All Signs

This month four planets change signs and Uranus goes retrograde. (Lot's happening.) Will Mercury and Venus find true love in fickle Gemini? Can Mars learn to trust shifting Pisces? Will Saturn discover Cancer's kinky secrets? Stay tuned for the shocking but inevitable truth unfolding for everyone.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You feel unusually confident right now, but you might want to be more cautious about financial speculation, investment in the arts, and the amount of money you're prepared to throw at fun, social soirees and cute little children. However, in the big picture, you have really turned the corner, babes. This is the time to celebrate the birth of the new you! (Drip dry maybe but not wrinkle proof.) Ever since 1996, you've been re-creating yourself. Some of it consciously, some of it by the whim of fate. From here on, you rise slowly but steadily to your career peak in life more than a decade away. The question is -- should you pack tropical?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For some time now, I've mentioned impending change (with respect to where you work or where you live) coming down the tube. Now you too, can see it. (More to the left.) Fortunately, if this involves a change of residence, this year is a fabulous time to make a move or buy property! Career decisions are tougher because you don't have a clear picture of your life direction. The fact is, everything you deal with is only one thing. Details, nouns, names and objects make you think it's lots of things. But your time just moves forward. You could even say that your future is rushing at you. Just go with the flow. In the next year, things get even better. (I kid you not.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This week life starts to feel lighter. (Maybe five ounces.) Saturn has been in your sign for two and a half years, and it won't return for another 29 years. Its exit now makes you feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders. Whatever your age - you'll feel younger. And it's going to stay this way. (No matter what kind of moisturizer you use.) As your energy and confidence pick up steam, you'll start to look at the world in a different way. In fact, it's already happening. You're becoming more aware of your own power of choice. Maybe your world isn't happening to you? Maybe you're scripting it? Maybe there's life after brown bag lunches? (Or maybe they'll hide in brief cases.) These and other weighty questions absorb you now.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This stage in your life is a big deal. You're on the Yellow Brick Road. If you think you know where it's going -- that's okay, but you're kidding yourself. Anything and everything is possible. You're entering a 30-year period of growth, development and dramatic change. (It's already obvious you're in a new situation.) Don't worry about feeling unsure and overwhelmed with your new scene. Even though relationships, possessions and expectations are changing, you need to know who you are. (If you constantly focus on your external world, you forget to notice what's going on inside.) A quantum leap is "the minimum amount by which certain properties of a system can change."

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This can be an exciting time in your life because you like change (but not all at once.) All Fire signs are dynamic and active. The changes that will take place in your life now involve dismantling certain structures you have created in the last decade. It's bye-bye time. In the next few years, you'll let go of things by going through closets and cupboards and garages -- giving things away or selling them. (Make sure you own them, and you can't sell people - just wave.) You have to streamline your life in order to go forward. Fortunately, an increase in your earnings in the next year or two softens any feeling of loss. You can replace everything with better stuff!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're entering a wonderful two-year window of time where you will be presented with many opportunities for achievement. (Naturally, you're going to have to get out of bed.) It's quite likely you will receive recognition from others, especially VIPs and the like. People see you as remarkable and noteworthy. Furthermore, they want to work with you now. (This little run of luck lasts for at least a year.) As if this weren't enough, your health improves too! (Mom always liked you best.) The bottom line is you are learning and developing skills about dealing with others: groups and friends. You don't have to become a talk show host, but you'll know how to schmooze better.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Whether you know it or not, you've been waiting for this time in your life. Beginning this week, the next several years bring you practically everything you have ever worked for. (Note the catchphrase -- "worked".) You have paid your dues and now it's time to collect. This doesn't mean that you will work less, in fact -- you will have a lot of responsibilities. But it does mean you will have more power, more acknowledgment, more autonomy and recognition for your efforts. For some of you -- your cherished dreams will come true. (This is pretty heady stuff.) Hard to imagine, eh? Some of you however, will decide that you are barking up the wrong tree and you're not going to be a dog anymore. Woof.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You are entering a very powerful period because big Daddy Saturn is going to help you on your road to success. Its shift to a Water sign is enormously supportive to you! It's as if everything starts to come together very nicely now. You must take advantage of this (it lasts for about two and a half years) and try to accomplish as much is possible. It's a good time to consider advanced training or further education. It's also a good time to build up your physical strength. (Isometrics at red lights are not road rage.) Employers, and other power types start to recognize your achievements. In particular, they're impressed with your diligence. (But you're not surprised.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your ruler Jupiter opposes Neptune at this time, which is an indication that you might be kidding yourself about something or seducing yourself about a situation. Always remember what Bruce's grandmother said, "Wantin' ain't gettin'." Don't be blinded by unrealistic optimism even though it's fun. You're headed for a career peak about five to six years down the road. But in the meantime, you have to learn how to come to terms with the values of others. (This isn't going to go away.) Your partner might change jobs or give you less support. Whatever happens will narrow your focus and push you in a certain direction. (You won't need a compass.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your hour has arrived. Finally! Consider the world one big stage -- and you're ready for your debut. Quite likely, many of you will receive some kind of acknowledgment or recognition for your efforts now (or very soon.) Your work suddenly begins to expand to include a broader range of things. Your confidence definitely increases. You feel more worldly and more with it. Naturally, as you expand your muscles (Look! The Hulk!) those who are close to you might not be so thrilled. They could feel like chopped liver. That's why tension with partners, close friends and even the public is a definite possibility. Such is the price of success and expansion. But there's no going back for you. You have buttered your bread -- now you can lie in it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are totally ready for the shift that awaits you. Recently, your job improved enormously. This now creates a situation where you find you're ready to strive hard for what you want. Expect to work your buns off in the next few years. But it will be worthwhile. You have to prove to others what you're made of. You won't get recognition right away, because you have to set all the wheels in motion first. Partnerships are extremely favoured and fortunately, you can expect help and resources from others. It's easy to get people in your corner now. Don't worry if you cannot see the outcome yet. All the little bits eventually add up. (Money is the root of all money.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Like Scorpio, you have a lot to gain in the next few years. You'll find it so easy to work effectively and productively. You won't even mind putting out the effort. It just seems to be the thing to do. Many of you will have increased responsibilities with children either through your own family or your work. Romance with someone older or more prosperous is likely now. Alternatively, you might play this rule for someone younger. (You lech.) Whatever you produce now will be the result of hard work. Areas connected to the arts, show business, the entertainment world and professional sports are particularly productive. You have strong desire to give shape and form to your ideas and your talents.