this is not so bad. (But Visa will find you.)
This Mercury retrograde might hit you hard. Be prepared by fixing anything that looks dicey on your car or truck. Allow extra time for all your traveling (daily or otherwise.) Pay your phone bill. Charge your cell phone battery. (Yeah I told you this last week, but it needs to be charged again, and most of you didn't pay your bill!) The areas that Mercury rules are the ones that will frustrate you the most: transportation and communication. Fortunately, Mother Nature is smiling on you now. Aside from these relatively minor snags (let's face it, basically these problems are peanuts) you feel inspired, idealistic, practically saintly! You'll spread joy and love wherever you go. (Gosh.)
Old money problems are back. Things that you thought were nailed down and finished have suddenly sprung a leak. Old business has to be rehashed again. This time you can resolve things and finish them once and for all. Expect to run into old bosses and past coworkers. You might even hit up some of them for funds or support or something you want to endorse now. You're more interested in religious, spiritual and mystical subjects right now. You might meet a teacher or someone who inspires you. Possibly, you're the guru in this equation. Either way, your sense of humanitarianism and altruism is aroused. This is good. In fact, it's noble.
You are definitely running into ex partners and old friends now. This might not be so bad because you're inclined to be friends with your ex. (Not all of you, of course.) However, because Mercury retrograde is taking place in your sign, all kinds of minor, daily activities become silly, goofy and mixed up. You can't find keys, papers, and books. You can't even remember where you left your car in the underground parking. On the other hand, you might find lost items. (My Gawd! My old freezer!) Groups and friends encourage humanitarian activities and teachings. Join forces with others to help a needy cause. A teacher might inspire you. (This happens now and Zen.)
It's important to focus your mind and believe in yourself right now. That's because hidden, little doubts somewhere in the deep ether of your subconscious now erode your self-confidence. The paralysis of the negative! (Being a perfectionist isn't easy in this imperfect world.) You always want to get it right, especially when others are looking. The good news is that VIPs, bosses, parents and teachers totally approve of you now. Wonderful opportunities come your way to boost your career and make a name for yourself. Your soft, caring, generous side shows now. You're more than just a pretty face. You can use your influence to help others. Forward ho!
Old friends are back on the scene. You like this because you're skilled at networking. (That's because you know the value of group energy and what it can achieve in the world.) Margaret Mead (who had Moon in Aquarius) said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Right now you are majorly inspired by religious teachers, spiritual gurus, philosophical guides and everything connected with travel, publishing, school, and foreign countries. You're looking for a way to contribute; you're looking for a way to do your part. (Actually, most Aquarius part on the side.)
You're probably the most sensitive sign in the zodiac. (Ouch! My feet hurt!) You're capable of great compassion. You are genuinely sensitive to the sufferings of others. (This is why you cannot work directly with extreme suffering, such as burn victims. It's too tough on you.) However, this week you can move mountains. Some of you can fund raise and garner support for needy groups. Without question, you want to use your resources (and the resources of others) in a humanitarian way. Powerful people from your past, as well as bosses, VIPs and parents, might give you an opportunity to do this. They might also be the stimulus or catalyst for you to act! (The double-edged sword cuts both ways.)