Last week I mentioned that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were retrograde for the next few months. Someone asked me what retrograde meant. To begin with, it's from Latin, meaning to step backwards. (Not to be confused with the Greek meaning, "We won!") Naturally, all the planets go forward all the time. Even Mercury. Think of a jet flying past a slower moving airplane, especially against the backdrop of Earth. Momentarily, the slower plane seems to be going backwards. ("Look! They're waving!") Similarly, retrograde planets appear to move backwards when viewed against the backdrop of fixed stars. (And as we all know, fixed stars are stars that will not have starlets.)
It's blowing hot and cold for you. In areas related to children, the arts, vacations, show business and the entertainment world -- and especially love and romance -- things are softly, sweet and encouraging. However, while you bask in the glory of all this pleasant fun, a friend or a member of a group might say something that makes you anxious, confused or full of doubt. Perhaps this person is jealous of your happiness? Perhaps they just don't get it. Perhaps you're just afraid of trusting your own good fortune? After all, success is ever so much scarier than failure, because failure is at least familiar. Ya know? (And then there's all that waiting for the other shoe...)
Family and domestic discussions are intense and fervent. You're determined to address the chaotic change happening at home by trying to get in control. Fortunately, your finances allow you to do this. That's why your wealth and assets to determine your plan of action. Just when you think you have a grasp on this situation however, a parent or authority figure (a bank manager?) says something to cloud the issue. Perhaps this person throws a kabash on your plans! Who needs this? You're trying to sort out changes in your environment. You need the support of others, not someone kvetching about your ideas.
Your ruling planet Mercury now lines up with fiery Mars (which gives enormous gusto to everything you say and do) and it also makes a sweet sextile to fair Venus. Ta la, tra la! This enhances relations with siblings, relatives and daily contacts. Everything is diplomatic, friendly and even profitable. And you sound oh so witty! But lo! What 'tis this I see before me? Actually, I can't see it because there's steam on the bathroom mirror. Everything is vague, hazy. Here's the skinny: while everything is going just peachy keen, your Mercury opposes fuzzy Neptune and this allows you to perceive things you would normally filter out. Eek! Ghosts, self-doubts and fears. Rats! Doubt can be so paralyzing.
Things are looking very well for you financially speaking. And because of this, you're spending freely. You're buying goodies you've wanted for some time. Not only that, you've got bright ideas about how to make more money. Great! Get on with it. Not only can you make more money, later this year and all of next year, everything to do with real estate is wonderfully profitable and expansive. One tiny caveat however: make sure you have all your ducks in a row. Work with numbers and facts that you can trust. Double-check anything that you feel nervous or uneasy about. When Neptune is in the picture (and it is) it's the classic transit for being taken, swindled or lied to. Oh yeah.
In many ways, everything is coming up roses. Your energy is returning. You're starting to exercise. Your mind is sharp and at the same time, rather poetic. You're enjoying friendships more than usual. In fact, contact with others will generate profitable ideas. If you sense that there is a "but" coming, you're exactly right. Neptune opposes Mercury in your sign now. This means that you're confused about your closest relationships and partnerships. You're not sure whether to defend your rights and establish boundaries, or just be cooperative and receptive to the suggestions of others. You even wonder if you're being deceived, or fooled by someone else or even yourself! (I hate it when I fool myself because I'm so good at it.)
Like Gemini, Mercury is your ruler. Right now planet Mercury is doing quite a dance with three other planets. It conjuncts Mars, sextiles Venus, then opposes Neptune. (To say nothing of the stuff in your teeth that's picking up radio waves of Bob Dylan singing.) Essentially what's going on is this: you feel quite content with yourself. You feel happy with pleasing moments of solitude. Life is reassuring. Contacts with parents, VIPs, bosses and authority figures are especially cozy and supportive now. If things are so swell -- what's the problem? Perhaps it's the confusion and uncertainty at work that is starting to get to you. But it's also as if strange doubts and fears are sort of prickly at the back of your neck. Know what I mean? It's hard to shake this stuff. You can't really talk about it to anyone because it sounds silly. They'll think you're nuts.
Time spent with friends and group activities is particularly rewarding now. You might have a chance to travel or explore new ideas and philosophies with others. You feel very much in charge of your life; and you enjoy the support of those around you. Things are going quite well! Nevertheless, romantic interests and contact with children are subject to uncertainty and confusion. Misunderstandings are likely. Therefore, avoid important decisions that are related to financial speculation, the arts, romance, and children for this very reason. This fuzzy quality will be here for about 2-3 weeks. When in doubt -- do nothing.
This is a particularly confusing time for your sign. Mercury and Mars are at the very top of your chart. The good news is that they receive support from Venus, which means that the wealth and resources of others are particularly helpful to you now. (In fact, people are so cozy and helpful your sex life is improving!) Nevertheless, there's trouble in Paradise. Something in your family scene (most likely related to a parent) brings stress and confusion. Someone is not being straight with you. You're getting mixed signals. In fact, somebody could be jerking you around. (At least it feels like that.) Just keep your cool. For the most part things are supportive. And what you don't know -- you don't know. Right?
Like Aries, life seems to be blowing hot and cold for you now. You're really turned on by philosophical, religious and political ideas. (Of course! You're a Sagittarian!) You love talking about these ideas with partners and close friends. You might even be entertaining publishing plans to expand or share your knowledge. This is definitely a time of self-improvement and consciousness-raising experiences. However, confusion with siblings and daily contacts continues. You feel you can't trust someone. You feel betrayed. Perhaps the person who really betrayed you is your self and your own unrealistic expectations? (I hate it when that happens.)
You have to be very careful about money right now: how you earn it and how you spend it. In one way, things are going swimmingly. Coworkers and everything to do with work are extremely supportive now. You feel reassured in financial terms. All employment opportunities look good and are particularly promising. What you have to be very careful about however, is something to do with money and earnings. Outright deception is possible. Someone might be lying to you. Someone might falsely present a situation to you. You might think you have more money than you actually have, and thus wind up deeper in debt. It's a tricky scene.
A wise teacher, whom I had the great privilege of hearing, once said, "Trust everyone and always lock your door." That pretty much sums it up for this week and even the next week for your sign. Things are wonderfully supportive to you in terms of friendship, work, artistic expression, financial speculation, love affairs and romance, vacations, time spent with children, and the entertainment world. With everything going so well -- what's the problem? The problem is you feel very confused about your closest relationships and partnerships. You're not getting a clear signal from someone. There's static on the line. Things will improve in 2-3 weeks. Until then - punt.
This is a wonderfully playful time for you. You couldn't pick a better time for a vacation. Romance, love affairs and playful activities with children plus entertaining getaways are tops on your menu now. Indulge your creative side as well. Give free rein to your impulse to paint, draw, sing, carve, write, knit, sew, dance -- whatever. It's very important to let your soul sing! The only dark cloud on your horizon is something confusing or even shady connected to your employment scene and possibly your health. This could be a simple misunderstanding. However, you won't really know sure for the next 2-3 weeks. Just hang in there and enjoy yourself.