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After briefly entering Pisces, Uranus returns to Aquarius for its last stand in the sign it rules to remain for the rest of the year. (The last time Uranus did this was 1918.) While Saturn establishes neat, orderly (but sometimes oppressive) patterns, Uranus explodes, reforms and changes existing structures. Since 1996, Uranus in Aquarius brought everyday society computers, the Internet and cell phones (plus other technological advances). People born in the last week of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will feel this effect the most. Don't try to get out of Dodge. But don't be afraid -- after all, Uranus is the lifeguard in the gene-pool. It's the proverbial wake-up call. It wants you to decide what to do with the time you have left. (I'm going to floss more and stop picking up doorknobs.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For the rest of this year, you will understand more clearly why you can't embrace some groups. Wherever you're in a situation where you feel others are trying to make you into something that you're not -- you will leave. You've been wrestling with this for some time. That's why you're seeking new freedom. New friends have entered your life and will continue to do so this year. Remember the "birds of a feather" saying? One of the reasons you're encountering new people is your hopes and expectations are changing -- so your friends are changing. New and different lifestyles are possible. You're entertaining goals you didn't even dream of before. Great!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Ever since 1996, you have been tested. Everything you thought was secure -- home, family, career -- was blown out of the water. At the time these changes occurred, they were painful. Some of you even yet, are still experiencing the last throes of these changes. But Uranus is not cruel. Although these unexpected events are disturbing, they ultimately provide you with greater freedom of self-expression. Ironically, opportunities to impress bosses and advance your career will now pop out of nowhere. The lesson you have to learn is this: yes, it is wise to plow a straight and narrow furrow; but don't get trapped in a rut.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

In the last seven years, while Uranus moved through Aquarius, life was exciting. All kinds of new disciplines opened up for you: new jobs, new courses of study, and new friends. Never before have you so boldly fought for your freedom against the forces of oppression. You rebelled against bosses, employers, parents and even government authorities. Some of you just threw in the towel and moved on. Others demanded change and reform and got it. In some way, this is your last big chance to figure out how you want to express your identity in the world. Do it now. Remember: when Noah built the Ark, it wasn't raining.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Ever since Uranus entered Aquarius in 1996, you went through humongous changes. Aside from the obvious (the loss of relationships, jobs, possessions and friends) what took place at a deeper level was your world perspective. Eight years ago, you believed one thing -- now you believe another. You have, and are continuing to develop a new awareness, and gain new insights into philosophy, religion, metaphysics and belief systems in general. Many of you explored science, technology and new techniques. The bottom-line is your entire learning process and life concept was electrified and changed. And it's for the better! You've got a new image. (But your old winter coat doesn't cut it anymore.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Aquarius is directly opposite your sign: 6 o'clock/12 o'clock. That's why the transit of Uranus through Aquarius (from 1996 to 2004) brought huge and surprising changes, primarily to relationships with lovers, partners and close friends. Some of you had unstable, exciting love affairs. You also encountered accidents, upsetting surprises and shaky situations. You're trying to discover how you can be free in close relation to others. If you think marriage is not a word it's a sentence - you see it as a business i.e. I give you something; you give me something. But love is selfless, not demanding or expecting anything in return. (There's no point in keeping receipts.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

As Uranus makes its last stand in Aquarius, (for the rest of this year) you're trying to figure out how to find freedom, fulfillment and more control in your job. You're not going to kowtow to the big boys anymore. Enough of the slave wage bit. Some of you will turn to self-employment. Others will realize that no matter who you work for, essentially -- you're working for yourself. What you do each day does or does not give you self-respect and satisfaction. It's that simple. If you can't find it where you are now -- you will change. New technology and new learning might take you in a new direction. The bottom-line is you're developing a new attitude toward work. Hot tip: Except for surgeons, people who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Three major areas have undergone big changes since 1996: everything to do with children; love affairs and romance; and the arts and entertainment. You want greater freedom in expressing your creative abilities in these areas. Relationships with children have been exciting but challenging. Romance has been in a state of constant flux. New media and techniques offer new approaches to arts, crafts and design. Don't let conservatism hold you back. It's important to believe in yourself now. Remember: if you argue for your limitations -- they're yours. (gulp) Believing you can't do something is actually mental laziness. (We number millions.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The seven-year transit of Uranus in Aquarius (gone by January 2004) really shook up your home and domestic scene. Major changes to your family, your residence, and your relationship with parents took place. What is at stake is how you define yourself at "home". How can you maintain your individuality and still be an integral part of your family? Ideally, your family is not what restrains you; it's what supports you -- practically, emotionally and physically. Without your family, your life would never be the same. Learn to value what you take for granted. Your most precious possession is family. (Who else will lend you a car when your alternator dies?)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The transit of Uranus through Aquarius has benefited you! It brought you fresh ideas, new friends and completely new routines. Your day-to-day life has radically changed in the last seven years. Your relationship with siblings and relatives has also changed. It triggered so many changes in your everyday world, you had to become flexible and light on your feet. You have to give up prejudices, old ideas and certain values. It was the proverbial kick in the ass. As Uranus prepares to leave Aquarius, your boldness will extend to exciting ideas about changing residences or relocating your family. You're thinking out-of-the-box now. You're through "mentalpause".

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

All through those years when you were wondering what your career should really be, and could you keep pounding your head against the wall at work -- Uranus was trying to free you from limiting ideas about your job. (And it still is.) You often err on the side of caution. You like your security. But at what price? Uranus shook up your values. You now see that some things that you thought were really important -- actually are not. It doesn't matter if you have Gucci accessories. What matters is -- did you get them half-price? You have a new way of looking at your possessions. You still like them. You still own them. But they don't own you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're wrapping up one of the most revolutionary times in your life. (But it's not over one until the fat lady sings.) Basically, you have redefined your relationship to your external world. Ever since 1996, you've been motivated by a drive for freedom. Bad bosses and oppressive situations were (perhaps still are) unbearable. All forms of authority became a testing ground for you. That's because Uranus rules independence and rebellion; and it's been traveling through your sign. Yikes! You're learning the difference between feeling like a slave and maturely accepting responsibility. This involves the self-respect. (It also helps if your dad owns the company.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

These are momentous times for your sign. Ever since 1996, Uranus has been traveling through a very private part of your chart. It's been testing your beliefs systems, your sense of spirituality and the way you relate to large institutions and the government. You've undergone a quiet revolution. You have new loyalties. You're not carrying a big placard -- but you've changed. Babes -- I got news for you. The biggest change lies ahead! In four months, Uranus will enter your sign for the first time in your life. It will stay there until 2011. During that time, you will boldly redefine yourself in all your closest relationships. You might even start brandishing a sword. Your idealism will be aroused. Legolas will become your hero.