All Signs

This current (and rare) Venus transit can boost newspaper, magazine and book sales because it's in Gemini. Venus is self-indulgent and social; it combines people and things to create something more beautiful. Many are reading more, wanting more sleep, and indulging in food and drink. Venus loves comfort, and expressed through Gemini, it boosts a love of information, stimulation and novelty plus short trips and visits. It's like a bee searching for honey: very aware, but restless and always seeking something better. It's the backbone of consumerism. The sad thing is there's no end to better. "Better" is insatiable. But contentment doesn't boost sales. (Discontentment is just the absurd exaggeration we have of the happiness of others.) Eh wot?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

With the Sun, Saturn and Mercury in your "Home" sign now, there's an increased concern with your intimate, personal life and people who affect it. It's all about family, home, domestic matters and real estate for you. Yes, I've been saying this for some time because ever since last year, Saturn has forced you to focus on these areas. And it will continue to do so until 2005-06. But the arrival of the Sun and Mercury now highlight this awareness even more. You want more privacy and thinking time; yet, visiting relatives and parents demand attention. Will it never end? This is also an opportunity to change childhood habits. (Don't suck your thumb on the bus.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Things are getting downright busy for you! You've got places to go, things to do, people to see. Short trips, visits with relatives and neighbours, increased activity with siblings accelerate the tempo of your days. You're talking, reading, writing and studying more. Yadda, yadda, yadda. You might be shopping more as well. Your daily communications with those you see on a regular basis are significant now. It's important to express what you actually mean. Make clear communication one of your goals for the next month. You have a strong desire to say something now to enlighten others about something. (What was that?)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This Venus transit promotes your closest relationships, and makes you want to shop. So many bright, shiny objects! Which to choose first? What can you afford? Do you have room for this? Fortunately, your focus on money and cash flow promotes bright ideas about how to earn more as well. But underneath all this, (whether you need more money or whether you need more things) the real question is all about values. You just need greater control of your life through what you own. You might have greater control by owning less. Why not be like Henry David Thoreau - living quietly and simply at Walden Pond? You too, can write a best seller!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

These are significant times. Saturn has been in your sign since last year. (The last time it did this was 1973-1976; and before that, 1944-1946.) Saturn always introduces you to a major, new cycle of growth and change in your life. That's why you're on a new path. This month the Sun and Mercury will lighten and brighten that path. Because the Sun is the source of all energy, it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. You feel more communicative, more energetic, and in turn, people and opportunities are attracted to you. You have a strong need to express yourself ton others. (Get a megaphone.) You'll certainly put a lot of yourself into whatever you have to say.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're pulled in several directions now. Part of you wants to socialize and enjoy the company of others. Yet another part of you (mostly your left side, especially below the knee) wants to be alone, and is seeking solitude and increased privacy. This makes it very tough to arrange your social calendar. You want to go out but you don't. You resist making plans, yet if you socialize -- you enjoy yourself. (Go figure.) We all have our contradictions. And you can really feel yours right now. Mars moves into your sign on Wednesday the 23rd, for about six weeks. This energizes you! In fact, you should try to get more exercise. (Mars rules the muscles.) It will help the fact that you feel all dressed up with no place to go.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your life is definitely more social! In fact, you're swamped with invitations, appointments and demands for your time and energy. Fortunately, with lucky Jupiter still in your sign until September, you have the good grace and positive energy to fulfill the expectations of others. (What a sport.) This is a good time to work others. You find it easy to cooperate with friends and groups now. You're helpful, and you have intelligent input, and others actually listen to you. In turn you're prepared to learn from them. It's a good time to think about your friends now. Which friends do you want in your life?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

There's a traffic jam at the top of your chart. This means people notice you; you're in the public eye, and people expect things from you. (You're up there are on the marquee, for gawd's sake.) In the bigger picture, it means that some of your cherished dreams are coming true. Things you wished for years ago are now manifesting. A few of you will see that you have to change the direction of your path. What is not working is abundantly evident. Dealings with parents and authority figures are significant in the next four to five weeks. The thing to remember is that you are more empowered than you know. You hold a wish-fulfilling gem in your little paws. Don't waste this opportunity. Do something.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This concentration of planets in Cancer (your fellow Water Sign) bodes you well. Everything is copasetic. (I learned that word from someone who knew Al Capone.) But I digress. It's all about travel, education, publishing, the law and medicine for you now. You're dealing with security checks in airports or watching those telephone poles go by. Your ambitions related to publishing, medicine and the law are strong now. Your energy level is high and things are humming along quite nicely. How can you use your recent achievements to prepare for the future in a way that gives you lasting value? Don't waste time regretting what hasn't worked out. Salvage what you can and move on.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're dealing with mortality, wills, inheritances, taxes and things that you share with others. This is a time of deep profundity. Someone else is challenging your basic values about something. This will necessitate a little soul-searching on your part. Are you out to lunch? Not really. It's just surprising how many different ways there are to approach things based on different priorities and needs. You have to look beyond your own familiar backyard. See the world from the POV of somebody else's wedgies. Romance is hot and sexy now. In fact, you feel passionately about everything. (Does anal-retentive have a hyphen?) I think so.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Right now four planets oppose your sign. It's High Noon, and you don't care if the townsfolk show up or not. You're focused on one main relationship. It's time to ante up. Lock up and load. Many partnerships will end now. This is likely because you have outgrown on old situation. You're moving on. You're certainly willing to talk, but you're not going to yourself back for anyone anymore. You're going places and you deserve the best because you're willing to give your best. (You always are.) Be careful, and make sure that you listen to others. (You can't hear people if you're talking.) And remember that honesty is always the best policy -- less competition.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a time of great industry, hard work, reorganization and hence, productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. (One hopes.) You're really on the ball now. You've got tons of energy to do stuff. Your creative urge will not leave you because this rare Venus transit that took place June 8 will continue to give you a wonderful, positive boost to all your creative output for months to come -- actually, maybe forever. I'm just a map-reader. It's hard to say how long an influence will last. In fact, because change begets change begets change etc. -- there will be a "forever" input from this Venus transit. Thus, many of you are tapping into a romantic and creative side you never even knew you had.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

With respect to home, family and your closest relationships -- life is quite good now. (Even though marriage is the main cause of divorce.) You find it easy to achieve harmony and understanding with those who are closest to you. You also have an increasing desire to make your home more beautiful, and quite possibly to enrich yourself through real estate in some way. The recent shift of planets now brings you parties, fun times, vacations and playful activities with children. In fact, everything to do with the arts, theatre and the entertainment world will flourish beautifully now. You just want to have fun! (Fun is such fun.)