All Signs

A number of distinctly different, celestial influences exist right now. Mercury (ruler of ground transportation, communication and daily activities) has the nerve to line up with sober, serious Saturn while its flirting with jolly Jupiter. (Go figure.) This produces cautious, even negative thinking mixed with positive optimism. And at the same time, Uranus promotes a sense of excitement and reckless derring-do! What gives? It looks like we're all vacillating between hope and fear. Funny how life is like that. We hope for a miracle and expect the worst. Of course, this is basically paralyzing -- because you can't suck and blow at the same time.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Serious discussions with a parent or family member serve the purpose of reminding you of your domestic responsibilities. You might feel weighed down by obligations and duties to family members, or even just trying to keep a roof over your head. Fortunately, you feel much more optimistic about everything at work. (And well you should because this is the one area in your life where you can make fabulous advances and improvements.) Something new and exciting like an unexpected visitor, or a new purchase related to computers, technology and electronics gives you a brief gratitude attack.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Worry, worry, worry. (When I was thirteen, I taped a note to the back of my bedroom door: "Worry is like rocking chair, it gives you something to do to but gets you nowhere.") Worry creates the paralysis of the negative. And negativity is wanting things to be different from the way they are. But mostly life is -- "you takes what you gets." That's why contentment and acceptance promote happiness. Easier said than done, of course. But all is not worry for you right now. Your creative vibes are hot. Romance and fun times are promising. And a friend (or group) might introduce you to something new and unusual. (If you have to worry, to worry about life ending - worry that it might never begin!)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

I guess the fact that there are two of you is the only explanation for feeling rich and wealthy and anxious about money at the same time. That seems to be what's going on for you right now. With respect to real estate, your home, and family matters in general, you feel optimistic, wealthy and prosperous! But in the next breath, you're worried about money, debt and financial obligations. Perhaps you're wondering if you can pull off some big plans. You probably can. A fast window of opportunities related to your boss, authority figures, your parents and your career direction in general, opens new avenues for you. Life is scary and fun!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You might make some new discoveries about yourself today. (Checked the mirror lately?) In one way, you feel excited with a heightened awareness of everything around you. Yet in another way, you feel gripped by pessimism and fear. (Why plan a birthday party when nobody will come?) However, you bounce back and forth between feeling like a winner, in the next moment, fearing to be a loser. Oy vay. Right now it's hard for you to see the forest for the trees. You're so hung up on tiny moments of reality your vision is clouded. It sure proves how whatever we see depends on what we're looking for. (If you're buying a new car -- all you see are cars on the road.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You really feel mixed messages from the heavens right now. On one hand, you feel assertive, aggressive, positive, upbeat and ready for action. The world is my oyster! (Well, at least my tin of tuna.) On the other hand -- the one holding your chequebook -- you're muttering to yourself, "Am I going to be able to pay for all this?" You've got bright, big ambitious ideas right now. Yet, you waffle. (Some pancake.) Old programming triggers self-doubt and conservative caution within you. Maybe you wonder if you deserve what you want? Are you worthy? Of course, you're worthy! You're alive aren't you? Relax -- we all have our contradictions.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You seem to be surrounded by different influences, probably different people telling you different things. One person seems to be pumping you with sunshine, telling you that life is good and you are loved and popular right now. Somebody else, probably older and perhaps more experienced, is not even sure if you can get your pants on one leg of the time. (These types are really encouraging, aren't they?) A close friend or partner might surprise you now. Or you might meet somebody rather unusual and different. When all is said and done, you're looking good. That lovely Venus transit took place at the very top of your chart. "Look Ma! No hands!"

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is an extremely powerful time in your life. Most of you are enjoying a strong period of responsibility while you reap the harvest of your past efforts. You feel the rewards of success, especially where you planned and work hard. However, for some of you, this harvest is the realization that you must change your direction. You see clearly now what is not working. Unexpected job opportunities (very quick window) and a newfound knowledge about technology are exciting. Lots of possibilities are hand. Yet the voice of experience and caution make you hesitate. That's OK. When in doubt -- do nothing.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're definitely getting mixed messages with respect to travel, publishing, politics, religion and everything to do with higher education. Someone or something discourages your plans for expansion in these areas. Yet ironically, somebody else is giving you quite the opposite message. And on top of this, surprises with children, romance or an opportunity for a vacation further complicate the mix. You can't please everyone. You can't be all things to all people. Don't even try. Listen to advice from someone older and experienced, even if it is a word of caution. This could be helpful. You can count on the support of groups and friends. Your own ambition is so fired up now, you're going places -- regardless.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Optimism and activity are two ingredients that are vital to your ongoing survival. You need to believe in a better tomorrow. You work well when you are pushing for something positive in the future. You also need to be active, especially outdoors. Any kind of outdoor physical activity gets you pumped! However, right now you're having serious discussions with others (and yourself) about mortality, wills, estates, shared property and how much you're willing to share the responsibility for someone or something else. This is serious stuff. You're looking deep within yourself. Nevertheless, you continue to feel optimistic about your career. And surprises at home are briefly exciting.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might be getting mixed messages from those who are closest to you. Someone is encouraging, especially with respect to travel, religion, publishing, politics, education, medicine and the law. This person makes you feel you can do anything. It's a great feeling! But somebody else seems to be the voice of doom and gloom. That which is innately conservative and cautious within you thinks you cannot ignore this person. "The sky is falling!" But down deep, do you really want to listen to this criticism and discouragement? I don't think so. The opportunities you have for travel education and publishing etc. are real. Don't be afraid to reach out for them.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Everything to do with work and employment is both encouraging and discouraging at the same time. It's a bit of a conundrum. Fortunately, whatever negative aspects are present now can be used to focus your mind in a one pointed concentration about something. You're definitely willing to do your homework and to pay your dues. That might be one although reasons so many favours and opportunities come your way now. Surprise, impulse spending -- connected with computers, technology, electronics and aviation -- could bring you exciting goodies right now. This is the advantage being a parent: kids are demanding -- but they're handy if you have a home computer.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Children, vacations and creative activities are a mixed blessing right now. On one hand, you're looking at a lot of fun and unexpected pleasure. Delightful times with shared activities -- be it romance or playful fun with children -- are certainly rewarding now. Yet these same areas can feel like a burden and a millstone around your neck. The kids are out of school and what are you going to do with them? They're bored already! Parents can relax. This lovely Venus transit indicates your home and family scene will be quite lovely this summer. Quit trying to script everything. Take back to relax and let life happen to you. It's going to do that anyway.