Many sent e-mails asking about the Harmonic Concordance during last Saturday (Nov. 8.) It's true that with Chiron, the chart for that eclipse looked like a star. However, beyond that, I don't know what to say. I do believe that many people thinking, praying or meditating at the same time for the same thing can have an impact on the world. Last week, when asked what was the most important thing, a Tibetan Lama replied, "Faith and devotion." When further asked, "What if the teacher isn't worthy?" The Lama replied, "It doesn't matter." In other words, what you believe in is less important than your faith. The act of having faith is edifying and uplifting. That's because we're verbs not nouns: the process is everything. (But now I'm starting to sound like a dangling participle.)
You've had your nose to the grindstone at work lately, so if you want to play a little this week -- that's okay. (With me.) One thing to watch out for is a tendency to get all excited about an issue (political, religious, philosophical, something.) Suddenly you're Che Guevara determined to prove your point. While leaping up on a table to rally the troops is entertaining, it's also risk taking. When all these things pass, you might feel chagrined. Worse yet -- you might not even agree with what you said this week! (Someone intelligent constantly modifies one's stand with new input.) Oh well, if you have to eat humble pie -- use lots of whipped cream.
This is an extremely sexy week for you. And considering how passionate and earthy and tactile you are -- that's a saying a lot, babes. Just don't go overboard with everything right now. Fun, flirtations, saucy sex, and wonderfully transcendent moments beyond your wildest dreams are what you really want now. Reality (especially first thing in the morning in your bathroom) is quite another thing. If you do get your wish for all these goodies -- try to keep your balance. You do need sleep after all. You don't want to lose your day job. And don't overdo it with booze, rich food and bathtubs full of Jell-O and whipped cream. (You know who you are.)
There's nothing casual about your relationships with your closest friends and partners this week. Everything is black-and-white. Everything is intense. Suddenly, you're trapped in a Gothic, Scorpio movie. Help! (While you're there you might as well check out the granite buns and cleavage.) What's really important however is you might be tempted to manipulate somebody through guilt or jealousy. Yes, I know this isn't your style; nevertheless, you're caught in an iron fisted Darth Vader moment. This could be how you strike back. Or it might be how you try to save a relationship you feel nervous about. Don't do it. Remain calm.
You're going through a kind of up-and-down thing at work lately. First you were working really hard. (And you really did -- especially in matters related to publishing, higher education, the law, dealing with foreign countries and travel.) Then you just wanted to goof off for a while. (And why not? You certainly earned the right to have a little reward. Is a long lunch such a big deal? I think not.) Then suddenly, you're running around making changes because you're determined to introduce reforms and better ways of doing things on the job. And if others can't see what is blatantly obvious -- they can just stuff it! (Does any of this sound familiar?)
Leo is the sign that rules romance. You practically invented Valentine's and the movies -- especially the love comedy. (Because in the comedies, the couple always ends up getting together plus they get all the money. (Sigh) You love it.) This week is all about your favourite things: Mind bending romance, escape from your tawdry existence into the arms of ardent irresistible passion, breathtaking, memorable vacations and yes -- spending big bucks on stuff you love. I'm almost swooning as I write these words. What a Leo week! Intense romantic feelings are unavoidable. If you're alone, find somebody to fall in love with -- just for a few days. Be extra patient with children. Don't try to prove anything.
You're absolutely determined to make improvements or changes at home that you think are definitely for the better. You want to really clean up the place. Out with the old, in with the new. You want to take a more minimalist approach to life. You want more breathing space. You definitely want to fix these digs up. Furthermore, you're willing to spend a chunk of change to do so. Some of this can rub off onto your relations with family members. Suddenly, you want to clean them up too! Not a good idea. Even perfectionists like you have to learn to live and let live. It's not the learning -- it's the doing. In other words, live and let live.
You're quite opinionated this week. (Actually, you're quite opinionated every week with a Thursday in it which is why many of you end up in the legal profession.) What was very recently a casual, noblesse oblige approach to dealing with daily colleagues and siblings -- suddenly turns into an intense power struggle because you're trying to make others see your point of view. You feel you have something at stake that you have to defend. Resist the temptation to use subversive tactics in order to win others over. If your ideas are really good -- they'll sell themselves. (Although I once knew a good idea that didn't sell.)
One of the reasons you're such a powerful sign is you make your mind up quickly. For example, you meet people, ergo -- you like them or you hate them. Simple. When relationships are over, you just smoke 'em. Gone! Like yesterday's garbage. That's what it means to be intense. Very quickly, you go the whole 9 yards. This week, you're very intense. But it relates mostly to money and how you earn it and spend it. Suddenly, you simply have to have something. Like yesterday. You're going to move mountains to get it. I caution you. These feelings of intensity will pass. Later, you'll wonder what to do with all those photo albums covered in blacks satin. Resist your impulses. Think of it as kinky discipline.
This is definitely a fluctuating week for you. First you put out enormous effort to reorganize things at home and within your family. (I'm talking elbow grease.) Then you decide you've earned the right to kick back and relax -- and of course, you did. Very cool. Following this however, feelings of obsession and compulsion literally grip you. They make you seek out unusual and intense experiences (especially romantic.) You might even create a problem in a perfectly healthy relationship - just to stir the pot and see what happens. (Me bad.) This can be torturous for your partner. Mellow out. Down deep you're just a box of Cheerios.
Lots of kinky, secretive, private things are going on this week. You're just navy blue on the outside. At home, when no one is looking -- you're black net stockings all the way. (Stashed stilettos at the bottom of your closet.) What you have to watch out for this week is a temptation to manipulate others because of your own insecurities or fears. What you really need is reassurance. Your need for this reassurance could tempt you to fall for a passing flirtation, especially if your relationship tastes like oat bran. (Good for you but boring and predictable.) You're smarter than this. Don't risk something long-term and valuable for a mere bon bon.
Friendship is always important to you. In fact, your sign literally rules friendship, clubs, groups and organizations. Aquarius symbolizes the gathering together of like minds to improve things. (Think Greenpeace, Amnesty International, trade unions etc.) This week, for a variety of reasons, you're ready to go ballistic over certain issues with organizations and clubs. Similarly, you feel very intensely about something with a particular friend. It's probably well meaning, and you might even be trying to improve something. But be careful you don't burn a good friendship. These intense feelings are gone by next week anyway. Duh? Chill out.
You're involved with the public now or perhaps a partner or a close friend. You're trying to prove something. Not only that, there is a public quality about it -- others know you're trying to make a passionate statement. It's as if you have to show the world who you are. (Get a new outfit plus shoes.) You feel your reputation is at stake over something. You want to be regarded with respect and a little awe thrown in for good measure. In quite another vein (different arm), you might fall in love with your boss or some important VIP. Wait a week to see how you feel then. (It's not over till the fat lady sings.)