All Signs

Mercury retrograde is over. (This is one of the worst I ever had.) We can all go forward with our plans now. The only thing holding back purchases is our pocketbooks. (As usual.) Glitches and confusion return to their normal, insane level (but nothing as way out as lately.) The Sun has moved into Gemini, and Venus is on cozy terms with Saturn and Uranus. No matter what's happening, most things get better this week. It's good to put a positive spin on the future -- after all, we have to spend the rest of our lives there. (Of course, if you're over 40, you know that the future isn't what it used to be.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Things are definitely picking up for your sign. You're about to enter a month long period of busy busy. It's cha cha time! Many of you will take short trips. Relatives and siblings play a more important role in your life now. Conversations with neighbors and daily colleagues hold minor surprises. There's a positive, upbeat quality to your life now. Active participation with group sports is likely. (Possibly competitive.) Be patient with a friend who's a pain. Buying selling, wheeling and dealing can generate cash for you. Get out and enjoy the Sun!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This can be a pleasantly exciting week for you. New friends (or surprises from friends) are likely. Since Mercury has been retrograde in your sign, its direct movement benefits you now. This means you can go forward with moneymaking plans and money spending plans as well. Down deep you are wondering about your assets and your general self-worth. You want to make sure that you have a value system that is worthy and will serve you well as time goes by. You don't want to end up with regrets. That's why you need to sort out important issues now. Do you stay or do you go? This is good time to make long-term financial plans. (Enjoy shopping.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

With the Sun in your sign for the first time in a year, you're happy! It's not selfish to be demanding now: it's your right. After all, this is your time to restore, replenish and regenerate yourself for the rest of the year. (All that busy, curious energy has to come from somewhere.) Not only will the Sun energize you, in two weeks, Saturn leaves your sign where it's been sitting for two and a half years. This'll feel like a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Yipee! You're a kid again. This is a marvelous time for your sign. Things that were tough now diminish; things that are good get better. This is the truth. (Truth is always shorter than fiction.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Two contrasting influences surround you now. On the one hand, you want more solitude, and more peace and quiet in your life. On the other hand (the one with your cell phone) you want to enjoy good times with friends. In addition, your sex drive is definitely perking up. You're smart enough to figure out how to juggle these two energies. (Intimate little moments interspersed by long baths?) Your ability to deal with the government and large institutions is also enhanced during the next few weeks. By all means, accept travel invitations from friends. Exciting getaways are just what you need right now. This is a good time to look back over the last year and decide how you want your next year to be better and happier. (Happy is good.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You have quite a lovely month ahead. Your popularity rating is strong; friends enjoy your company; and VIPs, bosses and influential types are impressed with you now. Unexpected goodies also come your way. The only downside might be some tension with a partner or close friend. Oh well, perfection is impossible. (I've met three perfect people in my life and I didn't like any of them.) This is a great time to move forward with career ideas. Keep in mind you are headed for an entirely new sandbox by 2005, even if you don't know it. Don't be afraid to test out new career paths. People will look at you in an entirely new light in a couple of years. (Something flattering.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Whoa Nellie! This is the only time all year that the Sun is at high noon in your chart. This definitely means - you're noticed! (Even with all your clothes on.) Expect to be singled out for some special duty or task. Don't worry; you'll handle it hands down. (Actually, you might want to use them.) Partnership favours you now; others are extremely supportive. In turn, your ability to schedule the efforts of others (work schedules and the like) is strong. You finally get the recognition you deserve for something. Go forward with travel or educational plans. Legal and political matters look good too. (Be patient with coworkers on the job.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Several planetary shifts usher in an exciting time for you. You feel a strong urge now to expand your universe through travel, study or meeting some real characters. Not only that, unusual goodies, gifts and favours from others come your way now. You're definitely in the mood for all of this because you're playful, sexy, flirtatious and up for a good time. It's a hey nonny nonny scene, babes. People are supportive to your long-range plans. New ideas at work, possibly related to technology (what isn't nowadays?) put a new spin on things. This is the perfect time for a vacation. You have the energy, the drive, the curiosity and the playful need for pleasure. Romance looks sweet. (Hubba hubba.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The Sun's move into Gemini suits you well. It helps you research and burrow for facts about subjects that interest you. You want to get to the bottom of things. You also want to clear up matters related to shared holdings, joint resources, wills, estates, insurance matters and the responsibilities you have for others. Exchanges with partners improve now; although, tension at home is still likely due to renovations or some kind of conflict. Nevertheless, your career is beautifully favoured as Jupiter slowly moves across the top of your chart. You can get lots done this week and in the month ahead. Surprise flirtations, financial investments (especially with partners) and gambling are lucky.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This Gemini Sun opposes your sign. Try to take it easy; don't push yourself. Conversations with partners and close friends are particularly meaningful now. Be careful because fiery Mars makes you argumentative and keen to make your point. You want to win in all your discussions with others. Fortunately, everything to do with employment and your work scene gets the green light now. Go forward with new plans. Since Pixie dust continues to favour travel and study -- don't hesitate to do either. Enroll in courses; make reservations to go anywhere. Partners might be getting ready to change jobs. This could leave you holding the fort. Don't worry -- whatever happens, you can handle it. Definitely.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your perfectionist nature is ignited big-time now! You want to get absolutely every aspect of your life in order. You want things clean, shiny, filed, repaired, reorganized and working in top form. Ticketyboo is your motto. (Everyone else has run for cover.) You're even willing to spend money on the right tools and support material to do the job. Great! This is an investment in your own future peace of mind. Remember what the wise carpenter says, "Measure twice; cut once." Meanwhile, back in the Personals, your love life definitely picks up now. (You sly fox.) Romance and playful excursions bring a smile to your ever-youthful Capricorn countenance. Perhaps even a lascivious grin. Oh joy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It's play city for your sign. Fiery Mars in Aquarius, plus this Gemini Sun moving through your House of fun, love and romance, guarantee good times ahead for you. In fact, you can't lose. Accept all invitations. Make plans for parties, movies, theatrical diversions, picnics, playful times with children plus hot and heavy romance. Your efforts to redecorate, renovate or make where you live look more beautiful will succeed. Conversations with family members, and plans for changes at home go forward smoothly now. Surprise purchases (possibly gifts from others) really please you. It's clear to you that the Geek shall inherit the Earth.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Although you're in a wonderful schmooze mode right now, basically, your emphasis is entirely on home and family. Family get-togethers, real estate possibilities, renovations, visiting relatives, -- plus a variety of other reasons - direct your attention to your domestic scene. Interaction with siblings and relatives is particularly warm and cozy. However, don't expect to get credit for what you do now. (It's a cruel world.) Even though research and working alone can really pay off, you'll find that your efforts for recognition or self-assertion are undermined by unconscious behavior patterns. (Like hiding under your desk.) You have to be aware of these little self-defeating acts. Naturally, it would be better if others did not judge a book by its movie.