Even though retrograde Mercury now causes delays, confused communications and transportation problems, many good things are ripening. (What ripens in our lives depends on the seeds we planted in the past.) As Jupiter squares Pluto (this is rarer than the Blue Moon we had last week) we see the accomplishments of our efforts right before our eyes! Pluto always wants reform and change for the better for everyone, not just for our individual selves. Jupiter wants to include "more" and often involves the law. Although Jupiter represents wealth and abundance, it can also be too much of a good thing. For example, eagerness is one thing, but grasping is quite another. (Sometimes the early bird just gets the coffee left over from last night.)
While there's no question that you can make great improvements to your job this summer, it's important to appreciate timing, patience and respect for others. Your eagerness to jump in and get the job done is both a strength and a weakness. Your bold, decisive, results-oriented approach is admirable. It takes pioneering courage to discover things, and leap into the unknown. But you can also be rash, unthinking, outspoken and pugnacious. This is anti-productive. You simply rouse opposition to you when you do this. Be careful right now. There will be frustrations at work: systems crashes, delays and stupid mistakes. Forget blame. (Big deal.) Just fix things.
Parents are strongly focused on children now. Many of you are enthralled with love affairs, flirtations and romance. Others are enjoying vacations, pleasure seeking activities, show business and the entertainment world. All these areas encounter delays and a quality of something from the past repeating itself again. (Old business back in your lap once more.) But now there's something else -- something excessive perhaps -- you really want something! Since you love your creature comforts, you might throw caution to the wind and go for the gusto. This might be just fine, or it might be inappropriate. If others try to block you now, this could be a message that you're going too far, too fast.
There's no question that you can make improvements domestically, within your family and to your real estate scene right now. You're dealing with old family business, and family members you haven't seen for a while. (You are one sign that is always very loyal to family.) Because of this, you might feel you have to save the day, or rescue someone. Your partner might not agree. Be careful that your efforts to help others do not become meddlesome. This is a fine line. If you are too insistent on convincing others what's good for them -- they will rebel. Sometimes people want to go to hell in their own hand basket. Especially if they think it's a Gucci.
You feel the effects of this Mercury retrograde in all forms of communication: telephones are cut off or don't work, faxes are lost, e-mails disappear into the ether, and cheques in the mail are late. (Bills are always on time.) Similar frustrations occur with daily transportation, cars, trucks, and buses. Agreements and negotiations with siblings and relatives might also come under fire. You have practical ideas about how to improve things. But others don't agree. If this is the case, don't push your agenda on to them. You might see ways to improve, rebuild or repair something, but if they don't want to - then just let it go. (You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it float.)
Your relationship with money is always very tricky. You can often pull off the impossible. Nobody else knows how you do it. You can be lavish, extravagant and generous. And you always seem to be able to keep this all afloat. Right now, you have big ideas about how to make more money, and possibly spend it as well. It could involve financial speculation or taking a gamble of some sort. It might also involve spending money for pleasure or helping out one of your kids. If you can do it -- do it. But if little warning bells are going off in your head - heed this message! Clear up old business first before you move on to new stuff. Try to stay in the back.
You're entertaining ideas about how to improve your appearance, your health, your relationships and your world in general. These might be ambitious ideas, but you can probably pull them off because Mars and Jupiter are in your sign. You have the energy, drive and good fortune to steer your life where you want it to go. However, you must be completely scrupulous and aboveboard! Any Jupiter/Pluto combination never lets you get away with dicey stuff. Even if your aim is to improve things, others might be threatened or disapproving. If so, you can't ignore them. Perhaps you have to re-examine them. You might be looking at things through the wrong end of the telescope.
You might encounter a teacher or friend who is a guru for you. Or you might perform this role for somebody else. Philosophy, metaphysics and spiritual matters intrigue you now. (Of course, as Woody Allen noted, how can one discover the meaning of life if you can't even find your way around Chinatown?) Be careful not to get carried away with something. Don't blindly endorse something; and don't make others follow you either. Religion and being religious are not necessarily the same thing. The essence of all religions is compassion and loving kindness. If you use religion to make harsh judgments about others, you're missing the boat. (And you don't want to be waiting at the train station when your ship comes in.)
You might be all fired up about something right now. You want to organize others, get everybody on side, and accomplish a lot because you have vision! You see a better way of doing something. You see how to reorganize things so that everything will work better. Since you're very good at this, you're probably right. Nevertheless, if others resist being organized -- what can you do? You can't bonk them over the head for their own good. Not unless you're in a Monty Python sketch. People have to be part of the process of improving things in order for them to buy in to whatever you're selling. It can't be imposed upon them. Be patient. A good idea will sell itself, eventually.
Your ambition is aroused, and you intend to achieve great things! Your ideas are big, bold and fantastic. However, others might not agree. Furthermore, they might actually try to stop you. Either they're too timid, or they're threatened by what they think are brash dreams. You can't ignore this position simply by clinging to your own agenda. It won't work. Besides, there could be some truth in their criticism. Perhaps if you re-think things, you can more easily get the endorsement of others. Isn't what you really want is to become the best possible person that you can be? Try to make your success the success of others.
You might be on a mission right now. You're gung ho about certain ideas about principles, philosophies or spiritual approaches to life. You've got the answer! Probably, your aim is to improve things for yourself and everyone else. Before you stand up for what you believe is right, you had better make sure that you are right. And if you're right, why would others disagree with you? (There's something to ponder.) If you're going to enlighten others, you've got to be enlightened yourself first. And to get enlightened, you've got to take a lot of enlightenment pills. Do you have a fresh supply?
It's very easy to kid yourself about something right now. (And you know how convincing you can be!) You have great ideas about how to use the resources or wealth of others to make improvements to something. You see how to build a better mousetrap. You're so convinced you're right, you're willing to override the objections of others. But is this wise? A good idea always involves the greatest good for the greatest number. If it just involves good for a few - it's not the greatest idea. That's because everything and everyone in life are interdependent. We're all in this Big Soup together. More basel?
This is not a good time for legal entanglements, shady deals or doing business with questionable people. Partnerships and dealing with the public are strong for you now. If you're trying to do something, and you're ignoring this shady element -- you won't get away with it. It won't succeed. If you want to reorganize a neighborhood, a development, a business, or even a partnership -- you have to have the consensus of the group. You can't just bulldoze your ideas over everyone else. If you want to rebuild, repair or restore something -- show people how this will benefit them. Make them an offer they can't refuse.