It's a rocky road for the next six weeks. Although Mercury is technically retrograde from Aug. 9 to Sept. 2 - we already feel its effects through increasing silly goofs with daily tasks and communications. Ditto for transportation delays (flat tires, empty gas tanks, etc.) But what really zaps this situation to the max is that Mercury also opposes unpredictable Uranus on Aug. 1, Aug. 18 and Sept. 13. Holy Tesla Coil! The next six weeks are packed with surprises, both exasperating and exhilarating. And while you can't plan for a surprise, you can cultivate a mindset that is more accommodating and more patient and more flexible. (It's your only hope.) And if you shoot yourself in the foot, make sure your foot isn't in your mouth.
This volatile time with Mercury hits your employment and job scene big time. For starters, communications will be fouled up. Cheques will be late in the mail. And conversations with coworkers will be like two ships passing in the night. (Duh?) You'll also feel increasingly independent and rebellious. Systems will crash. Projects will be interrupted and delayed. And you'll vacillate between wanting to quit your job one moment, and then in the next moment worrying about your job security. (Life is such a cruel hoax.) The upside is you might discover unusual, alternative methods to improve your health. You might also find new and unusual work. Muster all the patience you can to face your job right now. Your mantra is: I owe, I owe, off to work I go.
Old flames are in your life once again. This could be confusing, promising, fun and sexy, or horrifying depending on which one of the fifty ways you left your lover. ("...make a new plan Stan, no need to be coy Roy.") In fact, the unpredictable element is so great now - more than one old flame might show up! (Do you have a past?) If so, good luck! (Puleeze don't solve this dilemma with "rock/ paper/ scissors.") Vacations are bizarre. Do take note: Parents must be extremely vigilant with children because this fickle influence can promote accidents with your kids. The good news is that your creativity is hot! Brilliant ideas occur to you. Artists can be extremely productive. Dio mio!
So waddya think? You clever scribe, at the mercy of retrograde Mercury facing Uranus - what's it going to be? You know it's all just a crapshoot. Anything can happen. But it does look like most of the surprises take place in your family, your home and with your real estate. Expect the unexpected. (Of course, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.) Foscus on family reunions, surprise visits from relatives you didn't know you had, feisty family discussions, and sudden changes to your family dynamic. (Moving in? Moving out? Musical chairs!) You also want to make changes to the place. (Apparently Oscar Wilde's final words were, "Either this wallpaper goes or I do.")
Fasten your seat belts. That bumpy stretch of road has your name on it. You'll feel this Mercury retrograde more than most. Surprise (even explosive) conversations with siblings and relatives are a given. The good news however, is that your mind is running at lightning speed. You'll stun people with your brilliant ideas. When it comes to transportation, expect the worst and allow extra time for everything. Automobile breakdowns, missed buses, canceled trips, and fender benders make you wince. Fortunately, many of you are extremely mechanical, of course -- who wants to use a toolbox to start their car? Not even a mechanic.
O thou big spender. Watch thy purse with care lest there be no gold to jingle when this wondrous phantasmagoria of the heavens hast spent itself. Actually, when things are surprising and unpredictable, they can go both ways. Some of you will suffer bounced cheques, financial reversals and confusion making purchases, while others will be equally surprised with the discovery of hidden cash and unexpected funds. (Yes, children, pray to be the latter!) You will certainly come up with novel and unusual ways of earning money as well as opportunities to buy exotic things and modern art.
While all this activity with Mercury is going on (retrograde action and Uranian oppositions) - Mercury is in your sign, drawing all this energy right to you! You'll definitely run into ex partners and old friends. Surprising developments in your closest relationships will catch you off guard. You'll meet unusual people, and at the same time feel an increasing streak of independence and rebellion when dealing with others. You might feel a bit impatient, as if others are too slow, too dull, too square and just not with it. Like duh? Romantic liaisons with the most unlikely people are suddenly appealing. ("How many years did you say you traveled in a hot air balloon?")
This is a powerful time of culmination when things are coming to a head. It is also a time of harvest when you can enjoy the fruits of your past labours. The seeds you planted are ripening, and where you cut corners, these events too, are now manifesting. This means you're making sweeping decisions and steering your life in one direction or another. For some, it is obvious what is not working. For others, it is equally obvious what is working very successfully. You'll experience surprise revelations and little epiphanies of wondrous clarity and understanding. Dealings with the government and large institutions might also be a source of surprises and sudden changes. All this will turn out for the best.
Some of the most surprising and unexpected events with groups and friends will take place in the next few weeks. Who would have thunk? Bizarre characters will come into your life. You'll also meet people who are exciting, amazing and inspiring. They'll have a different background than yours. Old friends will surprise you, and groups that you deal with on a regular basis will suddenly undergo scandal, changes or exciting developments. Your personal goals might shift enormously. Your dreams are bolder and more daring! And what's this that was slipped under the door? You've been accepted at Hogwarts!
Mercury is at the top of your chart, which means that all the unpredictable changes it triggers in your life right now are obvious to others as well as yourself. People see sweeping changes taking place. Your life direction will shift now. Sudden and surprising developments with a parent, or your boss might also catch you off guard. Be very careful if you feel like telling off someone who has any power over you. (Because you're tempted to do this.) There will be fallout! Be patient in these discussions. The temporary satisfaction you get by flipping someone the bird isn't worth it in the long run. Don't burn your bridges. You may need them to run out of town later.
Land ho! The next few months are exciting. All kinds of unexpected travel opportunities suddenly fall into your lap. Unfortunately, travel cancellations are also possible as well. Sudden changes to expand your education (or drop out of school) also arise. Everything to do with publishing, the media, education, travel, dealing with foreign countries, medicine and the law hold opportunities, breakthroughs, delays and reversals. Who knows what will happen? Be ready to jump in any direction at all times. New philosophies, religions and life belief systems intrigue you. Life is truly an adventure. Every day is ripe with possibilities.
Lately, you hardly know what to expect on a day-to-day basis. A curious mixture of demands from others, and gifts and financial advantages from other sources seem to blow hot and cold in your life. Now you see it - now you don't. What gives? What you can rely on in terms of help and support from others is very unstable right now. This could be great, and it could be not so great. Old business with inheritances, estates, wills, insurance matters, debt and the assets of others (including defining shared possessions and responsibilities) are rolling around on your plate. But some of you will come out of this smelling like gold bullion.
It's deja vu time for relationships and partnerships. (Have we danced this dance before?) You might feel like you're caught in a time warp where a stuck record keeps playing. Ex partners surprise you now. On top of this, while you've been enjoying good relations with those who are closest to you, you're also experiencing a strong degree of rebellious independence. After all, there's only so much a body can take. Enuff awreddy! Nevertheless, think twice before you abandon a comfy slipper for a sexy strappy sandal. Your boredom with something predictable and secure could make a little bon bon on the side look appealing. (But how life sustaining is candy?) Sweet diversions are exciting, but in the end we still have to do the dishes every morning. Partnerships definitely require attention now. Don't give up something meaningful just because you want to run away and join the circus.