Different cultures have different calendars. The Tibetan New Year is on the New Moon (Feb. 20) (about a month later than the Chinese New Year of January 22.) This is a time of new beginnings. Eastern philosophy stresses the importance of auspicious beginnings. "A good beginning is halfway done." Good beginnings involve two aspects: the eradication of the negative, and the cultivation of the good. The best way to begin a new year is to pay your bills and clean up your surroundings so that you remove debt and dirt. In turn, it's the perfect time to practice generosity and consideration to others. This means your fresh start is about as good as it can get. No matter what cultural belief you subscribe to -- this is good advice. (Of course, the culture to avoid is the one growing in the back of your fridge.) Oy!
With all those Pisceans running around to shoe sales celebrating their birthday, it means you're next up to the plate. Your personal year is ending. It behooves you to glance over your shoulder and scrutinize your last year. I often grab a piece of paper and mark out the 12 months, and write down the highlights under each month of whatever I can vaguely remember. (It's surprising what comes to mind after your third coffee.) And there in your hand, you hold your year. You see the shape of your year -- the growth of some accomplishments, and the galling omission of others. It's surprisingly informative. Try it.
This Piscean Sun always amps your popularity quotient. It's time to shift gears psychologically. In the next four to six weeks, you'll do more with friends and groups. Invitations will pour in! People want to see your face. Fortunately, with Mars in Aries, you've got energy to burn! You feel confident, assertive and physically active. Life is suddenly more exciting and social. Jupiter in your fellow Earth sign (Virgo) really boosts this as well. Vacations, romance, playful activities with children and all kinds of pleasurable pursuits are on your agenda. You can't go wrong! Don't be afraid to be happy.
Four planets are at the top of your chart. You're Gary Cooper in High Noon. Whether or not the townspeople come to help you, they're sure watching out every window! Be aware of your words and actions. The next six weeks are high profile and as such, they could make or break your reputation. If you've made some mistakes -- admit them and apologize. (This always earns the respect of others. People know you made them. If you try to pretend you didn't, they think you're a schmuck.) Similarly, take credit for what you accomplished. Acknowledging your accomplishments isn't arrogance; it's self-confidence. (Arrogance is thinking you can do something when you can't.) Take responsibility for your talents.
Opportunities for work related travel are likely in the month ahead. Some of you might travel for pleasure as well. Any activity that broadens your horizons will appeal to you. You want to know more about the world! Study and education interest you. Your involvement with publishing, the media and legal matters will increase. Even though you feel comfortable at home and in familiar surroundings, you'll entertain bold plans to break out of your velvet rut. Sure it costs money -- but the bigger challenge is summoning the guts to commit to something different and unusual. Eeek! (And yet afterwards, you're always thrilled you did so.) And so it goes.
You're suddenly consumed with red tape details: dealing with insurance matters; focusing on wills, estates and inheritances: dealing with taxes and debt: plus sorting out the division of property and how to share possessions or the responsibilities for something. These are all areas that need your attention. You've got to know how many cookies are left in the jar. (Forget the crumbs on your whiskers.) Once you figure this out, you'll know where you stand. You'll know what you can do and what you can't. You'll know how big you can dream. (Dreams that incur too much debt are psychologically heavy on your mind. Even paralyzing.) Don't be afraid to let go of what's not working. It's not loss -- its liberation.
This Piscean Sun opposes your sign. It's not a bad thing. It offers you a unique set of opportunities to more easily see your Self reflected back to you. People will act like a mirror. You'll learn more through your interactions with others. (Why is that man running away from me?) The Latin word "tractabilis" means to handle or manage. (Hence, keeping track of your bills.) Your relationships with those who are closest to you will become more tractable because you'll have a better understanding of how you affect others. You're supportive and helpful. Those who fear accepting generosity are suspicious of this. They're afraid of strings that might be attached. Do they owe you? Do they deserve this? Phooey!
Few realize the extent to which your surroundings affect you. You react strongly to smells, lighting, composition, furniture arrangement, texture and whether or not the place is on fire. That's why you work diligently to restore your surroundings to their acceptable levels whenever they become too messy or destroyed. You might be at this point now. Something within you wants to focus on getting organized. You want to get rid of mess, clutter and confusion. You want organization! You want to feel productive, efficient and on top of your scene. You even want to improve your health! This is a real self improvement kick. And it's a good thing. Good luck!
Your creative talents are bursting out! Go full steam ahead with all matters related to the arts, any kind of creative expression, working with children, the entertainment world, and professional sports. These are the areas where you are hot! Because we're talking about fun, exciting stuff - naturally, love and romance are in the package too. You want to party, flirt, create, play and have fun. It's pleasure city for the next six weeks. This might create tension with a partner. (Especially if you're flirting with someone else.) You don't need this. Include your loved ones in your run for fun. And don't blow something substantial for a mere bon bon. (You know who you are.)
Now your attention swings to home, family and your domestic scene. In fact, real estate matters intrigue you. As usual, you're trying to put together a deal. This is not a bad idea because your ruler Jupiter is sailing across the top of your chart bringing you good luck, auspicious circumstances, and attracting favourable people to you. (Oh yeah.) Not only that, Mars in Taurus make you work hard right now. This is a good time to play a long shot. The odds are in your favour because you've done your homework. Important people want to help you as well.
You're in the mood for some travel. You feel a bit restless, curious and impulsive. Short trips are definitely likely. Some of you will plan for more extensive journeys in the near future. Closer to home, conversations and interactions with siblings, relatives and neighbors are important. Siblings help you to fix up your digs. (You want to make everything more elegant at home.) Plus, you're entertaining more at home as well. Some of you are fixing things up because romance blesses you now. (You want to make a decent impression!) All this busy running around thrills you. You feel challenged yet up to it. When the going gets tough -- the tough go shopping!
A number of wide ranging influences force you to think about money and how you earn your money. It's suddenly more of a big deal in your life. You now see what you'd really like to do with a serious bundle of cash if you could lay your mitts on it. (Forget the Gulfstream. Let's stay in the realm of possibilities. You can't even afford the pilot.) Nevertheless, it's good to make your wish list. Define your assets and liabilities. Get a truer picture of what your scene is. Then you know what's possible. After all, RAM wasn't built in a day. Line up your priorities. Figure what's doable. Better yet: figure what you want to do; what really matters.
Happy birthday! Never before in your life have you felt so bold, experimental and ready for the future. You want to clear away all limitations. You want to be free to do what you want to do. In fact, you're entering the most rebellious period of your life. Why? It's because wild, wacky Uranus is now in Pisces for the first time since 1928. (Remember when Bob ran away from home on the tractor?) This Uranian energy makes you rebellious, restless and resentful of authority. You don't want to be micromanaged by anyone. Ha! Sure you have obligations to others -- but what about yourself? This time you intend to make the cut.