All Signs

I get questions about mention of times that are bad for shopping or important decisions in my daily column. For those of you who already know, please be patient. These times are when the Moon is void-of-course (not making a major aspect to any planet.) Essentially, the Moon is "unconnected." Since the Moon influences bodies of water, and (despite the beer) we're primarily water -- this includes us. These disconnected times are great for creativity, fun and meditation; but they're bad for making practical decisions. When you shop during these times, what you buy will not fulfill its intended purpose. Like that appliqued felt Mexican jacket, it will simply hang in the back of your closet. (I have a purple ostrich boa I never use and can't throw away.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Looking back, around 1989-90, you were proud of your achievements. ("Me strong bad!") However, life reshuffled the cards in the mid 90s, and by 1996, you were off in a new direction. The last eight years have been enormously significant because essentially, you've changed. Without question, you're the new you. (Drip-dry but not wrinkle free.) Before you move forward, you must now solidify your home base. This includes reorganizing your domestic scene, improving your living situation and dealing with family dynamics, probably involving a parent. After this, you will choose your true career path. (Like wow.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You like a predictable outcome. That's why the loss of the last half of the 90s was painful. You had to let go of so many things -- people, jobs, property, relationships and possessions. Your life turned the corner in 1999. That's when you set out on the path of development and growth that you're currently on. You're learning to make major adjustments to how your life operates on a day-to-day level. This includes your style of communicating (speaking and listening) to family members and daily colleagues. You're learning how to communicate in a way that ultimately makes you happier. People treat you differently according to how you talk and listen to them. Capice?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a tricky time for your sign. Sure, you thought you knew what was happening in 1994 --96. Issues were simpler then. But around 2001, you landed in an entirely new sandbox. That's OK -- you love change and stimulation. However, now the "newness" of things has worn off, and you're getting down to the nitty-gritty. It's time for you to figure what you really value. How else can you know what to go after? At this stage in your life, you're establishing all kinds of values -- moral, psychological, spiritual and material. Just remember: Negativity is wanting things to be different than the way they are. Happiness is wanting what you have. It all boils down to your ability to be content. Simple.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Around 1989 --90, you ended major relationships. By 1996, your ambitions pushed you to achieve some of your dreams. That's when you really felt proud of yourself. But life is full of hills and valleys. (Gosh, that's original.) So when you go forward, sometimes you're going up, and sometimes you're going down, but you're still going forward. This is the way to look at the loss you experienced since 2000. It's all part of the process. The worst of it is behind you now. Since last year, it's a whole new scene. You have to accept this and move forward. You're at the brink of creating a new world for yourself -- even a new identity.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Significant changes took place in your life around 1990--91. Important connections and relationships took a dive then. Bummer. Nevertheless, you pulled yourself up by your Argyle knee socks, and showed the world what you were made of by 1999 -2003. Oh yeah. You can't keep a good Leo down. This is a disconcerting time for you, however. That's because you're letting go of things. But you're a Fixed sign, and you don't like to let go of things unless you now what you're going to hold on to next. Let the Sagittarians hang in the air singing, "Whee! What's next?" You want a sure thing. Don't worry. In the next two years, you'll find it.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You set out to establish a home base for yourself around 1986-88. And Lord knows you were working hard in the early 90s. However, relationships were very tough around 1993-95. You're not one to advertise your pain, but you sure felt it. You're often reluctant to pat yourself on the back and take credit for your achievements. You often think things just "happen" instead of seeing your life as the result of your own choices. Since 2001, there is definitely increasing evidence that your colleagues respect you more! There's no doubt about this. You worked for this; you earned it; now it's yours. Don't hesitate to take credit for your achievements.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

As frail humans fumbling "on a darkling plain" we constantly grasp for something new in the future to make us happy. That job, that person, that house, that car, that title, that fame. This forward momentum in our mind can make us blind to our present-day achievements. Take a good reality check. If you look at your job, where you live, and who you're with now -- you'll see that some of these are the things you wanted very much 10 years ago. Even five years ago. This is a time of harvest in your life! You are reaping what you sowed. It continues to be a very powerful time for you in the next few years. Make the most of it. Appreciate who you are and what you have.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Older Scorpions will remember 1984 as a significant time. Big changes then; plus lots of flux and change in 1989-91 as well. (Jobs, residences, relationships.) By 1994-95, you had increased responsibilities with children. That's also when some of you came in touch with your true career path. But 1999 definitely was a landmark year for you! This is when you stepped out very boldly to go after what you wanted in the world. Now you're close to achieving some of your most cherished dreams. The next few years will bear the rewards you are seeking. Keep working for what you want. Your pay off is close at hand.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

If you look back, you'll see that the years roughly from 1986 --1994 were hugely formative in changing your life. For example, things are super different now than they were in 1985, right? Those were the years when you established pretty much who you are now. Since then, you've been trying to figure out what you want to do. In fact, since 2001, you've been much bolder about reaching out for what you want. Lack of support from partners and other sources has cooled your jets a bit in the last year. But by next year, you're back in the race. Expect increased opportunities for travel, publishing and education. (All things dear to your heart.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You could say that the first half of the 90s was all about reinventing yourself, and the last half was figuring out what to do with your new self. It's a generalization, but it's useful. (Of course, all generalizations are false including this one.) Right now you're in a two-year window (2003-05) that will really change your life. Now is when you'll break off relationships that no longer benefit you. Furthermore, along with increased respect and recognition for who you are, you'll reach out more boldly for what you want. It's been a struggle for the last few years. This is a turning point. From here on, you'll work steadily toward a career peak about seven years from now.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

There's no question that life is a bit of a struggle now and you're working hard. That's just the way it is. In 1991, you set out on a new course. By 1999, you had to make important decisions about family matters and where you lived. However, now is a time of steady, applied effort. You're singing the Volga Boatmen Song. (Oy vay.) But all is not for naught - it's for aught. (?) If you keep working, you'll see the results of your labours in the next few years. Effort in one direction always brings a benefit. Therefore, keep to your course. Each, drink and be merry for tomorrow we diet.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You definitely remember the suffering you experienced with the loss of relationships and material things in the early 90s. Fortunately, by 1994, you started on an important new cycle of growth and development in your life. A few years ago, you made a commitment to some kind of living situation. You bought, sold, renovated or fixed up your home. Now, many of you have increased responsibilities with children. In addition to this, you're seeking a meaningful career path: something that gives you fulfillment, joy and pots of cash. Stick with the first two because they have surprisingly little to do with the third.