All Signs

Some lovely planetary aspects surround us now. (Well, not everything is perfect but that's how life works.) Therefore, people feel positive, enthusiastic, energetic and very positive about life right now. Ironically, surrounding conditions might not have changed much (if at all) to provoke this. (Weird but true.) That's because your outlook on life is a mindset. Your mindset can be different from one week to the other even if nothing else changes. I think a lot about having a positive mindset has to do with a willingness to be kind. Actually, I'd like to have several sets of mind -- one for breakfast and one for dinner, and maybe one for company. Oh why bother? I don't want to go overboard. I mean, if you had as many mindsets as you wanted where would you put them all?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Exciting plans for vacations or holidays make you tingle. Others are just as excited about financial investments or possibly romance. (Smoochie boochies!) Something definitely promises fun and enjoyment. Naturally, these plans no doubt involve money; but somehow, you seem to have this under control. The only dark cloud on your horizon is some kind of conflict with a family member. For some reason, you can't speak out. This leaves you doing a slow boil in silence. Perhaps someone resists the bright, innovative changes you want to introduce? Hasn't this been the story of your life? You move too fast for some people. Or maybe they move too slow?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're feeling so happy about home and family matters now. You've got a big grin on your face. As you look into the future, life looks positive and full of possibilities. This is an excellent time for real estate deals or ways to enhance and improve your living situation. Similarly, you can improve family relationships now as well. Today in particular, (Sunday) is a poor day for shopping for home and family or anything for that matter. Nevertheless, you can make your list and do your research. Be patient with a sibling or relative right now. You feel burdened in this area of your life. Just do what you can and don't carry it around in your mind. And don't try to change the way others think -- you can't. (I've tried.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Ideally, this is a wonderful, carefree day for you. You want to enlarge your mind by learning something new or going someplace you haven't been to before. You have big plans now; the hang-up seems to be money. (Who's surprised?) There's always so much month left at the end of the money! Fortunately, your positive attitude will save you. A positive attitude always attracts opportunities and people. Furthermore, a positive attitude sharpens your ability to spot these opportunities in the first place. (Negative attitudes easily miss them.) Trust your gut impulses. Keep the faith. Today (Sunday) is a good day to coast and be creative. Don't shop. Don't make important commitments. Don't volunteer for anything.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Although your point of view about money seems to be hopeful, even relieved, life is a bit frustrating right now. Both Mars and Saturn now meet in your sign. Quite likely, you're angry or upset about something, but you can't express how you feel to others. As long as you harbour thoughts of resentment, envy, hatred or jealousy to someone - you'll feel miserable. This applies even if you're fabulously rich and famous. On the other hand, (the one giving a friendly wave) if you feel and act in a kind manner to others, then despite your circumstances, you can be happy. Sounds corny, but it's true. All you have to do is try it to see how it works. (It's a mindset thang.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're in a great mood today! Conversations with parents, authority figures and bosses are super upbeat. Everyone loves you -- including you. (Your bathroom mirror is covered in kisses.) That's because despite the loss and uncertainty you're going through, glimmers of a positive future peek through the clouds. And it looks fabulous! This means that the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. Things are going so well you're secretly waiting for that proverbial shoe to drop. This is classic human nature. We're so quick to believe catastrophe and yet we constantly distrust our own good fortune. It's okay to let good things happen to you. It's okay to win. It's okay to have it all. Wheee!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Many, sudden surprising but pleasant things are taking place right now. Things look very promising with respect to your grand plans for travel, increased education, advanced training, publishing matters or something to do with someone far away. You've been wondering if you could pull something off -- it looks like you can. Friends or group extend unexpected invitations. Or perhaps some of them pop up on your doorstep. (Eeek.) People are full of quite a few surprises now, so stay light on your feet. Someone who is older and more experienced might try to block your suggestions. You might be accused of being impetuous or impractical. Pshaw! (Sometimes you just have to go for it.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Things look quite promising now. Even if you dig deep into red tape matters connected with insurance, debt, taxes, inheritances, estates and details related to shared property and the joint ownership of something -- even then, things still look good. You came out of this smelling better than you expected! The bottom-line for you right now is that you want to expand your world in some way. A surprise turn of events that affects your career might take place now. Don't be pushy or too ambitious. A boss, parent or authority figure will not endorse your plans. However, you might decide to move forward with your ideas anyway.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Discussions with partners about future moves are exciting. Anything can happen! Your mind is suddenly open to all kinds of possibilities for the future now. Essentially, it is simply your positive state of mind that is willing to go that extra step beyond. This broader vision enlarges your mental scope and what you actually expect for yourself. Since what we expect for ourselves generally materializes -- this is a good thing. All sorts of assistance, encouragement and outright practical or financial help is available to you now. Grab these offers. If others extend you a helping hand -- accept it. Don't listen to that lone voice of doom and gloom.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Opportunities to improve your working conditions or even improve your job exist for you now. Things are looking up. Furthermore, travel related to work and study looks promising and exciting. You've got places to go! (This warms your heart.) What you have to sort through now are delays and restrictions related to shared property, inheritances, debt and taxes. Someone or something might block your ability to raise funds or liquidate material assets. The main thing is that you can see how your job can improve. You can also see travel and dealings with foreign countries, publishing and the law starting to improve. Much of what you want can come true now. (Goody!)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Lots of you are in love right now. Everything to do with love and romance looks upbeat and promising. In the same way, vacations, parties and fun times are also exciting and full of promise. Activities with children are particularly rewarding and heartfelt. You have lot of opportunities to have fun and be happy now. Partnerships have taken an interesting turn. Suggestions from others (quite unexpected) galvanize you into action now. Essentially, you see that you have the means at hand to pull off some of your dreams. If so -- why not go forth and conquer? Partnerships can be discouraging, however. Do you go or do you stay?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This continues to be a fun, party oriented, playful time for you. It's the perfect time for a vacation. Romance can be exciting as well. You have increased enthusiasm and joy for life now. Conversations with close friends and partners help you see how you can expand your family relations or even where you might live in the future. Things are looking so good in some these areas of your life! Work however, could be another matter. Someone or something stands in your way here. You feel blocked and probably angry about it. (Especially Monday the 24th.) Do what you can and ignore what you cannot change.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your day-to-day existence has taken on an exciting, upbeat quality. This is an excellent time for making plans for the future or for changing your routine. All business and commercial activity goes well now. Because you feel positive about life, lots of positive things open up for you now. Of course, it's all perception. (Well, maybe not all. Some of it's due to the vinaigrette.) Pleasant changes connected with romance, children, vacations plus financial speculation make you happy now. Be patient with children. Increased responsibilities related to children feel overwhelming now. This will pass. Especially if you drink a lot of water.