All Signs

In the next few days, we'll feel the spirit of Halloween upon us. First Venus slipped into Scorpio (nasal Mae West: "Why don't you come up and see me sometime when I've nothing on but the radio.") Then Mercury shifted to Scorpio ("I see dead people. Actually, I see everything with my X-ray vision.") And finally, the Sun moves into Scorpio ("Just do it!"). Scorpio, the most powerful sign, rules everything hidden, subterranean and spooky. But Scorpio wants to transform things for the better. For example, the Aries archetype is: "I stab you and I win!" The Scorpio archetype is: "I stab you and then I sew you back up again and now you're healed!" Yes, hospitals and Halloween have a lot more in common than you might think. (This year I'm throwing a sheet over me and going as an unmade bed.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It's quite a mixed bag now. But it appears that deep, confidential conversations with a partner or close friend make you feel you have to rescue someone. You know how you are -- especially with cute, helpless puppies, kittens and chicks. (You're a sucker for babies. Don't get me started.) Of course, you try to do the pure, idealistic thing. Fortunately, even though it probably doesn't work out, you feel at peace with yourself knowing you made the benevolent, do-gooder choice. An aura of purity hangs about you and impresses coworkers. Naturally, they decide to help you -- because you deserve it. Tune in next week to find out if the kittens eat the chicks, and see the puppies open their eyes!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Listen up. You're about to enter a four-week period where you can learn a lot about yourself by watching those who are closest to you. This is not a smoke and mirrors trick. How others respond to you is a clue about how you treat them or communicate with them. Capice? For example, do people fling their arms up in a protective gesture covering their face when you approach? This is a hot tip about your behavior. (You can see how this works.) You might experience conflict with someone in the next few weeks. That's because your "significant other" is your closest friend or your closest enemy. Yup. It's the guy on the other end of the teeter-totter.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Don't wear your apron out in public. It looks kinda funny -- especially on a guy. Overalls are quite another thing, and hospital whites are cool but scary. You have to throw something on to do all the work you're getting ready for. You've decided to completely reorganize your office, your bedroom, kitchen, your garage and maybe the trunk of your car. And what about all those magazines? You are the paper King! Books, magazines, papers, pens and newspapers (mostly clippings and articles) are strewn everywhere. Put everything in neat, little piles. Get a Virgo to alphabetize things. Call up a Leo to buy you both lunch. Just do it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

All good things come to those who wait. And believe me, babes -- you waited. You're looking at fabulous month ahead: parties, romantic interludes, flirtations, hot sex, fun and games, creative bursts of genius, social schmoozing, playful times with children, and excellent opportunities for financial speculation. Did I give anything out? Oops - vacations! This is the perfect time to slip away for pleasure, and entertaining diversions. You'll love anything to do with the arts and theater. Movies, videos, plays, music -- all will delight. In a word, you feel happy to be alive. More than that, you feel appreciation for your life. (Subtle difference.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're so focused on home, family and real estate now, it's bizarre. Family discussions of considerable import take place now. He said, she said, he said, she said, they will, she won't and so on. You're renovating, decorating or making decisions to beautify your home. (Read: spending mucho dough.) Veni vidi Visa; we came, we saw, we went shopping. But somehow, you seem to have the bread to do it. Naturally, you love what you're getting. Just be careful about communications with a partner at this point because fuzzy thinking is possible. (Fuzzy thinking in a partnership? Imagine that.) The changes you make at home now are for the better.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Gear up for reality. It has arrived. Quit peeling those grapes, grab your coat, and start hustling. You're going to be busier than a one armed paperhanger. Short trips, tons of errands, shopping, buying and selling, negotiating, and increased involvement with siblings and relatives has you on the run. This insane pace continues for the next month. Don't stop to pack a lunch. Buy some organic apples to keep in the car. The upside is that you don't mind this "busyness". You're hot to trot! Don't let coworkers take advantage of your high energy now. There's a difference between being helpful and being a stooge. You're no stooge.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your mind is focused on money. For starters, where is it? Now you see it, now you don't -- but mostly, you don't. This means you're shopping more than usual. It also means you're more focused on how you earn your money, and what you should do to earn that money. Money, money, money. Ka-ching! Trust your moneymaking ideas. The subtext of this concern with cash might be related to your self-image. Yup. It takes money to look swell in the latest colours. (Buying appliances? You want stainless.) Don't go overboard spending money on children, romantic partners and vacations. (You will.) Fortunately, you're working hard now. "I owe, I owe, off to work I go."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Things are looking quite cushy for your sign. A gaggle of planets in Scorpio winking flirtatiously at other planets definitely shores up your end of things. Groups, clubs and friends are extremely supportive now. They think you're the cat's meow. (And you probably are.) You have certainly gone more than half way helping family members recently. Now you're getting ready to implement serious plans related to publishing, travel, dealing with foreign countries, higher education and legal matters. You're on top of your game. (Expect to have moments of vuja de -- the feeling that this has never happened to you before.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Exciting things take place now to make you feel worldly, grand, sophisticated and well traveled. You might not actually go anywhere (although you wish you could) nevertheless, others see you as a citizen of the world. (Don't ya love it?) Personally, you feel spiritual and connected with that touchy-feely part of yourself. (The part that runs down the back of your left leg.) You can distinguish between true generosity and idiot compassion. After all, you're the philosopher of the zodiac. (The traveling kind.) This is a good time to promote your ideas about life, kindness, and self-appreciation. Others are listening to you now. You have the power to influence.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You value respect and appreciation from your peers. Friendship is important to you. That's why you're going to enjoy the next few weeks. Friends, clubs, groups and associations will show their appreciation for you. (Truly.) Some of it will be maudlin and phony, but most of it is genuine, from the heart and well deserved. You've been working hard for a long time. For several years, I've said that 2003 was the year when you stepped up to the plate. To be more accurate, it is actually a two-year window including 2003 - 2004. Travel invitations or help from afar could arrive now. Benefits through publishing and higher education are also likely. Legal settlements should favour you. Need I say less?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Do you realize this heavy-duty Scorpio thang takes place at high noon in your chart? You're going to win the prize for best costume! People really notice you now. Not only that, important people notice you. Without doing anything extra, you get respect, deference and opportunities to promote your career and your good name. There's more. Somehow, the wealth of others can benefit you now. Gifts, inheritances, estates, insurance payouts, the use of other people's possessions, and even a boost to your partner's wealth all favour you. Of course, you've been working your buns off lately. This just shows to go you that the universe does reward consistent effort. (You have been selected for a secret mission.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Perhaps for no reason at all, you suddenly feel edgy and restless. What's behind all this is that you want a change of scenery. In fact, you want more than just a change of scenery -- you want a change of existence. You want bigger billing on the Marquee of Life. Exotic and different people attract you now. You don't want to be trapped in your pedestrian world anymore. You want to live! (Judy Garland riff here.) These urges are healthy. They break the bounds of your prejudices and beliefs as well as your self imposed limitations. You see that you can broaden your horizons and experiences through study, travel or simply going for it. Do it now.