All Signs

Many people think they're just one sign. But astrology is not that simple. Your "sign" is just where the Sun is. But your Moon is in a sign, as well as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. That's why all 12 signs apply to each of us. Something else applies to everyone right now: Mercury is retrograde from Nov. 30th to Dec. 20th. During this time, it's a poor time to buy transportation, computers or start new ventures. Act now if you want to do any of these things, or wait until Dec. 20th. Meanwhile, we can all expect delays, car problems, and confused communications; plus many will hear from ex-partners and people from the past. (Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For the next four weeks, you're eager to travel and explore new territory -- physically, emotionally and psychologically. If you can travel anywhere, by all means do so! Go someplace warm where they have exotic drinks with little pink parasols in them. Live it up! If you can't travel, then try to expand your horizons through education and training. It's important to break out of your velvet rut now. Do anything that is different or out of the ordinary. Take a different route to or from work. Visit different restaurants. You need the stimulation of new, uncharted experiences. Yes!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Three planets are now in your House of sex, death and money. This is an intense, secretive place. (Although, people are far more secretive about their money than they are about their sex lives.) Whatever you do now, you'll feel more intensely about it. For example, sex will be mind-blowing. Similarly, you'll be obsessed about possessions and other people's money as well. Especially your partner's. In the bigger picture, you have a strong desire to improve yourself now. You want to be the best you can be. And so you should. After all, you'll never be this young again -- ever.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a good time to join forces with others. Form working units. You can learn more about yourself by observing how you treat people, and how they react to you. That's because the Sun is now opposite your sign acting like a mirror for you. It allows you to see yourself, but only through your dealings with others. Think about how to improve your closest relationships. Remember for your own benefit, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. This is something a lot of people don't understand. They think of getting instead of giving. The irony is that giving is the part that comes back to you. (It's basic bacteriology.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You want to be more organized. You want your CDs to be alphabetized. Ditto for your kitchen spices. Your closet will be colour-coordinated (of course.) And your books arranged by subject matter. You might not succeed in getting this far (does anal have one n or two?) but you can make great strides. Start by excavating the floor in your bedroom closet. (It's there. Remember when you moved in?) Clean, pack, store, get rid of junk, pass on things you don't need, paint, shelve and in general -- reorganize your world! If you make these improvements, you'll love yourself afterwards.( And you have so much stuff!) Do yourself this favour. Absolutum obsoletum.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're turned on by life. (Many of you are turned on by love.) Three planets highlight love affairs, romance, vacations, pleasure, fun and all the arts. You'll enjoy the theatre, movies, sports and any amusing activity. Accept all invitations. If you have a crush on someone, be bold. It's playtime for your sign. Increased activity with children is also likely. Because your creative vibes are hot now, do anything to express them. Sing, draw, write, dance, sculpt, weave or whatever you like to do to express yourself. It doesn't matter how good the result is. It's the process that counts. After all, you're a verb not a noun. A verb in love with life. (Go forth and conjugate.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Suddenly, your focus turns dramatically to home, family, real estate and your private life. You want to make changes here. You also want to make repairs. Actually, you want to improve things, both literally in terms of your physical surroundings, and emotionally in terms of relating to family members. You want to improve your entire home scene! This might include heavy-duty discussions with parents. Perhaps you need to define your boundaries about something. You're going to make more money this year. This might affect your thoughts about where you want to live. Lots of changes are possible. In fact, at some point next year, you're going to be moving on, and starting to let things go.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a busy time for you. Your hair's on fire, because you've got too much to juggle on your plate. Short trips, errands, and tasks plus increased shopping plus buying and selling make demands on your time now. You're also more involved with relatives and siblings. Appointments, important discussions, and some wheeling and dealing in general also keep you on the run. (Gasp.) Many of you are reading and writing more as well. (You can see why your daily pace is getting frantic.) However, Lucky Jupiter is in your sign: you are protected. You'll get through this month. Learn new language skills, because this intrigues you. (This could be handy. A chef is just a cook who swears in French.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You are one sign that is not afraid of doing things in a big way. Right now, you can swing financial deals and cash transactions in a major way. Certainly, that's where your focus is. You might be considering important purchases. If so, take heed of the warning in All Signs above with respect to shopping during Mercury retrograde. You're full of moneymaking ideas! The best way to make money during a Mercury retrograde period is to rejuvenate and resurrect previous contacts and deals. Go back to old sources. Contact people you used to work with. Call up existing clients. At a deeper level, you're wondering what really matters of life. What horse should you put your money on?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It's all about you now, dear Sadge. The Sun, Mercury and Pluto are in your sign. This means it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of year. The Sun will help you replenish, restore and rejuvenate yourself. It's quite all right to be demanding. This is the one time of year when you have to put yourself first. After all, if you don't take care of yourself, you'll be no good helping anyone else. People and opportunities are attracted to you now. Be ready to take advantage of this. Secret love affairs and backroom deals might take place now as well. Behind-the-scenes activity will definitely yield something. The question is - what?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your birthday is approaching, which means your personal year is drawing to an end. That makes this the perfect time to look back over your shoulder to see how well you're doing at the art of living. How are things going in your life? How do you want your new year to be different from last year? One thing is certain: with Jupiter slowly traveling across the top of your chart, your career is fabulously favoured. Group activities and contact with friends (especially artistic types) will also benefit you. Your greatest challenge is your closest partnerships and relationships. As you gain strength, others feel threatened. They want you to go back in the box. But there's no going back -- is there?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It's schmooze city for your sign now. You're out there in all your glory making contact with everyone. Not only will you enjoy this increased popularity, you can benefit from all this socializing. Talk to others about your hopes and dreams for the future. Feedback from others will be helpful. Old friends from your past are in your life again. This encourages you to expand plans for travel, publishing, going back to school, as well as dealing with legal and medical matters. People are impressed with you now. You appear strong, centered and in touch with your deeper self. (Let's all sit in a circle and chant, "Ohm on the Range.")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The Sun is now at high noon in your chart. This is like a spotlight on you. People notice you. Because of this, you'll be singled out for accolades or increased responsibilities. Say yes because you can handle anything now -- it's a cinch. Discussions with bosses and parents are significant. Travel for pleasure pleases you. Many will increase earnings through publishing, training and education. Privately, you're giving thought to your future life path. You want to know what you can do that is fun, meaningful, and earns lots of money. Others can help you decide this right now. Accept what is offered, "or take the blue pill... and wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to."