Astrology is not about fate or destiny. It offers insights into how we can best use different cycles in our lives. If the goal of life is happiness (sounds good to me); then we have to learn how to be happy. ("Why is that man smiling?") Therefore, every influence -- positive or negative -- offers us an opportunity to get a better handle of how life works. (That which is obvious is difficult to perceive, because it's too simple.) For example, loss teaches compassion, and compassion definitely promotes happiness. Gain can teach appreciation, which in turn promotes happiness. Planetary movement reveals cycles that are guidelines. Why would you set off on a journey rowing against the tide? That kind of thing. (And if your brother-in-law can get you a life jacket wholesale -- lucky you.)
You've been busy meeting people, chatting to groups and clubs, and entertaining friends. With Venus in your sign now, you're impossibly charming! It should come as no surprise to you that you need to crawl into bed, roll up in a fetal position and turn your electric blanky up to nine. Don't come out before you're ready. ("Stick a fork in me Lord -- I'm done.") Psychologically, you need a rest as well. As your birthday approaches, it means your personal year is ending. Don't ignore this. Your report card is due. Time for the old reality check. Are you headed in the direction you want to go? How do you want your new year to be different? Ponder thus.
A couple of weeks ago was Groundhog Day. (Feb. 2.) Now whether the little guy saw his shadow or not is not the issue here. I only liked the movie. The point is that you have to swing into a different cycle now -- a very social one! It's schmooze city for your sign for the next four to six weeks. Fortunately, with Mars in Taurus right now, you're up for it. You've got the energy, you've got the drive, and many of you have the coin. In fact, one of the best ways to use this Mars energy is to get more physical exercise. (But I digress.) Get out and network with others! Talk about your goals and objectives. You never know where your next hot tip is waiting for you. Listen up.
Exciting, unexpected things can happen in the next week or two. You might trigger them yourself because feelings of independence (even rebellion) are sizzling within. That's one of the reasons sudden job changes or career shifts are likely. You'll also be in the limelight; and dealing with parent more than usual. You're looking for a better way to define your individuality. You want more freedom; you want fresh experiences. You don't want to sell out or surrender your individuality anymore. The myth of security is losing its appeal. You're working up the courage to risk more in order to have a fuller and more profound experience of life. Gosh. (Write if you get work.)
You want to experience new situations, places, faces and knowledge -- but you want to do this without upsetting the applecart. (What are you doing with an applecart? In February?) Obviously, increased travel and education are ways to expand your world. In fact, study particularly appeals to you now. The strange thing is that it doesn't really matter what you do. Ever since last year, you set out on a journey to reinvent yourself. While this is going on, everything you experience is just thrown into the bag that will end up being the "new you". (Experience comes from bad judgment; and good judgment comes from experience.)
Sometimes, the planets are clustered. Right now, they're in seven signs. (This means you can order whatever you like on the menu.) Mars makes you ambitious; Venus encourages travel, education and publishing; Jupiter will continue to boost your earnings; Saturn is trying to convince you to get rid of whatever you don't need anymore; Mercury and Neptune trigger the need for idealistic conversations with close pals; and the Sun and Uranus bring extra zing to your sex life. (The Sun brings energy and focus, while experimental Uranus is ready for anything -- once.) I never discuss Pluto. You can see it's a crapshoot. Take care of red tape details connected with insurance matters, debt, mortgages, inheritances and shared property. (Boring, but necessary.)
Conversations with partners, close friends and even clients will increase in occurrence, profundity, and complexity. You truly stand to benefit from others now. Some people will actually give you stuff! Others will give you advice. And yet others simply provide you with an opportunity to learn more about yourself and the world. The bottom line is -- you win. (With lucky Jupiter in your sign now, why am I not surprised?) You also want to break free from restrictions, especially where your self-expression is stifled. This means the end of a relationship for many of you. But this kind of "end" is not loss -- it's liberation. (Keep the bed.)
Many fail to appreciate how your environment affects you. (Lighting, smells, colours, furniture placement, toothpicks -- flat or round?) That's why you have to create a pleasing, harmonious milieu for yourself. You're not being picky. It's being discriminating. Respect your need for the right colours, the right linens, the right furnishings, the right home, car or clothes. These aren't trivial things; and you aren't superficial. (Gandhi was a Libra.) Being delicately sensitive to sound and light in your daily surroundings is wonderful! It allows you to appreciate life with diamond-like, adamantine perception. (You guys have fabulous taste.) So go ahead and work hard to tweak your world to your taste.
It's your turn to have all the fun! In the next four to six weeks, your focus turns to working with children, professional sports, show business, the entertainment world, resorts and vacations. You want the freedom to do your own thing! Of course, the icing on the cake will be sex, love and romance. (Been there, done that, definitely want to return.) You're a playful sign. (But deadly when you lose.) Go ahead and kick up your heels. Home continues to be busy with repairs, visits and conversations. Work goes smoothly. Be patient with partners. Forget about getting even or gloating about being right. Be gentle and hug someone every day.
Suddenly, you appreciate the privacy of your home. You practically want to hibernate. This is what happens to world-weary travelers. Family issues probably require your attention now, especially with parents or specific relatives. This is a great time for a family reunion because you're prepared to work hard, and yet you still want to play and have lots of fun. Don't let up on your career because that's where all your luck is this year. (And you are a lucky sign.) That's because you're not afraid to take a chance. You know you can't steal second and keep one foot on first.
Go out. Meet others. Talk to them. You have something you want to say; and you need to say it. Sometimes you coast along with meaningless chitchat. Sometimes you're reclusive. But this is one of those times when you truly need meaningful conversation with others. And it will continue this way for the next four to six weeks. Partly, you need to think out loud. (That's allowed.) Partly you need confirmation from others for your ideas. This too, is fine. Some of you will take this same urge and write or read more. Either way, it fulfills your need to exchange ideas. Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, your love life looks hot! (Is that what all this talk is about?)
It's curious how you're wrapped up with possessions, money, earnings, saving and shopping now. In a way, you're reassessing your self-image. Naturally, this includes what you wear, what you drive and where you eat. It's not that money defines you; it's what you do with your money that sets you apart. Many of you are making major changes where you live. You're redecorating, remodeling, or buying stuff. Major changes in your family dynamic might also necessitate a shift in funds (helping a family member or buying things for someone.) Don't worry. Gifts and goodies continue to come your way all year!
It's all about you now. Late Wednesday night, the Sun enters your sign where it stays for the next four weeks. (Until March 19 - 20.) During this time it conjuncts Uranus, trines Saturn, conjuncts Mercury, squares Pluto and sextiles Mars. Naturally, this means you have to reduce your carbohydrates and buy medium grade gas. Mostly it means you want to get your own way: Cogito ergo spud. I think therefore, I yam. There's nothing wrong with this. The secret is knowing what you really want. (Or realizing that what you have is what you would have wanted had you known what to wish for.)