Even though it feels like summer has barely arrived (I just bought some of those cheap beach towels for gawd's sakes) - it's already slipping away! (Time flies when you're unconscious.) This means it's probably time for a reality check. (Of course, the truest reality cheque is the one that bounced.) Let's have a little recap about where we've been and where we're going. Sure there is an element of illusion. But as the saying goes: if life is an illusion - whose arthritis is this?
Speaking of reality checks, but not the kind that bounce, this is an especially significant year for you because it marks the end of something you started in 1996 - a journey of reinventing yourself. (And you gave a lot up in the mid-90s to begin that journey.)This year and next are all about establishing a secure base for yourself. You want to buy, move, renovate - and in the process secure an anchor for yourself on the planet. (This way, you'll know where to sleep at night. It's very important to know where your bed is.) Fortunately, Everything to do with your job improves enormously in the year ahead. This could help you to have cozier digs.
In the early 90s, you were going strong. You were on a roll. But in the mid-nineties, you suffered a lot of loss. This gradually brought you to a whole new ballgame by 1999. You are now in the process of creating and redefining a new life for yourself. In the next two years, you can expect job changes, residential changes and changes within your daily milieu. Most recently, many of you have had a chance to improve family or real estate situations. Now you have one of the most promising, fun years ahead. (Lucky you!) You can look forward to vacations, romance, creative success, parties and lots of fun times. Children will delight as well.
Around 1989-90, you had to make readjustments because partners offered less support or changed jobs or -- disappeared! (You learned what you were made of.) By 1994, you were back in the saddle and going strong. However, at the turn-of-the-century, you underwent a period where you had to give up a lot of things and say goodbye to people. This meant a fresh start in 2001. Now it's time to give serious thought to how you want to really earn your money. Life has been more optimistic lately; essentially, your glass is half full. The year ahead promises joyful times with your family; opportunities for real estate; and a happier home life. (Gosh.)
This is a watershed year. 1989 was also significant because around then, relationships were tough. Many of you split up a partnership. By 1994, you started to make serious plans about your future and thank the Lord, by the mid to late 90s, a lot of your plans beautifully came to fruition. The last few years however, have been the pits. Relationships have once again been difficult. You've struggled to sort out confusion in shared property and the joint ownership of things. Possibly the responsibilities for someone. You're out of the swamp now. A happier year lies ahead. Your life is going to change mucho mucho for the better.
Ever since the early 90s, you've given it your best. And slowly, your efforts paid off. By 1999, you were on top of your game. You got the recognition you deserved. Unless you cut corners, much of what you hoped for came true. Now you are at quite a different juncture in your life. Ironically, it is time to dismantle much of what you created in the 90s. You will be letting go of things and saying goodbye to people. Even now, you are streamlining your life by going through cupboards and closets getting rid of stuff. Naturally, you're not giving up everything. (Especially that jacket.) But it's time to move on. By 2005, you'll be in a completely new sandbox. With new toys.
From 1986 until 1994, you were fumbling with career decisions and life directions. In 1994-95, you got some recognition or acknowledgment. It felt good; but relationships were in the toilet then. Of course, you rallied and by 2001, you harvested the seeds you planted along the way. For most, this was an empowering time. You are still in a very strong position. And it's going to get stronger. By the end of this month, lucky Jupiter moves into your sign for the first time in 12 years. This means the year ahead will be full of good luck, good fortune, happier times and pleasant opportunities to do different things. (Mom always liked you best.)
If you look waaay back, 1980 signified a big change: a new life. In a way, you redefined who you were in the eighties. That was your turning point. By the nineties, you were working hard -- busting your buns! And in 1996, you stepped out boldly into the world. Relationships might have suffered then because you were gaining more personal power. This year is particularly significant for you because it marks a time of fruition -- of harvest. In the next four to five years, you have a chance to show the world what you can do. But it's more personal than that. Your real chance is to prove to yourself what you can do. It might be flashy; it might be very modest. But it matters to you.
In the early 90s, you worked to secure a home base. Many of you bought property or renovated. Most of you give thought to where you would live by making a commitment to some particular place on the globe. The year 1999 was a real turning point for you. It was significant in terms of relationships and also a shift of focus to your external world. Since then, you've been determined to succeed at what matters most to you. It's important to work hard now and in the next few years, because your payoff will arrive around 2005. The year ahead is particularly popular with new friends and lots of interaction with clubs, organizations and groups. (Everyone adores you.)
In 1995, Pluto entered Sagittarius where it stays until 2008. Pluto's influence is so powerful it transforms your appearance, your relationships and your personality. It can even make you switch laundry detergents. Right now, you have lots of responsibilities. Partners are unemployed or changing jobs. More recently, an enormous amount of activity -- even chaos -- exists on the home front and with family members. Fear not. Lucky Jupiter is just starting to go across the top of your chart. It will bring you lots of career opportunities and even changes to your life direction in general. Good times ahead. (Your domestic scene mellows by Christmas.)
In 1989, you entered a new sandbox. Things were so different many of you had to change your wardrobes. (Well, at least wear clothes.) Around 1996 - 98, you tried to stabilize your home and family scene, possibly by purchasing a home. The last few years were a struggle (almost overwhelming at times); however you made it, kid. That's behind you now. You're out there in front of the footlights. You're tap-dancing and others are looking. As you pick up speed, your closest relationships could become stressed out. That's because you're changing the rules of the game -- the balance of power. But there's no going back. Expect lots of travel and increased educational opportunities in the year ahead.
In 1983-84, you did yourself proud. You either graduated, or got a job you were pleased with. By 1991, you set out on a new course. Whole new scene. That was pretty exciting. Change and fluctuation (moves, jobs) occurred in 1996 -1999. That's when you decided you had to figure out where you were going to live. In the last few years, you struggled with career questions; although in many ways your job improved. You take your work more seriously now. In fact, you're really busting your buns (and will continue to do so for the next two years) to achieve something important. Help from others in practical ways or even money and gifts will come to you in the year ahead. Whopee!
After struggle and loss in the early 90s, you started a new path in 1994. In many ways, the next seven years reshaped your personality and values. Residential and job changes in 1999 and 2000 put the finishing touches on the new "you". Now you're hungry to know what your true career is. What makes your heart sing? You want more than just a job that pays the bills -- you want work that gives you fulfillment, joy and an obscene amount of money. Relationships look excellent in the year ahead. Many of you will fall in love with someone new. Existing relationships and get a shot in the arm. From now until Christmas, be extra patient while Mars lingers in your sign.