For those who ask about the warnings in the All Signs of my daily columns, here's the skinny: every 2 -3 days the Moon goes into a Limbo state where whatever we initiate tends NOT to fulfill its purpose. This means if we buy something, we hardly use it, or we have to return it, or it gives us blisters. This is anything from buying a coat to buying a house or a company. These are not bad times: they're loosey-goosey great times for creative, fun activities. (But bad for permanent decisions.) I obey this rule. Naturally, you can buy food and little things. Basically, forewarned is forearmed. (Of course, how prepared can one really be in life? For example -- what about the early worm?)
Buy new duds to feel socially hot. Your popularity rating is picking up! Expect invitations to conferences, meetings, parties, social occasions, and fun gatherings. You're very smooth talking to people now, including VIPs and head hanchos. Because your social skills are strong now, this is the time to solicit feedback about your ideas. Discuss your hopes and dreams for the future. Get out and network! The domino effect of ideas generating new ideas will help you. Try to get more physical exercise as well. You've got a lot of energy building up within you. If you don't give it a healthy release, it will leak out in tiny, pointed remarks. (Ouch.)
The Sun is now at high noon in your chart. This attracts attention to you, especially the attention of influential people. Because of this, it behooves you to dress well since first impressions count. Naturally, this is the time to state your case and further your agenda about anything dear to your heart. This is a particularly good year for financial speculation (for your sign.) What the market does might be another thing entirely. The next few weeks are also a good time to give attention to parents or parental figures in your life. You're still in that window of change regarding residential and job moves. (It lasts for at least another year.) Do I stay or go?
You're always curious. But in the next few weeks, your curiosity is off the chart. There is a restless feeling building up within you. You want to travel. You want to expand your world and your experience of different cultures and places. You want to learn more about everything. If you can travel at all in the next six weeks -- do it! Alternatively, if you're thinking of signing up for course -- do it! You need to satisfy your hunger to learn and explore. Education not only satisfies your curiosity, it gives you sophistication and polish. For example, you'll learn to avoid saying things like, "One, two, three, buckle my shoe."
In a conscious or unconscious way, you have an increasing desire to become a better person, or to improve yourself in some way. This is good. After all -- you will never again be as young as you are today. Let Carpe Diem be your motto for the month ahead. Seize life by the throat and ring out each moment of joy and accomplishment that you can. It's all relative - just do what you can. You also have to focus on red tape details like insurance matters, estates, wills, inheritances and settling debts or shared property. You're giving your life a serious reality check. (And you don't want it to bounce at the bank.)
Face the facts. Your noble pride and desire to run the show with skill, accomplishment and style exhausts you! You can't be a Superhero all the time. Even Napoleon slept weekends. Because the Sun is opposite your sign now, your energy is flagging somewhat. Recognize this fact and get your rest. One to one relationships and partnerships are significant now. Tie up important stuff, but don't get bogged down in details. Just cover the high points. Show others they matter to you. People want to help you now. You give more easily than you receive. But if you can't accept the generosity of others -- how can they be generous? (You know how this works.)
You're strongly energized (in the month ahead) to organize your life. In fact, you're so gung ho to pull your act together, your ambition extends to your health as well. You'll start diets and new exercise regimes. You're jogging to the vitamin store. At the same time, you want to sort, file and categorize possessions, papers and tools. You know that peace of mind comes from an ordered environment. Simplicity promotes clarity. (At least, now and Zen.) This doesn't mean you won't have time for play. Au contraire! Your gonads are in overdrive, and romance is pleasantly exciting right now. Work hard -- then grab those saucy, little rewards.
The next four to five weeks will be fun loving, romantic and pleasurable. It's the perfect time for a vacation. It's also a wonderful time for any kind of creative activity. (The Muse is whispering in your ear.) Explore the theater, the arts, and the entertainment world as well as resorts and everything to do with hospitality industry. Professional sports gets a boost. And everything to do with children suddenly flows more easily and joyfully. (Bless those little Rugrats.) There's more: you love life gets a shot in the arm as well. Yay! New romance comes to some of you, and existing relationships take on a kinky, new spin. (Libra is one of the most imaginative signs when it comes to sex.) You make naughty fun.
All the important areas of your chart are supercharged in the month ahead. Focus on home, family and domestic issues. Important plans and activities require your attention. Real estate matters are also important. Plus you might also be dealing with a parent more than usual. However, you're busting your buns at work as well -- writing, studying, reading, selling, marketing and talking to practically everyone! As if this weren't enough, you're also taking time to have fun. Mini-vacations, fun flirtations, activities with children and an involvement with the arts top up your agenda. Well, if anybody can pull this off -- you can. You're PowerPoint on steroids.
This week you hit the ground running. The pace of your days accelerates now and stays that way for five to six weeks. (It's a good thing you have well-developed thighs.) This increased tempo is because everything to do with your everyday surroundings is hyped. Suddenly, you have meetings, conversations, appointments, and short trips taking up your time as well as shopping, increased time with siblings and lots of reading and writing to do. You're dancing as fast as you can! You got good moneymaking ideas now. Don't hesitate to spend cash to make your digs look more attractive. Flirtatious opportunities abound now. Is there anything that isn't happening in your life? (Well, besides that.)
You're thinking about money: how to earn more cash, and how to spend it as well. However, the bottom line right now is less to do with money and possessions, and more to do with your self-image and your sense of self-worth. It's important for you do be respected by others. That can influence how you spend your money. And you are right. Look at those around every boardroom of any large corporation -- you never see naked people sitting there. They're dressed! Shoes and all. You know how the game works. And you have to pay the price. Even Dolly Parton confessed, "You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap."
All you wild, wacky, wonderful Aquarians are having birthdays. Since you're working so hard now (at your job or with life in general), your motto is, "I accept gifts!". Fortunately, it's now your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. The Sun in your sign replenishes, restores and re-energizes you. It also attracts favourable circumstances and influential people your way. (This is good.) Therefore, maketh hay while the sun shines. Buy gifts for yourself and loved ones. And keep in mind that all this hard work pays off in the next two years. Many of you get coveted acknowledgment in 2005 or 2006. (For which you'll of course be cavalier and off hand.)
As your birthday draws near, this is the perfect time to look back and reflect upon last year. How does it add up? What would you do differently? How do you want your next year to change? This is the time to map out a general direction. You want to do thing to make money; you want to do things that cost money; and you want to do things that are priceless. Venus in your sign now makes you charming. (And Pisces, when charming, is deadly.) And fiery Mars makes you want to spend your shekels. Fortunately, this blazing energy also makes you want to earn a bundle. (Where there's smoke, there's burning toast.)