There's a lot of astrological activity right now. Fortunately, aside from a few power struggles and surprises, most of it promotes improvement in our lives. Naturally this is a relative term. Contentment is subjective. Some with much are miserable; others with little are content. Perhaps the secret is appreciating what you have, although I think passing moods account for a lot. Even science knows this. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays electrons are particles; on Tuesdays and Thursdays - they're waves. That's why it's not good to make waves on Mondays. (I like science; especially those three sided things in Geometry.)
A subtle shift now swings your focus to home and family matters for the next month. It also highlights where you live and your home scene in general. You're giving much more serious thought to your residential scene. Many of you will renovate, repair and fix up where you live. Others will contemplate a move in the next year. What you are seeking now is a sense of permanence and solidity. You want to feel anchored somewhere on this planet. You know that if your home base is solid and tidy -- it frees you to charge out bravely into the world. (Yes, the cost of living is high -- but it's still popular.)
Your life is getting busier! Chats with neighbors, increased exchanges with siblings, plus short trips increase the tempo of your days. Many of you are reading and writing more than usual. All this takes place because you have a deeper, underlying urge to communicate to others now. You need to talk! Bizarre incidents with friends, and possible conflicts make you seek out sympathetic listeners. Of course, talking is cathartic. Speaking out loud helps you organize your thoughts about things. Since job or residential changes loom on the horizon in the next year or two, it's wise to share your hopes and dreams for the future with others. Meanwhile, family and real estate will definitely improve!
You've been in a new scene for the past few years. It's been a struggle developing a new self-image. (Grey is the new black.) Now you're getting practical. You're questioning how you earn your money and how you spend it. For that matter, what about all your stuff? Do you own it or does it own you? Sometimes your misguided need for security can make you a prisoner of your possessions. You fear change and cannot act freely because you might "lose" something. You'll be giving this some thought in the next few weeks. In fact, in this next year, you have a strong need to assert your value system. (But before you assert it -- you have to make sure you know what it is.)
The last time both the Sun and Saturn were in Cancer was July, 1975. (People were "hanging on in quiet desperation" listening to Dark Side of the Moon and watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.) If you were born during 1973 - 1975, you're now entering your first Saturn return. (Don't worry: the first is much like the second only different.) All this is to call attention to the fact that this is a significant time for you. In many ways, life is a blank page right now. You're starting off on a thirty-year cycle of growth. You can make changes and choose new directions if you have the guts to do it. Don't let habit lull you into a meaningless pattern. And with the Sun in your sign now - you're confident, pumped and ready for action!
One of the secrets to success is knowing when to rest. You can't be "on" all the time. The next four weeks are the time to lie low and be more introspective. You don't have to clean your medicine cabinet, but it behooves you to stay in the background somewhat to rest, meditate, and ponder where your life is going. You're entering a two-year period of transition, where you'll let many things go as you say goodbye to people, jobs and places. All this is a slow preparation for a new scene that will take place in 2005. (And if you believe this, you'll believe that John Wayne's real name was Marion Morrison.)
You need to buy some dazzling duds because you have a very social month ahead. Invitations will start to arrive. Friends want to see your face. Your popularity rating suddenly takes off. Don't resist this; this is not the time to stay at home. The next four weeks are all about working with groups and chatting to others. In a more serious vein, (left arm, below the elbow) you need to sort out some of your long-term goals. Why not confide your dreams to a few friends? Their encouragement will be helpful. Things will only get better for you this year because Jupiter moves into Virgo by September. Yee haw!
This is a real power month for you. (Make sure you dress well, because you feel better when you look good.) The Sun is at high noon in your chart, and this naturally attracts attention to you. It's sort of the official kickoff of the next several years, which are super powerful for you. Now is the time to rake in the money, the credit, the recognition and the promotions you deserve. Your efforts in the last decade, especially since 1996 -- come to fruition now. You might be asked to take on some extra responsibilities at this time. By all means accept! You will dazzle others with your abilities. Not only that, people and opportunities come your way now. This is definitely the time to make hay while the sun shines.
In some ways, you're swinging into the big time. Travel opportunities, plus deals connected with publishing, the media and higher education are very promising. Ditto for legal matters. You have a strong desire now to expand your world in an exciting way. Many of you are exploring philosophical, religious and metaphysical ideas. You sense that there's a big world out there and you want more of it. Cool! Go for it. Your idealism, your enthusiasm and your belief in the possibilities of what can happen will carry you forward now. Romance is sweet, too. (Mom always liked you best.)
Life takes on a more serious tone for you in many ways, and yet because your ruler Jupiter is traveling through its own "home" -- you still feel jocular, expectant, optimistic and eager about your future. Nevertheless, an increased focus on insurance matters, wills, inheritances, estates, debt and taxes is likely. You have to come to terms with how to handle shared property and shared responsibilities. In fact, you have to come to terms with the values of someone else now. Furthermore, your partner might be unemployed or changing jobs or trying out economic independence. All this can bring about increased activity and tension at home. These are sexy time for you as well -- but they are testing times.
You can definitely consider this year to be your debut into the big, wide world. Many of you will suddenly get increased recognition or acknowledgment for something. You are becoming empowered! You feel more confident as your sphere of influence and power grows. This doesn't mean your responsibilities or your workload lessens, per se. But it certainly means that your work becomes more rewarding now. Unfortunately, because you are becoming empowered, you can upset the balance of powers in an existing relationship. This is a very testing time for partnerships. Expect more scratching, hisses and pop.
This month and in fact, this next year are unusually important times for your job. You will begin to take your work more seriously. Furthermore, the demands of your job will become greater and even overwhelming (at times.) Everything to do with your work is suddenly a proving ground. You sense this now and that is why you have this strong desire to get organized. You want everything around you to be tickety boo. Great! Get the necessary equipment and stuff to help you get better organized. Focus on your health needs now as well. Time to turn over a new leaf! (Be careful if it's a fig.)
If you are a parent, you are entering a two-year period where responsibilities with children place greater demands on you. It's important to know that with Mars and Uranus in your sign for the next six months, whether you know it or not - you're more demanding, impatient, aggressive and active than you usually are. (Remember: this influence is present until mid-December.) For this reason, you need to get physical exercise to blow off some of this extra steam. And although it is very difficult to see yourself objectively, you have to trust me that this is taking place. For that reason, you need more patience and understanding with partners, clients, the general public -- and of course, children. Fortunately, your job and your health improve enormously now.