A significant event takes place on June 8 when Venus crosses the face of the Sun. This last happened in Dec. 1882. (When the Moon crosses between the Earth and the Sun, it's called an eclipse. When a planet does it, it's called an occultation.) The transit takes six hours and occurs in Gemini at 17°. More than a century passes between each Venus occultation. (Each time it happens, it takes place in "pairs". Therefore, Venus next passes across the Sun in 2012, then not again for another 105 years.) The Sun is masculine and Venus is feminine. Venus also represents the arts, balance, beauty and the essence of relationships. Because this Venus occultation occurs at the cusp of the Aquarian Age - and 25000 year ago, during the last Age of Aquarius, it was a matriarchy - I think this ushers in a time of greater respect for the Feminine principle, both ancient and modern. Small wonder they're talking about gender laws.
Many of you will undergo a complete transformation with respect to how you deal with your siblings, your relatives and your daily contacts. You feel a passionate need to be understood. There's something you want to say, and you want to be heard. You often get the first and the last word. But sometimes you're dismissed as being too bold, too different and too excited about things. This is going to change. You will learn how to better couch your words and actions so that they're received the way you want. People will take you more seriously in the future. No doubt, you'll feel vindicated about something.
Venus is your ruler. This is probably the biggest "big deal" that has happened to Venus in your lifetime. Not only that, during this Venus transit it opposes big Daddy Pluto. This is not a casual thing. At a deeper level, you'll start to see that money is energy. It makes things happen. If you don't use it, it's just paper. Not only will you get a deeper appreciation of how to best use your money and your possessions -- you will see how you have to dovetail with the values of others. You cannot act alone in isolation. In other words, to use your resources and your wealth -- others are involved. What is it that you really want to achieve?
This rare Venus transit is taking place in your sign! Meanwhile, back of the ranch, Pluto has been sitting opposite you since the end of 1995. Since you tend to look for something else (especially a person) to "complete" you, this heralds a time in your life when you will totally change how you relate to those who are closest to you. The essence of this transformation will come about because you will change your relationship with yourself. The more you appreciate yourself, the more you'll appreciate others. This transformation can even affect your parents. As your self-image changes, your physical image changes too. (Check out 2-for-1 sales. You might as well dress both of you.)
This Venus thang takes place in a mysterious, murky part of your chart. You're going to shift your position on issues of selflessness, sacrifice and charity to others. It's important to find the right balance. If you're a doormat, how can you be effective and how can you be happy? On the other hand, (the one curled up in a tight fist) if you live only for yourself, you won't be happy. Your transformation will be related to the gratification and reward you get by helping someone you love. Something will come into your life now that really puts this into perspective. Unresolved, old stuff in relationships might also come up. Rely on your forbearance and grace to deal with this. (Some funny one-liners might help.)
Venus's transit makes you see your relationship with friends and groups in a new light. Instead of defending yourself, or having to stay ahead of the pack (you're a natural leader) - you'll see the true value of friendship in your life. The give and take of working with and relating to others will become easier for you. For some reason, our modern society underestimates the value of friendship. But friendship can improve your health, and literally help you live a longer and richer life. Our obsession with privacy and boundaries robs us of the joys of friendship. Your sense of security with others, and your ability to find your place with others will achieve a nice balance now. (Something dramatic might happen to make this come about.)
This Venus transit is extremely powerful for your sign. And it's a good thing. You are always your own worst critic. Your ability to see perfection and potential in anything often discourages your attempts to do something. A variety of things will happen now that makes you see yourself in a better light, and certainly increases a respect (even admiration) for you in the eyes of others. An obvious manifestation of this would be your ability to make something more beautiful. (Venus) If you're called upon to decorate, design, or do anything to enhance something in an attractive way -- accept this challenge! You'll do a fabulous job. Others will be amazed. But most of all - you'll be amazed.
You have a fine mind. I tease you about shopping for linens and rearranging furniture, but your mind is fantastic at grasping all aspects of a situation. That's why you enter law and jurisprudence. You understand the give and take necessary to achieve a correct balance in society. Laws are about giving up certain rights for certain protections. If the laws are too much one way or the other there is tyranny or anarchy. Something will happen now to beautifully broaden your mind. This could come about through courses, education, or travel and exposure to other countries and cultures. (Send a postcard.)
Your ruler Pluto opposes Venus at this very auspicious time. (If something big is happening, you're on it.) Several things can develop. Now. Of course, the juiciest is sex. (It always is.) Many of you will deepen your appreciation and understanding of the role sex plays in your life. (Role? What sex?) Sex is important to you. Venus will show you it is far more than a physical act. Venus and Pluto together and bring about transcendence and transformation. (Like wow.) The earnings and wealth of your partner will also become a major focus. (Money and sex -- you're so predictable.)
You're definitely undergoing life-altering circumstances. Pluto is in your sign, and this Venus occultation takes place opposite you. This completely changes your understanding of what a close partnership or friendship is all about. You'll become more aware of what your needs are, and how you can fulfill the needs of someone close to you. Too often, you hide your pain with breezy humour. You don't expect too much from others. Your independence is a cover for unfulfilled relationships. However, you're going to come clean now. You're going to stand on the table and say, "I count. I need this. I'm willing to offer this. Any takers?"
You worked so hard recently, who is surprised this Venus transit is about appreciating your contributions to your job. You're a perfectionist with a sense of destiny. Because of this, you're often misunderstood. Now you will learn to value how good you are and what you have to offer in terms of your career and your job. Not only that -- it becomes apparent to others as well! Sweet vindication is yours. If others can't appreciate your input, you'll go elsewhere. You're not afraid to make that move. You see lots of possibilities opening up for you now.
You've always known you were a little different. That's because you're born 50 years ahead of your time. Of course, only the lead dog has the clearest view. This "clear view" gives you a take on things that others can't understand. (There are none so blind as those with soap in their eyes.) You no longer need the endorsement of others (which wasn't forthcoming anyhow.) You understand how good you are now -- particularly in creative terms and working with children. Once you acknowledge that you have the talent (that you have) there's no stopping you.
Fair Venus is exalted in your sign. You have a special connection to this plan. (That's what makes you so sweet.) This is also what makes this rare transit a very powerful time in your life. Your domestic scene, your family dynamic, your home, and your relationships with your parents and relatives will undergo a major transformation now. You're going to find out what really matters to you in your personal life -- especially in terms of home and family. This could come about because of a change of residence. Or someone close to you makes you realize what the score is.