Four planets --Venus, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto -- are retrograde. Times like this inspire songs like, "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" or "I Left My Wallet in Las Vegas." A pendulum effect is also occurring this week. Venus and Mercury are sweet and cozy with Neptune (and each other) thereby promoting the arts, sweet romance, an appreciation of beauty plus a gentle and mutual understanding between people. (Gosh.) Then suddenly, on Monday/Tuesday, Mercury opposes Pluto triggering ego conflicts, power struggles, distrust, suspicion and harsh exchanges. It's as if something good and sweet can't last. Of course, this is a myth. Good and sweet always lasts (especially on the hips.) When a wholesome mind meets with a less wholesome mind, it is "harmed" but ultimately, it retains its wholesome quality. (What I struggle with is not my wholesome mind but my fulsome body.) Oy vay.
Your dealings with siblings, relatives and friends have been so ideal lately (we're talking downright cozy) might it be that you're getting uncomfortable about this? Something makes you swing the other way, forcing you to defend your political or religious beliefs or ideas about publishing, higher education and other lofty topics. It's as if you go from poetry to pugnacity overnight. (Anything for a bit of alliteration.) Don't be afraid to trust and support others. You have nothing to lose except your defensiveness. Victories that are gained now (through fighting) are quite hollow. Keep the peace, babes. You'll live longer and life will be more pleasant.
You've been salivating about buying something beautiful for some time now. And it probably is quite gorgeous because who has better taste than you? (Most of the gourmands, gourmets and antique dealers in the world are Tauruses.) Not only are you thinking of buying something wonderful, you've got bright ideas about making money connected with film, fashion, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, optics and the ocean. Glamour stuff. But what threatens you so? Why get in a huff about how to share things with someone? No one lives in isolation. In truth, we are constantly sharing everything, especially the elements. The ignorance of this causes a lot of pain and confusion. Your world is as generous as you are.
The Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in your sign now. And as I mentioned previously, the special Venus transit occurred in Gemini. That's why your idealism has been aroused lately. You feel truly benevolent to others. You want to help those who are less fortunate than you, through your words and your actions. These individuals could be friends and family or strangers in distant lands. You feel happier because you're more tuned in with everything in a very decent way. However, arguments and power struggles with someone suddenly disturb your reverie. Is this about jealousy? Control? What's the big deal? Don't try to convince others to agree with you. You have your POV; they have theirs. Live and let live.
Recently, you felt such strong feelings of selflessness and sacrifice, you've been willing to give up possessions, money, time and effort to help someone. There's no question that this is admirable. However, if you decide to help others, does this mean they have to listen to you and follow your advice? In one way, that seems reasonable. But in another way, it's blackmail. Your intentions to improve things could make you tyrannical or bossy. This is the classic pitfall of those who are well intentioned. (First we help people, and before you know it we're making them wear clothes and adopt the missionary position. Oy vay.)
Like Cancer, your idealism with respect to friends and groups has been aroused lately. You feel a strong sense of satisfaction and reward from being able to help others. This same caring attitude applies to your relationships with close friends or a partner in your life. Perhaps you have joined forces with others to promote a good cause or charitable activity, or to help your brother-in-law move his entire collection of Grolsch beer bottles. But lo! A dark cloud now drifts over your horizon. Power struggles with lovers or children bring out your arrogant, haughty side. (Every ruler has one -- metric or otherwise.) Quit trying to run the show. Don't dwell on injured feelings.
You've been unusually sympathetic and understanding with bosses and parents lately. Instead of reacting to authority figures, you appreciate what they're dealing with. (You, among other things.) Nevertheless, despite your good intentions and the fact that you're going more than half way with everything lately, someone either misunderstands you or wants to take advantage of your good heart. What a bummer this turns out to be! You feel that others are biting the hand that feeds them. Perhaps they are. Perhaps your good intentions have been misunderstood. Perhaps they're just jerks.
You're super tuned in to consciousness expanding experiences, and studies and travel that promote your personal growth. These are exciting times! Your ability to appreciate art, classical studies, and other cultures is heightened. It's a wonderful time for a vacation. It's also a wonderful time to explore study, other philosophies, and belief systems. Perhaps your excitement about something newly learned makes you a zealous convert. In turn, this makes you want to defend what you so eagerly now prize. That's why arguments about political, religious and philosophical matters arise. But when the dust settles (and it will settle) does any of this really matter? Don't your relationships matter more?
You are a very powerful sign. When I think of Scorpio, I think of many things, but "Move that mountain -- build that bridge!" is certainly one sentence that springs to mind. You feel pleased with your efforts to help or please somebody else. Lord knows you've done your best. In fact, how you want to distribute or share something now is under dispute. Perhaps your well-intentioned efforts are misunderstood. Or perhaps someone thinks you're trying to run the show or take over things. (Your natural strength all too often threatens others, even though this always surprises you.) A struggle for financial control or a clash of values faces you now. Remember your original objective.
Recent circumstances have gentled your heart to others, especially partners and close friends. You feel unusually kind and compassionate to the world, certainly more sympathetic and empathetic. That's why power struggles with others that occur now (or very soon) almost amaze you. How could this happen? It's a curious thing, but your well-meaning, good intentions might provoke animosity or distrust from someone. Perhaps by comparison, others feel lacking in their own sympathy or understanding of things. This will make them resentful or disdain of you. (Sigh.) Whatever the cause, you'll need all your patience to avoid a row with someone close to you now. (I suggest that you make your words nice and sweet in case you have to eat them later.)
Improvements in your job or your job opportunities (including your relationship with coworkers) are gratifying lately. The potential that awaits you now is exciting. You've got plans! You're going places! However, be careful about your desire to make improvements and sweeping changes now. Others might not be so excited about your dreams. They might be unwilling to endorse your agenda. In fact, you could arouse opposition to your plans and ideas. (Surprising as this may be to you.) Tension with others is a temporary thing. You can sidestep it by delaying your plans. Just play it cool. Be patient.
Certain areas in your life are practically off-the-wall. I'm referring to your love life (romance, passion, the whole 9 yards); your relationship with the entertainment and art world; your ability to teach or relate to young people; and your own self-expression of your creative talent. (This is quite a big ball of wax.) Nevertheless, these are the areas in which you are suddenly blooming and excelling! You exceed even your own expectations. Perhaps it is because you're doing so well in these areas, that you suddenly will fight to the death to defend them. Chill out! Whatever threatens you just comes and goes. Patience.
Things have been enormously better, warmer, cozier and far more pleasant at home and within your family lately. Redecorating projects flow smoothly. Real estate matters are profitable. Parents are actually getting along with their teenagers (who seem surprisingly human lately.) Don't let power struggles with parents or authority figures mar these pleasant times. What's good is still good. Something that is negative does not cancel out that which is positive. It's just something new in the mix. Unfortunately, like licorice, something new in the mix can be overpowering. You're very sensitive and you have strong, emotional reactions to everything. Just remember that it takes two to make a fight. (And three to make an orgy.)