Traditionally, Mars travels through a sign every 6 - 7 weeks. However, on Monday, Mars enters Pisces to stay for six months. (Yikes!) Mars rules the energy we harness to face life (batteries included). It affects our work, our physical energy, our sexual passions and how we define our identity. This six-month hiatus forces us to super focus on one area. (Think stuck CD: nananananananana.) Frustrations will arise. A do-or-die attitude will grip some. Others will smolder with unexpressed anger. Lucky ones (Oh yes, some are lucky) will be gung ho to get things done and light up the world. Which is it going to be? The red pill or the blue? (Sigh) This is your ultimato. (That's the choice of eating your vegetables or going straight to bed.)
In many respects, you'll have to take a look in the proverbial mirror at some point this year. Mars will be working (almost literally) on your subconscious. Mars is your ruler of course, and so you react strongly to its energy. However, its placement in Pisces is "hidden" for your sign. This means it stirs up a lot of old, past behavior patterns. Stuff will come up that you thought you dealt with years ago. This can trigger self-denial or self-defeating acts. (Those knee-jerk reactions we later regret.) I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you're going to shoot yourself in the toe, make sure your foot's not in your mouth. (Don't confront others: confront yourself.)
For the rest of the year, you'll achieve your goals more easily if you work with others -- perhaps a friend or a group. Just accept this right now. If you get wrapped up in your own needs and wants, and ignore the needs and wants of others -- you'll lose. Try to make your goals the goals of others. Learn to better coordinate your needs with those of others. Even if you can do this, you will still encounter conflict with someone. Physical sports with friends can work a lot of this off. (You feel competitive and want to prove something now -- especially with a group.) Seek a healthy, positive outlet for this. Avoid conflict.
Just imagine -- for the rest of the year, Mars is at high noon in your chart. This arouses your ambition in a major way! You're keen to prove yourself to the world, and at the same time, gain more independence in your life. You want to be your own boss. If you have to deal with a parent or authority figure now -- it's not a pretty picture. You don't want to be told what to do, and yet, you might threaten those who have authority (or think they do) over you. You have a choice. It's either Gunfight at OK Corral or "Do you want milk or cream with that?" Being polite does not mean sucking up. It's a skillful way to get things done.
You're one of the lucky ones. Mars in Pisces fits nicely with your Sun in Cancer. It gives you the energy you need to travel, publish, negotiate legal matters or explore new systems of thought and education. You can grow in many exciting ways; or you can identify so strongly with your beliefs that you're insufferable and boring to everyone. (Sounds like an easy choice to me.) Be open to new experiences that expand your mind and your knowledge of the world. Legal matters can be tricky. You could land in a fight; but you could win. Figure out for yourself what you really want.
Your sex drive is definitely triggered for the rest of this year. (Yeehaw!) You want to seek out thrilling, transforming relationships. You want the stuff of movies. (Natch.) Be realistic about what you offer and what you demand. Royalty or not, you're involved with another frail, mortal who probably can't program a VCR. (We number millions.) Pride can trip you up. But, there's good pride and bad pride. If you don't know something but you think you do -- that's arrogance. If you know something well and you know you do -- that's confidence. (Great feats require confidence.)
Fasten your seat belts. Mars in Pisces opposes your sign. (Six months can be a long time.) You've got to learn how to live with this. Here's the skinny: Pisces and Virgo are two ends of the same plank. Sure you're opposites -- but your great, great, great grandfathers' sheep were messing around with each other. Oppositions are tricky; they're two sides of the same coin. If you experience tension with a partner and difficulty in communications, turn this into an opportunity to lay your cards on the table. (Gin!) Although complete honesty is insane in any relationship, coming clean with a few things (even gripes) is a good thing.
There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is you are all fired up now to work hard for the rest of the year at your job. You can accomplish an enormous amount! (Nothing wrong with this.) The bad news is that your ambition to achieve and produce could trigger conflict with co-workers. You don't like conflict. You like all the towels in the bathroom to match. The rub is that it's tough to get credit for what you do now. And ironically, you're particularly proud of your accomplishments this year. Oops, something doesn't compute. That's why you're best off working alone if you can. This is not your year to be a team player.
You have to tread very softly where children are concerned. If you are a parent, your patience will be tested and tested and tested. But anger serves no purpose other than to make everyone miserable. And kids are very little people, really. Similarly, conflict with love affairs and those in show business, the entertainment world and professional sports is also likely. (Oy vay.) You feel sharp, sexy, aggressive, saucy, playful, and you don't want anyone spoiling your fun. That's understandable. You can use this energy to benefit you because ultimately, Mars in Pisces favours your sign. (Water/water.)
Mars is certainly going to stir up energy (deeply) in your private life for the rest of this year. It might aggravate conflicts in your domestic scene, and difficulties with relatives and family members. It can also indicate great activity where you live. You might be busy renovating, moving, building and the like. It could also be all of the above. (Gulp) One of the best ways for your sign to handle irritation and frustration is to go outside and get physical exercise. Most of you love the outdoors! (To me, outdoors is where the car is.) Living with parents can be particularly stressful now. That's because old buttons are triggered. (Time to switch to zippers.)
You are another lucky one in all probability. You'll find your ability to do mental work, study, read, write, solve problems and express your ideas vigorously is fabulous. Suddenly, your mind is like a steel trap. It's sharp, penetrating and roving for information. However, because your mind is so sharp right now -- you identify strongly with your beliefs. You might soon think you're the Big Kahuna. This will set other people's teeth on edge. It's an open invitation for conflict or fighting. If challenged, you in turn, take it personally. (Eeek.) But that is how Mars is tricking you! (You can see how insidious this can be.) Beware trying to coerce others to fall in line with your views. Lighten up.
Mars is strongly associated with ego: me, me, me. For the rest of this year, it focuses on your earnings and your possessions. Can you see the connection? Suddenly, you think that what you own is me, me, me. You confuse your personal self-worth with your earnings and assets. This tips the scales out of balance. Suddenly, you' re fighting with others about the ownership of property, the ownership of your possessions, who earns more money, and who should spend it on what and where and when. (You can see where this is going.) You don't have to defend your values. But others don't have to agree with you, either.
It's all about you for the rest of the year, dear Pisces. Can you take it? (Three pairs of new shoes might help.) Actually, you'll be much more of a fighter for your own rights than usual. Mars rules war and aggression. You feel pumped! Your physical energy will be high, and this means you can get a lot done. However, all this energy and aggression can make you pushy in the eyes of others. They want to tell you where to get off. Meanwhile, you're happy as long as you' re free to do exactly what you want and when you want. I suggest you get more physical exercise (and sex) to burn off some of this fervent force ablaze within you. Tennis, anyone?