Many think their sign is "who" they are. But astrology is more complex! Your "sign" is where your Sun is. Your Moon and the other planets (Mercury to Pluto) are likely in other signs. The Sun represents the way you want to express yourself. The Moon is your emotional, inner world, your conditioned response to life; and the time of day when you were born establishes your Rising Sign or Ascendant. (This is your packaging. It's the mask you adopted as a child to survive in your family.) If you know your Rising Sign, read it as well as your Sun sign. That's why you might read another sign and wonder why it applies to you. Read anything if it feels good! Actually, we each have all 12 signs within us. (But if you try the Atkins diet, you can get rid of some of them.)
Very soon, the tempo of your days really speeds up! (You love this sort of thing.) Communications become meaningful and very much in the moment. You have something to say and you want to be heard. In fact, you're bursting to communicate! At another level, siblings, relatives and neighbors play an increasing role in the month ahead. (You'll like this too.) It's all hey nonny nonny chitchat. Friendly and light. Short trips, numerous errands, plus buying and selling keep you busy. In the month ahead, you'll learn more about your style of communication. Listening is often more important than speaking. But laughter is best.
You'll enjoy the next month because your focus now shifts to money and possessions. These are subjects dear to your heart. You know them well. This is not to say that you're greedy or acquisitive. Au contraire! The most generous person I know is a Taurus. But you understand wealth. And you understand that money is energy. And you understand how to create stability and security in your life. And you know that anyone can be a great cook if they use enough butter. Expect to spend more cash in the weeks ahead. You're shopping -- and you love it. The difference is you'll get a wonderful value! (You butter believe it.)
This is a wonderful time because for the first time in over a century, a special Venus transit soon occurs in your sign. I kid thee not. What does this mean? Basically, it means you'll make friends with yourself. You'll understand that the essence of all relationships is the relationship you have with yourself. If you like who you are, your judgments of others are softer and more tolerant. If you don't like who you are, you're suspicious of the intentions of others. Venus is the essence of all relationships. It goes beyond people: it is the relationship of colour to colour, word to word, compared textures, composition, shading and meaning. It rules all relationships, which is to say it rules art.
More than any other sign, your privacy is vital to your sanity. After all, you're Cancer the Crab. That's why there are times when you absolutely need to retreat under your shell in order to buffer yourself from the slings and arrows of life. (It's hard out there without your towel.) For the first time in several years, fiery Mars is in your sign making you assertive, energetic and vitally alive. Nevertheless, the Sun commands that you retire. "Get thee to a nunnery!" (Another way of saying there'll be nun of that.) Therefore, your energy comes in spurts now. You dart out brandishing your sword then run back to safety panting, "Give me a drink and a hot bath."
In a strange way, you're going through a double evolution. Call it the Helix Experiment. Two contradictory (but connected) influences are entwined now. Part of you is closing doors, giving up things and saying goodbye; while the other part of you is reaching out to many people, friends and groups with a softer understanding of the mutual benefit of relationships. Many great moments in life are completely contradictory. On one hand now you gain. On the other hand (the one waving bye-bye) you lose. But neither is gain or loss. It's just change. (If you have spare change, send it to me care of this paper.)
Many of you have never enjoyed such praise, recognition and easy communications with your superiors as you do now. You're in the Inner Circle. Your boss actually listens to you! Naturally, you're more surprised than anyone. What's really happening is that your good reputation is finally catching up to you. You're your worst critic. But others see you with far more admiration and respect. People want to know your opinion about things now. They're willing to listen to you. They're hanging on your every word. Don't question this. Forget your theory about experts. There are no experts. The world is run by people who got a C- average. Accept the kudos offered to you now.
For some time now, you've been harbouring secret plans for travel, the media, publishing or higher education. You want to reach out. You want to learn and be stimulated by life. But can you afford it? The question is -- can you afford not to? You think you have tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow. But even if you live a long time, life is short. Reach out for what you want to do now. Don't postpone your dreams. Sometimes you can't do what you want because of duty and obligations. But now you can do what you want! All Librans are at one of the most powerful times of their lives. (This means you.)
These are perilous times for the Federation, and powerful times for you. By nature, you're intense. But in the next four weeks, you're more intense than ever! Zowie! Love affairs will be memorable. You've got some good stuff for your diary. The problem is -- do you have time to write anything? You want to get to the bottom of things. You're also touched by the generosity of others. Nothing is casual. Everything has deep meaning. Even the most mundane details of your life now deal with debt, taxes, inheritances and shared property. You can't sit around waiting for recess. This is it. No time for rehearsal. Dive! Dive!
Sagittarians who are alive now (this applies to you) are undergoing intense transformations because Pluto is in your sign. (This happens only once in 250 years.) And the next month, a rare Venus transit opposes you. Next, your car might be towed away! Will it never end? Basically, it's time to get rid of old, outworn structures in your life that are no longer relevant. Saddle up, lock and load. Don't bother with that jocular mask you always wear. This isn't a fire drill. One of your secret skills is your ability to think ahead and plan for the future. You're tops at this. So what's it going to be? You have your own crystal ball (you only read this column for confirmation.)
You'll love the next four weeks because you love the excellence that comes from organizing things. For starters, you're great at doing this. You understand structure, form and especially, pyramid organizations. (You invented the Board Room.) You like everything in its place so that once clarity is at hand, you not only see your next move, but others see you pulling it off as well. With aplomb! (Love that silent applause.) Your sense of destiny demands organization. You know that the bucket gets filled drop by drop, slowly, steady but sure. And you're patient. For one thing, you know you're going to look young when you get old. (You guys really scored!)
It's all toujours l'amour for your sign now. (Mom always liked you best.) All you want to do is have fun. The world could be going to hell in a hand basket and there you are flirting, laughing it up, enjoying yourself with friends and having vacations. Is this realistic? Yes! Joy is something that should be cultivated to a limitless degree. Joy is a wonderful thing to spread. This world can't get enough joy. Never worry about being too joyful. (Mind you, in some suburbs you could get arrested.) Joy is a wonderful, contagious, generous quality to promote. It encompasses wisdom, grace, generosity and love.
Gosh, golly, gee -- time to make brownies. (Or whatever you make to give family members a warm feeling in their tummy. Maybe a margarita?) The next four weeks are about home and family, real estate, domestic activities, decorating, fixing up your digs and dealing with personal issues with relatives. Memories from your childhood might also surface now. ("I can't believe I dated that person!") It is totally appropriate to focus on these issues now. Romance and flirtations plus lots of fun stuff are at hand, too. But family and home come first now, even if you feel like Johnny Cash. "One foot on Jacob's ladder and one foot in the fire..."