All Signs

In July and August, the three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are all retrograde. These planets have a much slower orbit around the Sun: 84 years, 165 years, and 250 years respectively, compared to Mercury for example, which is 88 days. (No wonder those Geminis multitask. No time! No time!) The outer planets can signal specific events; however, their message is often subtler. They can be a clue to the changing mindset we undergo as we mature -- or regress. Lots of past stuff demands our attention now. We can't ignore it. It ain't going away. We can't go forward until we take care of old business. This means that no matter how you do your eyes, you can't be "da Queen of Denial."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Family reunions, birthdays and anniversaries continue to be a focus. However, with Mercury and Mars now in sexy Leo, you're gearing up for some serious party time. You want to have fun! You want to have great sex! You need to be lavishly adored! There's more: this emphasis on fun stuff also translates as an increased focus on children, and a greater interest in financial speculation, the arts, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. One possible scenario: with the kids out of school, you can open a bed and breakfast. Put them to work while you make handicrafts and sing at the piano every night. Ya think?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You've been busy with short trips, appointments, shopping and lots of talking. This doesn't let up. Busy is here to stay. However, on top of busy - you've gotta deal with lots of activity on the home front. Most of you are collectors. Some of you might have to move this collection now. (Ouch.) Home repairs, residential moves, visiting relatives and increased tension at home means you have to work extra hard to maintain your cool. (You don't like to lose your temper because it's game over when that happens. Small buildings are flattened to the ground.) Make time for a vacation. The money will come. Unfortunately, the money will go just as quickly. But the cash flow part can be fun.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Yes, you are ruled by Mercury, the planet with all the superlatives: the smallest, the fastest, the hottest and the closest to the Sun. There's no moss growing on you. (Ha!) You're quick thinking, fast-talking, and interested in absolutely anything -- for five minutes. Life is good right now because that lovely Venus transit took place in your sign, and Jupiter continues to bless real estate and your home and family this year. Right now you're up to your eyeballs thinking about money. More specifically, you're thinking about how to earn it faster than you spend it. Count on increased activity with siblings and relatives in the month ahead. Get out your Scrabble game and don't forget Trivia.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It's all about you now. (Of course, it always was, but now you don't have to hide the fact.) These retrograde planets (see All Signs above) could leave you treading water a bit with respect to travel plans and your job. In addition, matters related to shared property and the responsibilities you have for someone or something continue to be fuzzy and confusing. (Oy!) You might feel taken advantage of. And this could be the case because although Neptune symbolizes all that is idealistic, it's also confusing and a strong indicator of deception. Unfortunately, Neptune is not going away. At least, it goes "direct" (i.e. no longer retrograde) in late October. You might not be able to nail down things before that. If so -- use duct tape. (It holds the world together.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Thank gawd your energy is returning. Your resolve is really tweaked now. Because you sense all this swirling change around you, many of you are exercising more. (Good.) You're determined to get up to speed. The money thing still goes on which means you're earning it and spending it really big. Friendships are particularly endearing to you now. In fact, you've had tiny (but important) breakthroughs about how much your friends mean to you. After all, friends are places we can run to in order to find welcome and understanding. Friends are refuges in a frantic world. Retrograde outer planets definitely force you to deal with things from your past now. Confide all to a friend and enlist their help if you need it.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Things are looking good for you. Lucky Jupiter continues to bless you and this fabulous Venus transit makes you look fantastico in the eyes of authority figures and bosses. People are impressed with you now! However, partnerships might be shaky right now because retrograde Uranus is zapping you. Relationships that have been limping along are suddenly dissatisfactory or unbearable. That's because you want to feel more alive! Your dissatisfaction makes you wonder if there's something better out there? Wake up and smell the coffee. Of course, something better is out there. Something better is always out there. There's no end to better. Get real.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Here goes my stuck record routine: you are undergoing an unusually strong, astrological transit at this time. You're reaping the fruits of your past labour. Many of you have lots of responsibilities now because you're enjoying many successes. However, some of you are not enjoying these successes. If so, the message is: move on. And if you have to change your life direction in a big way, you are super empowered now to do it with style! Be bold about publishing, travel plans and back-to-school opportunities. Give yourself what you deserve. Lord knows you've earned it. And you'll never again be as young as you are today.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your ambition is cranked to the max. You're out there hustling. Bosses, VIPs, and important people are coming up on your radar. Furthermore, others are willing to help you now with favours, perks, advantages and financial or practical assistance. It doesn't get much better than this! (Actually, it does. And that time will be around 2005.) Confusion (possibly deception) within your family or at home and can be a major distraction now. You're not sure which way to jump. You're not even sure if you should jump at all. New forms of self-expression and creative self-release will rev your engines. You want to play with ideas and concepts right now. Wonderful! Who is more playful than you?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Changes within your family dynamic and on the home front opened your eyes to new ways of seeing things including how you see yourself. So much is unpredictable right now. This period of uncertainty will probably last until November. That's when Uranus grows direct. Even then, it will be a roller coaster ride because that's what Uranus is all about. Essentially, through change and revolution, you're defining who you are at home and within your family. People are just going to have to like it or lump it. (Because the more you get in touch with the feeling of your own liberation - baby, you ain't going back. No way.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You definitely feel the retrograde motion of these outer planets. (See All Signs above.) Your day-to-day activities are unpredictable now. Relationships with siblings seem to shift back and forth. Matters connected with your job, your cash flow, your earnings and even important purchases are confusing in some way. You're being forced to look at life in a new way! This makes you communicate to everyone in a new way and before you know it even your daily habits are changing. (Watch out Starbucks.) Don't try to rely on something now. Things are changing too fast. Just run with the herd and trust your own good luck. Travel, publishing and educational opportunities look sweet. Your career gets a big boost this autumn.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your ruler is Uranus. Its shift into Pisces, for the first time since 1927, means that your values are changing now. If the person who you really are doesn't like who you've become -- you're going to do something about it. (Oh yeah. You're not just some mouse potato.) Life is particularly exciting now because this dazzling Venus transit brings you romance, love affairs, vacations, wonderful times with children and incredible, creative powers. Financial speculation also looks extremely sweet. Be patient with partners now. Don't over idealize them; but don't be critical either. Just love'em.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You've never lived with Uranus in your sign. This is a whole new ballgame. It's important to understand this because you're going to do everything in your power in the next seven years to define who you are in this world. Others might think you're just being difficult or rebellious. But for you, it's a personal drive for freedom and independence. You'll break out of anything that holds you down. This doesn't mean you will give up your responsibilities. But you'll no longer tolerate pointless restrictions. New kinds of consciousness expanding philosophies appeal to you now. You've got your ticket and you're going for the ride. Amen.