Two lovely trines from Uranus and Neptune will bring out the best in us, which isn't hiding, it's more likely forgotten or in doubt. We expect things from each other, and from the world; but instinctively, we don't expect too much. One has to know one's place, eh wot? But the huge hoax (it really is) is that we don't get what we wish for -- we get what we expect! Fortunately, it's possible to learn to expect more for yourself. These two trines (mentioned above) can influence our expectations -- hence our lives. Self-creation is so Nietzsche, isn't it? Of course he claimed God is dead. Personally, I'm with Woody Allen: "Not only is God dead but try getting a plumber on weekends!"
For a number of reasons, your idealism is aroused right now. This might happen because you're trying to help a friend. Conversely, a friend might be trying to help you. Alternatively, you might join a group that is helping others. (Whew!) Something definitely triggers this impulse within you. This leads to discovering new resources, gifts, and ways of doing things that you never even dreamed of! Life is really starting to improve. (You gotta admit this.) Sure you have challenges. Who doesn't? But five planets now cooperate to make you more skillful when dealing with partners, close friends and the general public. Everyone loves you!
Your impulse to help others, especially those at work, is quite public now. People see what you're doing, and their admiration for you makes them look at themselves. This means you have a lot of influence right now. Not only are you benefiting someone directly through your own generosity (advice or assistance), you are benefiting countless others in an indirect way by setting an example worth following. This also attracts new people to you. New acquaintances and new partnerships are exciting. But most of all, the esteem and respect you get from others on the job is shooting way up. This hugely benefits your productivity and your effectiveness. (Like wow!)
Fresh, unusual, exciting possibilities exist for you now in areas related to love, romance, professional sports, the theater, the arts, recreational diversions, holidays, vacations, and children. This is all fun stuff. But it's even more fun when new ways to have fun or be creative suddenly fall in your lap. Like how good is that? Trust your bright, clever, way-out ideas right now. Go along with the urge to benefit others, especially children. You might also want to support the arts in some way. You certainly can lend your energy to helping delightful things become more beautiful. Be a patron. Be a lover. Be a teacher. Be a fan. Be a sport.
You're a very fortunate sign because you so easily nurture others, and at the same time, you're so practical and mechanical! You have the basic skills necessary to have a good life in this world. You just seem to know how it's done. Therefore, I ask you - why all this self-doubt? You will see that your willingness to help family members (or improve your living situation) leads to unexpected people coming into your life. You open one door that leads to another that leads to another and that's where the shortbread is! Don't be afraid to share what you have with someone. And don't hesitate to accept what is offered to you. (It's tougher to receive them to give, isn't it?)
Your basic optimism about life in general is picking up. And yet you're still going through quite a difficult transit. Nevertheless, you can't keep a good man down. (Not unless those scarves are real silk.) Your desire to learn new things is very strong right now. This is an excellent time to take a course or enter new studies. Mind bending data makes you sit up and listen. New contacts are fascinating. Humanitarian ideas inspire you, make you want to act in some way. You want to be the neighbour you wish you had. You want to do the right thing. (You like this stuff.) It all boils down to the fact that if each person sweeps in front of her own door, the whole street is clean. Yo!
You're spending money on some luxurious, wonderful things. (You rascal.) A body's got to live, doesn't it? Fresh, new ways of earning money naturally lead to fresh, new ways of spending it! Electronics, computer-technology, science, aviation and radio are new explorations in your life now. These areas help you earn or spend (or both.) While you're doing this, you might have an opportunity to spend money to help others as well. This is really living the good life. When you can benefit others as well as yourself -- you've arrived, toots. All the goodness that you send out there is destined to come back to you. Look! Isn't that something arriving just now?
The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are all in your sign. This triggers circumstances which make you see new ways of helping others. You see what is real and what is phony. Sometimes when we try to help others we're just puffing up our own ego, or trying to create a great impression, or collecting Brownie points. But now you're prepared to help others because they need it. It's that simple. You genuinely care. Hot tip: Save your energy and use it where it counts most. Remember: true generosity is giving what is needed. Don't be a doormat. Don't be a sucker. Put your time and effort into worthy situations. You count! You have something to offer to the world.
This is quite a trippy time for you. You might even have an epiphany about something. It's almost as if hidden forces were at work now. Whether it is due to that impossibly wonderful blush of new romance, or a rewarding feeling of working with children, or the relief of a change of pace so that you can get away from it all -- whatever the cause -- you see how meaningful it is to act for the benefit of others, especially family members. It's suddenly as clear as day! It's strange how the simplest truths seem to be the most elusive. (I always thought profundity would be complex, difficult to understand, and full of big words.)
You can really help a friend now. Or perhaps, you can join forces with a friend (or a group) to help others. Make sure you find a happy balance between self-interest and self-sacrifice. If you go too far one way or the other, it's a bummer trip. Yes you have to help others, but if you don't take your of yourself first, you won't be able to help anyone! It's logical. Be good to yourself so that you feel confident, energetic, positive and motivated to do something for others. New friends and new contacts might tell you or show you something that galvanizes you into action. (Did you know that meaningless statistics are up 2.54%?)
Your ambition is aroused; of this there is no doubt. At the same time however, you want to use whatever influence you have to benefit others. You might do this at work in several ways. You might convince management that productivity actually goes up when employees are treated with respect and paid well. (Ya think?) You might intervene on behalf of a coworker. You might suggest a system of tithing where a certain percentage of profits goes to a charitable cause. It just takes one voice to speak up. That's because a good idea sells itself. One simple sentence can sometimes end up making a huge difference for needy children or less fortunate people. Politics is finding the art of a possible.
You're definitely a humanitarian sign. That's because you see the big picture, globally speaking. You have always believed in the utilitarian approach: the greatest good for the greatest number. Now you have an opportunity to help others through publishing, education, travel or working directly with people from other cultures. You might choose to get training that is helpful to others. Whatever the case, your idealism is aroused. More than that, you want your ideas to translate into activity or direct action. People should listen to you. You're born 50 years ahead of your time. And the lead dog is the one with the clearest view.
More than most signs, you're capable of self-sacrifice. However, do not be overwhelmed by the suffering, corruption, and desperate circumstances you encounter. The ironic truth is that the worse things get, the more opportunities you have to contribute loving kindness or demonstrate compassion. That's because you can only be effective where there is a need. However, you shouldn't be on the front lines. You're so sensitive you soak up suffering like a sponge. Best to work behind the scenes, perhaps in administration. This is important. Documentation is like sex: when it's good, it's very, very good -- and when it's bad, it's better than nothing.