Mother's Day is here. Did you know your "sign" is actually the position of the Sun in your chart? But the Moon is the strongest clue to the kind of early childcare you got. Was Mom there a lot, or was she hidden (perhaps working)? How does your Moon get along with the other planets? Is there joy and supportive love, or quarreling and power struggles? The Moon describes the early parenting from the prime caregiver, and reveals your knee-jerk reactions to life as you age. How emotional or protective are you? Are you instinctively trusting or defensive? All this comes from Mom -- negative or positive. The hand that rocks the cradle does rule the world! (And it keeps on rocking as Moms continue to look for improvements in their middle-aged children.) Which by extension means we continue to have opportunities to learn from them.
An unusual phenomenon occurs in your chart this week. On one hand, unrealistic, wishful thinking creates confusion with friends or groups -- especially with respect to money and possessions. However, (get this) one of the reasons you feel confused is because you are enormously powerful now. You can walk on water! That's why you think you can do the impossible. Therefore, even though it goes against your instincts, pull in the reins a little. No matter how confident you feel, don't go overboard. Wear water wings and stay away from the deep end. (When it comes to romance -- anything could happen.)
Here's the picture: for what seems like ages (actually weeks) Mercury has been retrograde in your sign bringing people from your past back into your life, as well as dogging your footsteps with delays, lost items and confused communications. Nevertheless, you feel personally ambitious and particularly capable of transforming existing resources into advantageous situations. (You clever bull.) Be careful about partnerships. Right now things are cozy, but in June, you enter a six-month period where partnerships and cooperation with friends are testy. (Be alert to this now before they become entrenched or too difficult to change.)
Naturally, you feel this Mercury retrograde period! (Mercury is your ruler.) The main thing you have to do is avoid heated discussions about politics, religion and philosophical subjects. Not so easy, right? You identify strongly with your views. Fortunately, even though you prefer to stay in the background at this time, you have the ability to work through friends and groups in a way that transforms not only your own public image, but also what others believe or endorse. This means even though you're behind the scenes, you have a lot of power. Use it wisely.
There's no question that most of you feel like you've been to hell and back in the last year or so. (And maybe you have.) Right about now however, you should be starting to feel like it's over -- and you have survived! Yes -- the Sun will rise yet another day, and you've got your boat back in the water. This feeling of relief and increasing confidence might tempt you to give away the farm. Ironically, this could be a good idea -- or it could be stupid. Remember there's a difference between generosity and idiot compassion. (And let's not forget vindictiveness.) This is a good time to make improvements at work. Enjoy chatting to old friends about the bad ole' days.
This Mercury retrograde period caused havoc to your career and your efficiency in promoting your good name and doing things. They were little glitches -- but painfully annoying. (And possibly costly.) Nevertheless, good things come to you now as Jupiter moves through your sign. The Sun at high noon brings you high viz, extra attention and even -- dare we say- acclaim! Start giving serious thought to the changes you see coming up in the next two years. You will definitely go through a period of transition where you will let people, jobs and possessions go in order to move on. Life is easier when you row with the tide. (After all, your life is more than a whim of several billion cells being you for awhile.)
This is a good time to make improvements at home or improvements within your family dynamic. For a number of reasons, you will have the resources, the support and the supplies to do so. You're certainly working hard now, but conflict with coworkers might be a drag. Not everyone has your standards for efficiency and precision in how you do things. Despite your self-deprecating impulse, you really do see the best way to do things -- and you see it quickly. Best not to mess with those who fail to see this. Far better to keep your peace of mind. (Especially if it's the last piece left!)
You're involved with the possessions and wealth of other's right now. You might also have to address shared responsibilities and shared assets with someone else. (One for you, two for me. One for you, two for me.) Romance might prove a source of irritation or conflict as well. (Now you know why they say love is being stupid together.) Actually, this is a good time to transform close relationships into something better. (Better than they currently are.) The main thing to keep in mind is that you are entering this two-year window of harvest where you we'll reap what you sewed. For most this will be a successful time. (We always have to be careful where we seed.)
Scorpio, Scorpio, where art thou Scorpio? This Mercury retrograde period directly opposes your sign. And the Sun is sitting opposite you, too. Gosh. It means you have to give, give, give in terms of privacy, effort, money, time, energy and understanding. Old business with partners needs to be rehashed. Not only that, ex partners can materialize out of the ether. (Horrors.) Unless you have a lot of Aquarius in you, you don't keep on cozy terms with ex lovers. The good news is that you can really make improvements to your health and your employment scene now. Tension at home or requires extra patience. If it's your turn to cook -- tell them you're offering two choices: take it or leave it.
Although you're busy getting organized in every way, romance could come very pleasantly into your life now. Certainly, matters connected with sports, vacations, entertaining diversions and pleasant little heartthrobs look very promising. You're optimistic enthusiasm invariably attracts people to you. (People like to hang around upbeat types.) What you have to watch out for however is an intense desire to persuade everybody else to your point of view. You feel you have to sell your ideas! Just let it be. (Most people have become who they are without their consent.) Once a year the snake has to shed its skin to stay alive. But if you pull the skin off that snake -- you'll kill it. And what about those alligator shoes?
Life is finally getting better. You worked your little buns off for several years now. Although things are definitely improving, this doesn't mean that the work will lessen. It means you'll get more credit, more recognition and even more power in what you do. The only downside is that all this razzle-dazzle threatens existing partnerships. If they are relationships that are not going to cut it -- they will fail now. If they are meant to endure, you will have to undergo adjustments. (Take up the hem a little on the left side.) Right now vacations, romance, and pleasure are number one on your list. Ta da! You want to have fun! (She who laughs, lasts.)
You have no doubt been immersed in family matters much more than usual in the last few weeks. Lots of stuff from the past required your attention. (Lots of it was a silly little snafus and errors that had to be fixed.) You tackled this quite successfully. In fact, you were so successful you might be a tad cocky now. (Oh well, that's better than wondering if everyone hates you because you're paranoid.) Be careful you don't overestimate something especially with partnerships and close friends. You are definitely tempted to do this now. Relations with siblings and relatives are particularly meaningful at this time.
You're giving increasing attention to your secret desires. (Not just that - I'm talking about your career.) Now more than ever, you want to figure out what you really want to be when you grow up. What is your calling? Give little thought to confused communications with siblings and relatives. It's all water under the bridge. The main thing is that you're getting strong and profound insights into new ways of earning money or making a name for yourself. This is good. Don't be afraid to test new ideas. You might explore several avenues in the next 18 months before you choose the right one. If at first to don't succeed - you're like everyone else.