All Signs

At the risk of repeating myself (I risk, I risk) let's recap Mercury retrograde. Someone sent me a note saying she was waiting until after Mercury retrograde to begin a new job and renegotiate her divorce settlement. Mercury rules everyday activities, communications, and ground transportation. When it's retrograde, everything it rules is stalled. There are far more delays in transportation and communications, silly errors, and forgetful moments. People and circumstances from our past reappear again. Howevah! If you want to "go backwards" i.e. do research, finish old business, or study the past -- this goes quite easily! (But even these activities are subject to confusion and delays.) Therefore, I told this woman to begin her new job after Mercury retrograde was over (Sept 2nd), but finish her divorce stuff ASAP. That's old business. (Ya know? I think the leading cause for divorce is marriage.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

More than one celestial influence is at play now urging you to get better organized in every aspect of your life. You know all those projects that you have on the go? Try to tidy them up. You don't have to finish them. (Heaven forbid.) Just put things in neat little piles and boxes. Stash them away for a rainy day. You'll be particularly productive with any kind of cleaning, painting, sorting, reallocating, and turfing stuff you don't need or use anymore. Reduce the clutter in your life! This will improve your health and your mental well-being. Excavate the floor of your bedroom closet. (You'll love yourself for whatever you manage to get done.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Lots of past stuff connected with old love affairs, vacations, show business, the entertainment world, and professional sports is coming up now. This is a good time to finish negotiations in these areas, especially plans about children and children's activities. It's also a very good time to review details about parties and social events. Without question, many of you are dealing with ex-lovers and old flames now. Some of you will rekindle seductive possibilities; others will stamp out sparks to prevent getting fired up again. (There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but one of the easiest is not to start things up once more after they've shuffled off to Buffalo.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

There is so much happening at home and in your domestic scene now, it's laughable (unless you're weeping.) There's chaos, confusion and mucho activity due to residential moves, reorganization, visiting relatives, family reunions, redecorating, renovating and being involved in family businesses. There's definitely tension and conflict here. (George Burns was right. Happiness is having a loving, warm, caring family in another city.) But you are one sign that is unusually loyal to your family. They sort of "complete" you. Therefore, be as patient and supportive to loved ones as you can. You want these people in your life! Family is important to you. (Yes, it's cruel when you bring home a new magazine and someone else grabs it first.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It's nuts right now. Your car needs to be fixed. You're missing buses. You're having trouble with phones. Cheques in the mail are late. Innocent activities are fouled up. Appointments are canceled. Events are delayed. Siblings are in your face. And you're giving people the finger in traffic. Time to mellow out! Accept the fact that your daily pace is frantic, and more accelerated than usual. These things happen. All this confusion and all these stupid errors are really not a big deal in the bigger scheme of things. Ten years from now -- will you even remember? (And if you loan someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It all seems to be about money now. (Money is so handy when you want to buy things.) You've been blowing quite a bit of cash lately. Now you're robbing Peter to pay Paul. (Nothing to do with the Peter Principal.) It's a juggling act. And you're not sure how thin you can spread yourself. (Nothing to do with calories.) The problem is you've racked up lots of debt on your plastic. (Nothing to do with how much money you have.) Even though you're still spending, you're starting to see the consequences of your actions. You'll get through this. Retrograde Mercury might bring old bills your way, but it also attracts old opportunities to make money. And Lucky Jupiter is still boosting your financial scene. Yahoo!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are all in your sign. This is certainly not an everyday event. It draws a lot of attention to you, whether you want it or not. Fortunately, it also draws opportunities and helpful people to you as well. Naturally, retrograde Mercury attracts ex partners and old business to your doorstep. Surprising situations catch you off guard. What to do? You can only cope as best you can. You're human; you're not an action hero. Consider yourself lucky that Jupiter and the Sun are supportive. Actually, Mars also gives you the energy and verve to deal with whatever's on your plate. Put yourself first now! It's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Go after what you want!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

There's a bit of a mixed message coming to you from the celestial heavens right now. On one hand, you easily impress and attract VIPs, bosses and favourable circumstances. You're involved in artistic matters related to design, layout, and redecorating (no matter what you do for a living.) You might even be flirting with your boss. (Saucy you.) It's all hunky dory. But on the other hand, (the one closing your curtains) you want more privacy, peace and quiet, and blessed solitude. After all, you can't be all things to all people. Even if you are the only one who can distinguish between seven hues of navy blue. Get your rest. Hunker down somewhere and take time for yourself. You need this.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

One by one, four planets have slowly moved into position to promote your popularity and your interaction with others. First Jupiter made the scene last year. This definitely stepped up your involvement with groups, conventions, conferences, clubs and organizations. Several weeks ago, Mars entered the picture, making you even more assertive with everyone (possibly even contentious). This was soon followed by retrograde Mercury bringing old friends into the picture. (Guess who's coming to dinner?) And now the Sun wants you to run the scene! Tally ho! You can do this. People think you're hot stuff now. Enter laughing.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

People love your sunny disposition. You'll smile and look upbeat even if you've got a harpoon sticking in you. (It takes practice.) Right now, people really notice you. Encounters with bosses, parents, VIPs and authority figures you haven't seen for awhile are surprising and interesting. You're out there with your colours flying! Things you've been working on for some time have come to fruition in a rather public way. This is the time to ask others to help you. Because they will! Ask and ye shall receive, and if ye don't receive - make sure those slouches don't make the cut to next year's Halloween party. You command a lot of respect now. The world salutes you!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your desire to travel, to learn more about the world, to broaden your experiences of life, and to meet unusual, intriguing people continues to grow. These feelings have been percolating for a long time. You've been nursing thoughts about foreign countries, publishing, and going back to school, or changing your field to something related to travel, medicine and the law. Now your focus on these areas becomes sharply defined. Partnerships that ended have only galvanized you into action. In a nutshell, you're trying to figure out what you're going to do with the time that is left to you. (Something we all have to determine.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It's been unusual how supportive the universe has been to you. Increased credit, reduced debt, inheritances, gifts, and opportunities to receive support have been your good fortune. Now you want to tie up loose details in these areas. Finalize negotiations about these matters. Define your responsibilities. Establish your boundaries about the joint ownership of things. Personally, your passion is ignited. Ex lovers look tempting. Don't kid yourself however. You've got to remember why these people are ex in your life. Whenever we forget these things, they're the first to come around and bite us from behind.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your life is all about partnerships, loved ones, clients and the public right now. That's because the Sun, Jupiter, Mars and retrograde Mercury are all directly opposite you. ("Can you see me now?") You're dealing with people from your past, as well as significant others in your face. Even if you feel tension and conflict, there's a lot you can learn. Watch your reactions to others. Observe your behavior and how it is influenced by your habits and belief systems versus the actual stimulus from others. That's why one event produces different reactions in different people. (Does your shampoo last longer than your relationships?)