On December 17th, Mercury goes retrograde, but we'll feel it before that. Mercury affects the status quo of things (that's Latin for "look at the mess we're in.") Mercury is the planet the rules communications, ground transportation, service organizations, bookkeeping, newspapers and the Postal Services. Three times a year it goes retrograde for 4 -5 weeks and screws everybody up. Mail, busses, deliveries and people are late; plus messages are lost, papers are misplaced and conversations are like two ships passing in the night. Old business looms up again (yes, your ex is back.) However, despite this, it's a great time to finish old stuff or delve into the past. So this is your warning. (Without the last-minute nothing would get done.) And of course, procrastination is better than quitting.
Because this Mercury retrograde takes place at the very top of your chart, you will no doubt be seeing parents more than usual in the month ahead (quite logical with the holidays) and you might even run into old bosses. Lots of stuff to do with past authority figures in your life is going to come up again. This could be cool; it could also be a bummer. You might want to re-think certain career moves. Possibly something you rejected before now looks better upon sober reflection. (This isn't to imply you weren't sober the first time you thought about it. But you do like to have a good time.)
You can definitely expect to be hearing from people from other countries or a long distance away in the month ahead. You will also return to something cyclical with respect to education, publishing and legal matters. (Not this again!) Actually, in many years, Mercury goes retrograde in December, which is why there is a return to familiar activities in your life at this time. (Everyone's coming for dinner and I have to clean this place.) This year however, expect increased festivities! After all, for months now Jupiter has been urging you to explore romance, vacations, the theater, working with children and partying your face off!
Mercury rules you. (Talk, talk, talk.) That's why you're interested in everything and your mind flits from subject are subject with intelligent speed. When Mercury goes retrograde, you feel it more than most signs. Each time it happens (about three times a year) it affects you differently. This time you can expect to hear from old partners and ex spouses. (Oy vay.) If you're lucky, they come bearing gifts. (Stranger things have happened.) Beyond the fact that you'll be facing old loves and intimate contacts, delays and breakdowns in communications and technology will test your patience. And if you're a doctor, they might test your patients! (If puns were deli meat that was the wurst.)
You will likely hear from old jobs and coworkers that you worked with before. Expect to run across these people in the month ahead. You might even have a chance to make helpful reconnections. This is the quasi upside of this Mercury retrograde. The downside is that you will suffer delays and confusion at work. Materials will be late; stuff will be missing; and the directions will be in German. Committee meetings will yield nothing substantial. If you work in a cube farm or a swivel chair, you'll have to be patient. If you work in pleasant surroundings or outdoors, these delays could be a blessing in disguise. (I'm only saying that to make you feel good.)
There is a quality of deja vu to moments you might spend with children this month. (That's not to be confused with vuja day, which are moments you've never had before.) (Or Dijon vu, which is the memory of childhood baseball games with hot dogs and mustard.) Actually, what is most likely for you is that ex lovers reappear once again in your life. Be still my beating heart. Some of you could start up a relationship once again. (You're impossibly romantic.) Others will be horrified to see someone. Especially if you were pitifully crushed by the breakup. (You know who you are.) But it's an excellent time to finish artistic projects.
Like Gemini, your ruler is Mercury. Thus, you feel Mercury retrograde more than most. (Especially behind your left knee.) This Mercury retrograde plunges you back into the past with respect to family situations, domestic matters and real estate details. You will definitely run into family members and relatives you haven't seen for awhile. If someone owes you money -- this is the time to collect. All the planets favour you quite nicely now, except that fiery Mars is a still stirring up opposition with you and your closest partners. It will be so lovely when this is over by January. Hang in there.
You had better fasten your seatbelt because this particular Mercury retrograde wreaks havoc with ground transportation and communication for you. Pay your telephone bill. Get your car fixed. You know you have a lot of little loose details in these areas that are just minor catastrophes waiting to happen. Rescue yourself by doing something now before they actually break down and cause you a headache. Yet, I'm the first to admit that you're frantically busy now -- so who has the time? You'll be chatting to siblings and relatives more than usual this month. There'll be lots of talk about the "bad ole days". Take note: A Mercury retrograde period is a poor time to buy any form of ground transportation.
You would do well to reconsider old moneymaking ideas once again. Stir that pot because you might shake loose a few shekels. Or you might meet old bosses and previous coworkers and employers. You can expect to encounter lots of old business related to shopping, buying and selling, and how you earn your money. Directly or indirectly, much of this has something to do with your self-image as well. Perhaps something you wanted to do a while ago -- to boost your ego -- occurs to you once again. If so, maybe you really want to do it? You might as well. You only live once -- and if you do it right, once is enough.
It's lucky for you that this particular Mercury retrograde is rather brief (about three weeks) because it takes place in your sign. The mathematical window is from December 17 until January 6. However, its affects will start around now. That's why you're bound to run into ex partners and not so forgotten spouses. Lots of old business from the past will get churned up once again. And some of it might be nicely resolved. Other matters from your past -- perhaps important issues that you were forced to shelve -- will also arise. Maybe this time you can tackle them and achieve what you want? Simply attempt to finish old business: this is not the time to start new stuff.
You are definitely concerned with security. You like a predictable outcome. Whatever you're in -- you're in it for the long haul, which is why you're always prepared to forego today's pleasures for tomorrow's rewards. This month you might question some choices you made in the past. This could come about because you have a chance to reconsider, reconnect or redo something. One is always allowed to change one's mind -- especially if new parameters and data give something a new spin. Change and decisions are so difficult. (Capricorns hate to make mistakes.) Relax. Not everything in life has a "right", silver bullet answer. Some things are simply choices.
You'll definitely run into old pals and friends you haven't seen for awhile. If you're lucky, somebody who owes you money will decide to pay up. (How sweet it is.) On the whole, this will be a pleasant month for you because you do enjoy your friends. Running into old faces once again is probably quite pleasant. Of course, there are a few faces you never want to see again. (Oh yeah.) Maybe you should walk around with a little, portable periscope that peaks around corners so that you'll have a two-minute head start in the opposite direction if you see someone scary. (Little advantages like this are an incalculable bonus.) Forgive your enemies but remember their names.
Important discussions with parents will probably take place this month. In fact, heady conversations with the Grand Fromage (possibly current, possibly from your past) could be quite memorable. Previous job offers that fell through once before might now resurface. You might have a kick at the proverbial can once again. On the other hand, you wear different rings. An important project could be stalled because of lack of approval or because your boss went to Bolivia and never came back. You might feel like you're wading through quicksand trying to get things done. Use the next six weeks to finish up old business rather than start new stuff. Wear boots.