All Signs

Saturn was retrograde for 4 months; it now turns direct. Although we seem to experience Saturn as an external force (almost fate) in fact, we create our world. Saturn represents what we really want in life. If things go well, Saturn solidifies and brings structure to these areas. If things don't go well, Saturn terminates them. (gulp) Self-deception is such a drag: most of us never know what we really want. Instead, we bang our heads against the wall trying to hold up something that needs to fall. (Does anyone who plays a guitar want that line?) Read below to see where Saturn is in your sign. But we can't knock Saturn. It gave us the Blues! (Jupiter would have us clapping with the downbeat singing, "I'm so happy I forgot where I parked my Mercedes.")

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Fickle Finger of Fate has you zeroed in on domestic matters, and everything to do with family and home. This week in particular, raises issues that you're willing to defend to the death. (Oy vay.) However, what is more likely at stake is your need to win. You like to argue and duel with rapier wit. You've got this Hero hang up. And heroes are always victorious! (It's tough being a Hero in a real world.) Why not crank it up a notch? Real heroes refuse to fight. They don't get sucked in. They're above petty insults and snide remarks. (But they still get to wear cool costumes.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The handwriting is practically on the wall. Don't get sucked into disagreements about estates, wills, inheritances, shared property or debt, taxes and who's responsible for what. To be sure, these are important issues. (You're never casual about money, property or your responsibilities to others.) But ask yourself: what's more important -- your relationship with someone, or the thing that you're fighting about? Sure they're connected. But it takes two to fight. Either you're in the ring or you're not. And if you're in the ring, why are you there? One month from now, everything will look radically different. Cool your jets. Focus on job or residential moves.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Do not tangle with your boss, your parent or anybody who is in a position of authority this week. Don't do it! It'll take all your willpower and resolve to avoid this. Somebody is trying to run somebody else's life. You might be the one doing the power tripping; somebody else might be trying to do this to you. Either way -- it's not a pretty picture. Change the channel. Leave the theatre. Get out of this movie. (The ending sucks.) Ironically, this same kind of discussion one month later (April) will unfold completely differently. (Go figure.) Since you know this, take your foot out of your mouth and run home. Think about what you really want.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You will be so tempted to coerce others to your way of thinking this week, you might not be able to resist mouthing off. Watch my lips (actually, my fingers on the keyboard): do not, I repeat do not try to force your point of view upon others this week. It will be a hollow victory. (The hollow ones are so lame; go for the ones with the chocolate truffle centres. Yummy!) It's all a big ego trip. You're actually talking to yourself. And if somebody else tries to do this to you -- run! We all arrive at our own truths in different ways at different times. (I prefer limo, but then that's just me.) Live and let be. You're at the beginning of a 29 year journey. Pack light.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Unless you've really got your head stuck in the sand, you know that you're in a phase of your life where you have to let go things. This is more than just taking out the garbage or giving bags of clothing to charity. This is the real deal. The scary thing about letting go is that we don't know what comes next. One thing is certain: your financial scene has and will improve this year. Relationships are uncertain, even confusing; and your ambition continues to be strong. Clouds from the Northwest meet a cold front moving up from the South. This means that no matter what you' re letting go of now (job, home, relationships) hang on to those gum boots.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

At this stage in your life, your challenge is to figure out how to fit in with some kind of group expression. This doesn't mean you have to participate in a group hug every morning, but it does mean you have to be a team member or perhaps less of a star player. Don't avoid responsibilities or meeting the expectations of others. Your rewards will come from learning how to work skillfully with others now. In fact, knowing how to work with people is the most important skill to cultivate. Avoid arguments with partners this week. Don't try to prove anything. And don't defend. Just be.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

With respect to your career path in life, what is working well will only improve now. That's for sure. On the other hand, what is not working is becoming abundantly clear to you. (Oh yeah.) Keep in mind that your first loss is your cheapest lost. Have the guts to get rid of or leave what is not working out. This is the time to do it. (If you take the plunge, remember to return it byThursday.) Conflict with coworkers about how to make improvements or reform things could get nasty. You don't like nasty. It upsets your equilibrium. Try to sidestep these confrontations if you can. (Keep your cool.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

It's very important for you to keep working hard now because a wonderful period of success awaits you in the next few years. The more you achieve now, the greater your rewards will be then. In the meantime, avoid power struggles with children. You're very decisive and often quite overwhelming even though you don't realize it. Sometimes, standing up to you is like trying to face Darth Vader. Most Scorpios are unaware of their powerful energy. Be gentle with children. I've quoted Goethe often but it bears repeating: "Criticism does much, but encouragement does more."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Arguments and power struggles with parents and family members about domestic issues could be a bummer this week. Don't even go there. Quit trying to improve others. Don't let others try to improve you. Many of you have had to learn to get along on less lately. Assistance or support from others (possibly a partner or roommate) has diminished or even disappeared! This means you have to rely on yourself. The lesson to be learned here is that it's a good idea to be independent. After all, freedom is important to you. Not having to rely on others is liberating. Of course, no one is an island (not even a peninsula.) We are all dependently wealthy.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your closest relationships and partnerships might be a challenge now. You're starting to flex your muscles in every way. In the next two years, increasing recognition for your efforts boosts your confidence. It also shifts your focus to your external world much more. As your attention swings in this direction, partners and close friends might start to feel like chopped liver. They're not even sure if they're on your speed dialing more! This week siblings, relatives and neighbors could be a source of conflict for you. Keep in mind that it takes two to make a fight. (And three to make an orgy.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It's slave wage time. (The trick is to get the wage.) No matter how you cut it, you're working really hard now. In fact, trying to juggle everything is practically overwhelming! Don't worry -- you can do it. In the future, you'll back at this phase in your life as if it were a test. It's important to protect your health now, too. Hard work generally equals stress, which means that many of you are sleep deprived now. Quarrels about money and possessions are likely. You might have to fight for your earnings for some reason. Power struggles at work might force you to defend your turf. So little time, so little to do.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Many of you are exploding with restless energy! Uranus in your sign (for the first time in your life) makes you rebellious, independent and ripe for revolution. This also makes you restless and might even disturb your sleep. (You've got plans to hatch!) The deepest thing driving you now is a need to discover your song. You want more than just a job -- you want a meaningful, money producing existence! Meanwhile, back at the home page, arguments with parents and authority figures are likely this week. Consider avoidance as a strategy. See all, do all, say nothing. Increased responsibilities with children and work related to the arts (and sports) might add a burden to your load. Nevertheless, your closest friendships and partnerships are a joy now.