We all need patience and forbearance now. Although technically, Mercury doesn't go retrograde until April 6, we can feel the effects of this beginning already through confused communications and breakdowns and delays in transportation. But that's peanuts. Fiery Mars (Lord of war) now challenges Uranus, the ruler of unpredictable explosions and technology. Be careful in all your actions and words because silly little errors can lead to big upsets. It's a dangerous combo. Remember: minor confusion can lead to major upsets. Oh well, if the world didn't suck -- we'd all fall off. "These are perilous times for the Federation."
This is an extremely accident-prone time for you in your daily routine. You might blurt out something hurtful or thoughtless. Your haste to do something or finish a task could promote errors, which in turn trigger big ones. All you have to do is remember to be more patient and careful than usual right now. Think before you speak. Move more slowly and carefully in everything you do. Double-check traffic. Assume the worst. If you're careful, nothing has to happen. But impulsive haste and sloppy knee-jerk reactions will get you in trouble! Right here in River City! (Forewarned is forearmed.)
You enjoy shopping for beautiful things. You're also a financial wizard (lots of you are in banking.) Note: this Mars/ Uranus combo tempts you to spend money impulsively. Not only that, you might act rashly at work, especially with a friend or group. To avoid this listen to your gut! If you have a funny feeling that you shouldn't do or say something -- don't do it! Your body knows even if your mind has checked out for a coffee break. You might try to prove your independence or get your way by purchasing something just because you "want" to. You'll regret it. (And you'll waste your money.)
You're a loose cannon right now. You want to be free of all restraints. You don't want anyone telling you what to do. By nature, you like to be free anyway; but now, if VIPs or authority figures try to hem you in -- you'll revolt! For some of you, this looks like your break for freedom. Perhaps out of timidity, you've waited until things were intolerable before you could flip someone the bird. But this is not a graceful way to leave any situation and it certainly burns bridges. Try to resist this impulse. If you feel this way, it does mean you need to make changes somewhere. But make them on your terms. Don't just react. Do yourself a favour and think before you speak.
Disruptions to your lifestyle are possible now because of computer crashes, breakdowns in lines of communication, and disruptions with governmental agencies. You're feeling more rebellious about something than you even want to admit to yourself. Something's been simmering on the back burner. Now it's "last straw" time! Bad Day at Black Rock. But lo! Listen to this advice: don't take your guns to town. If something really ticks you off, (and it does) think about what your objective is. What do you have to do -- next -- to achieve that objective? Kicking and screaming and telling people off will only confuse the issue. Protect yourself. Go for what you want but do it skillfully. And make your words sweet in case you have to eat them later. (I like to add whipped cream.)
You enjoy your popularity, especially with your friends. Furthermore, you like to think the best of your friends. After all, they're "your" friends. Would you hangout with bozos? However, right now you're going through a stage where you might be outgrowing some of your pals. (Too many desserts.) You're pulling back. You feel you have less and less in common with others. That's all right. You can lose people through attrition and the "drift factor." However, don't establish your independence by telling people off (which you might be tempted to do.) The actions of groups and friends might irk you now but don't get haughty. (You invented haughty.) If you want to be freer and less structured in your relationships, this can happen without a scene.
You notice details much more than others. That's why many of your finest efforts go unsung and unacknowledged. This can be disheartening and demoralizing because you feel unappreciated and used. As these feelings build up, you start having imaginary conversations with your supervisor, parent, mother-in-law, or (fill in the blank.) You're quick to anger now in response to words and actions from authority figures or even partners. But where does this get you? Assertive explosions aren't cool. They're immature. Afterwards you feel like a schmuck. No! You want others to see the error in their ways. Resist your knee-jerk reaction to sound off. Think before you act. Use skillful means to get what you want.
Some rather bizarre events could take place in any area connected with foreign countries, travel, higher education, the law, publishing and the media. Basically, it's a crapshoot. Absent-minded comments could set off coworkers. Your need to maintain a political or religious position -- something you strongly identify with -- could land you in hot water. Quit trying to prove something. Others don't have to agree with you. It doesn't mean that you're wrong. Remember what Einstein said: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." (To be fair, he also said, "Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously for they will shape you.") My advice is: wear water wings and stay out of the deep end.
Parents must be extra vigilant now with children. The explosive planetary energy taking place now could reverberate with your kids. This could mean accidents; but more likely it means verbal accidents. Be patient. Years ago it was thought that the best way to train a child was to be fault finding, scolding and critical. That's a terrible way! It destroys the child's confidence. Goethe said, "Criticism does much but encouragement does more." How true! After all, you want your kids to be successful so they can support you in style in your old age. Don't come on too heavy. You are powerful, willful and intense. All you have to do is stand there and breathe. (Oh yeah.)
You are so ready to tell somebody to take a long walk off a short pier. You've had it up the yin yang. (Whatever happened to happily ever after?) You're trying to prove your independence. You don't want to be dictated to or hemmed in. You have every right to feel this way. Just don't blow a good thing making your point. Instead of reacting emotionally, try to think very calmly what you want the end result to be. Then ask yourself what the best thing is that you can do to work towards that end result. Get what you want with style and grace. Don't tell somebody off and then cringe later. Be cool.
Your boss is a jerk. Coworkers are ineffective, lazy and out to lunch. Systems are crashing. Technology sucks. And you can't get a decent scone within a block of where you work. Is that what's troubling you buddy? One or all of the above? My advice: don't quit your day job. This doesn't mean you can't quit it in the immediate future. But if you quit now, it might just be a knee-jerk reaction to everything, especially an argument with someone. You value your reputation! Whatever goes down -- you want it to be skillful, slick, and smart. Right? Remember the motto of the wise carpenter: Measure twice, cut once. That's how you want to play it.
Wild and wacky Uranus (your ruler) is electrified and challenged by fiery Mars. This triggers squabbles and arguments with children and romantic interests. Lots of cozy love nests will blow sky-high. Is this what you want? Or are you afraid of losing your freedom? Perhaps you can still maintain your freedom without kissing off a relationship. (Stranger things have happened.) This build up of tension could also impact family relationships. Feelings of rebellion and an increasing need for your own independence could prompt you to do something rash. (Plus your work scene might be harsh and intolerable.) Of course you want to blow this pop stand! Just do it on your own terms.
Domestic tension and bizarre circumstances at home trigger lots of impatience within you now. Accidents due to fire, explosions, electricity, or breakdowns in technology are likely. Verbal accidents (yelling and critical words) among family members are also possible. Sudden residential changes could take place. All of these are distressing and disturbing to your peace of mind. The relief you think you get by yelling is an illusion. Every time you express your anger, you're not releasing it -- you're simply practicing how to get angry. Anger serves no purpose at all. It simply makes everyone miserable. Think about what you want and go after it gracefully.