Was it only a few weeks ago that we were all at each others' throats? (Time flies when you're unconscious.) Now a totally different influence is present. Suddenly, everyone is sweetness and light. Hello? We'll all be looking for ways to help or be considerate to each other. (Yes, there will be drug checks.) Wazzup? All these planets in Libra, one by one, slowly make a gentle trine to Neptune. (Jupiter makes its trine at the end of Nov.) This sparks idealism, sympathy, empathy -- even self-sacrifice. Mind you, Neptune is tricky. It can also suck it right outta ya. Remember: being a doormat is no fun. (Even if you went to Stiletto High.) The key to this influence is to treat yourself well, too. "Is everybody happy?" (Did you want those grapes peeled?)
You're a very good friend. You're brutally honest. You're courageous. You'll fight the good fight. You'll arrive at a moment's notice, and you're good with your hands. What more could anyone ask? Small wonder then that you are willing to help and support your friends now. Actually, this support could broaden to include organizations, charitable associations and the like. You might even bang the drums to arouse support for a particular cause or someone who is less fortunate than you. If so, these people are lucky to have you on their side! (And they're wise to keep you as a friend.)
You have always had the capacity for hard work. (You just sometimes choose not to exercise that capacity.) In the next week however, you're prepared to work hard because the goal seems to be worthwhile. Your inner idealism is triggered now. You might want help co-workers. You might even want to help your boss. You will direct the efforts of others (as well as your own) in creative, artistic and humanitarian ways. You see that pulling together, working together, helping each other isn't just corny. It's a mutually beneficial, intelligent situation. Why don't things like this catch on more often? (It's certainly an easier way to live.)
The same influence that makes everyone sympathetic and kind, is the same influence that triggers celestial music in the heavens, and releases your creative urges. It is the muse calling you! "Gemini, Gemini, pick up your lyre." Can you hear it? Writers will write, musicians will play, and some will re-tar the roof. (Wait a minute. How did they get in here?) Caution to gamblers. This influence can make you think you're luckier than you are. Ditto for financial speculation. Romance is dreamy, otherworldly, and burning up lots of candles. Time spent with children is fun because you have no trouble being a kid again yourself. Enjoy!
Childhood is that fumbling stage between infancy and adultery. Fortunately, as a nurturer, you can appreciate this. (Lenny Bruce said, "When you're eight years old, nothing is any of your business.") Lots of activity is taking place at home now. And there's some tension going on as well. This could be due to renovations, moves, or just plain old grumpy stuff. Sometimes you're moody.(Moi?) Admit it. In the week ahead however, you'll have opportunities to directly benefit someone. You might give others food, money and clothing; or you might give them refuge, comfort and assistance. Possibly, you will receive this instead. (It's nice to be generous; and it's nice to allow others to be generous.)
Neptune gives you mental flights of fancy now. It's so easy to drift off into your own fantasy world, dreaming of possibilities and what ifs. Anything from lap pools, to cashmere coats, to a home in the country. You can dream, can't you? Actually, you can use this same energy to be creative and to think out of the box. New solutions to old problems are possible. Conversations with siblings, neighbours and daily contacts are warm and mutually sympathetic. It's easy to forgive slights and shortcomings in others. You see that JFK was right: "Always forgive your enemies (but never forget their names.)" It's good to fantasize. After all, you're only as big as your dreams.
When things get soft and dreamy, relationships are sweeter and romance is quixotic. Finances however, are another matter. Make sure that you're being realistic with your money. You might want to buy something impossibly extravagant; you might even want to foolishly give your money away. It's important to remember that money is energy. It gets things done. It can buy a great bottle of wine or save a baby's life. Or both. Use your possessions and your wealth to benefit yourself and others. Since what you put out always comes back to you, helping others is just a good investment in your future.
This is a wonderfully romantic, creative, dreamy, softly luxurious time for you. You can't help but appreciate who you are and what you have. Your surroundings seem pleasant now. Time spent with children is rewarding. It's very easy to fall in love, or to forgive lovers. This same dreamy impulse inspires your creative activity as well. All the arts appeal to you. When you hear about the enormous suffering everywhere in the world, you're grateful to be you. Although it's not necessarily your thing, you want to get more exercise now. Great! Buff that bod. Whatever you can do to help children now is very important. We all need the kindness of others at the beginning of our lives -- and again at the end.
I sometimes tease you about being caught between the obsessive extremes of Marquis de Sade and Mother Teresa. Well, it's time for your Mother Teresa role. Because you are so powerful, you can make things happen in the world. When you decide to benefit others -- things get done. "Build that bridge! Move that mountain!" That's what can happen in the next week. Whatever you do, you will likely do either alone by yourself or behind the scenes. You will also probably work through the government, or large organizations like prisons, hospitals and such. Even your style of speech when talking to others can introduce a cultural environment of kindness and sympathy. You have the ability to bring out the best in people. (Or vice versa.)
It's hard to say which way this influence will manifest with you. Quite possibly, you will help a friend or a friend will help you. However, the same influence can be multiplied many times over. You might lend your efforts to organizations that helps thousands or millions. Conversely, an organization might help you. There is a lovely give-and-take between what you do and say in the world, and how this affects others. Some of you are in marketing, PR, publishing and teaching. You have the opportunity to shape the thoughts of people. This is nothing to be taken lightly. In fact, you should carry it around in a heavy, old, oak bucket.
You make an unusually strong and very distinct impression on others now. In fact, some people don't know how to take you. Are you for real? Are you serious about what you propose? You might perform spectacular acts of altruism, self-denial or humanitarian activity at this time. Some might even question your motivation. (Give this little thought.) For whatever reason, life now presents you with an opportunity to either influence those in power to benefit others, or directly do this yourself. Naturally, this is great PR. But that's not why you're doing it. You genuinely want to make a difference. Whether it's giving up your seat on the bus, or raising world consciousness about poverty and suffering -- you're there.
Your sign always wants to make the world a better place. You were born 50 years ahead of your time. You see what is possible (both bad and good.) You have a natural skill in networking and organizing like-minded individuals in grassroots organizations. (Your sign invented unions, Amnesty International and Greenpeace.) This week you feel strongly about something political, religious, or philosophical. It could relate to foreign countries, publishing, the media, higher education, medicine or the law. You want to introduce reform. You want to block the efforts of "the most pernicious race of odious little vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the face of this Earth." (According to Swift -- that's us.)
You're naturally sympathetic, empathetic, and (let's face it) a soft touch. Your sensitivity is a wonderful quality. It makes you extremely creative, as well as warm, loving and caring to others. In the week ahead, you'll have an opportunity to directly benefit someone. Stay tuned for this! This doesn't mean you have to be a martyr. (Martyrdom is so yesterday.) But you can offer support through money, possessions, resources, or using your skill to fundraise and inspire others to do likewise. People are innately good. They just need to be reminded of this. You're one of the people who can do this. It's the ultimate wakeup call. It's the reality cheque that goes on giving.