All Signs

For the first time this year, moneybags Jupiter moves forward. Yay! This means we'll all start to see benefits in different areas. Jupiter not only makes our lives flow more easily, it increases opportunities in certain areas. It also has a social dimension. Jupiter rules the law and the legal system. It has a consciousness expanding influence and represents the honour-bound bonds of society. It's upbeat quality is reflected in the fact that the Romans called Jupiter Jove -- hence our word "jovial". (Ever noticed that you can pretend to be serious but you can't pretend to be witty?) The bottom line is we can all expect our happiness quotient to rise. (But remember: everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Because Jupiter is in a Fire sign right now, and you are a Fire sign, its forward movement particularly benefits your sign. From here on, you can expect your creative self-expression to grow as never before. (I kid you not.) Suddenly, you have the courage to be your wildly talented self. (Admit it - you're talented. You can do anything -- once.) As you get in touch with your creative potential, you'll produce more artistic work. Love and romance will definitely blossom in your life. Opportunities for vacations, fun and social occasions will increase. This year is a serious hey nonny nonny break for you. Get in the spirit of things. Buy something sexy so that you're prepared. (Are we having fun yet?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Jupiter's forward movement beautifully blesses everything to do with home, family, your personal relationships with loved ones plus your wealth with respect to real estate and family businesses. (Sounds good to me.) This stuff really hits home for you. You are the country squire at heart. Anything that increases your real estate, or makes your home life more beautiful, or blesses your family -- this is the kind of security that brings a permanent smile to your face! The next 6 to 8 months are the best time to do real estate deals in a decade. You can't lose. Improvements made to where you currently live are also a great investment. (Home is where the art is.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The improvements that Jupiter brings to your life are more subtle and difficult to describe. However, the bottom line is you will be happier. Everyday communications with siblings, daily contacts and relatives improve immensely. Your attitude to the world around you expands in a positive way. Opportunities for advanced training or travel drop in your lap. You feel more confident and optimistic, and because of this you are emboldened to reach out for more. Basically, you trust life. (You always suspected whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Considering how tough it's been for you in the last few years, you want to know which area of your life now improves. Well, this time you're the big winnah! It's money. Cashola, moolah, bread, dinero, lettuce, gelt, cabbage, clams, sawbucks, fins, C notes, dough, mazuma, coin, scratch, spinach, beans, cheddar, bills, loot, gold, chips, berries, nuggets, spinach and kale. We're talking cash. (Money is never boring.) Moneymaking ideas and opportunities will come to you! And you'll learn more about yourself through your possessions and how you handle your money. For example, do you rub it between your fingers at night under the bed covers? I'm sure that's a taboo somewhere.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Dahling - Jupiter now moves forward in your sign. I could stop right here but I won't because newspaper editors don't like that. It's definitely tra la tra la in a way that's better and more fortunate for you than it's been for 12 years. This is a marvelous time for your sign! Your health improves and you'll have fewer bad hair days. Luck hovers all around you. You enjoy life more easily and you'll have opportunities to travel. Your confidence increases due to juicy romance, job opportunities or success in a number of ways. Your freedom definitely expands along with your well-being. In a bigger sense, this is the beginning of a new 12 year cycle of growth. (Not pounds -- growth.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You have a logical mind so you can do the math. If Jupiter is in Leo now -- guess where it goes next? You've got it - Virgo! However, that doesn't happen until September. So what are you supposed to do until that fabulous time arrives? Actually, Jupiter's current placement beautifully enhances two areas of your life: your spiritual path and your dealings with the government. At a subtle level, you're learning how to deal with your own potential in a personal way and in a practical way. You feel greater empathy for suffering around you and you want to help where you can. Jupiter promotes understanding that we're all in this Big Soup together. What is done to one is done to all. (The Three Musketeers never got that right.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You can expect your dance card to be full this summer. Social engagements, interaction with groups, clubs and organizations, and fun with friends enormously pleases you now and in the months to come. This is not a time to go it alone. Join forces with others. Friends can be unusually supportive and helpful to you now. You can expect to encounter new acquaintances, some of whom might become close pals. Your goals for the future and hopes for what you might attain are not only broader and bigger -- they now seem to be within your grasp. And in fact they are, because the next two years are a time of fruition and culmination for you. Yo!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Everything with respect to your career, your life direction and your work in your community gets a marvelous boost now. You are totally focused in your profession and will try very hard to move ahead in any direction that benefits you. Unusual opportunities (especially those connected with medicine, law, publishing and travel) come your way now. Some of you will change your work to something more personally meaningful foryou primarily because you now have the opportunity to do so. You definitely feel more confident about yourself and in fact, this could be one of the few times that you feel you have a genuine kick at the proverbial can. Take careful aim.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a wonderful time for your sign because your ruler Jupiter is actually traveling through the part of your chart that is your "home turf". By this I do not mean your residential home, I mean the part of you that rings true to yourself. Therefore, lovely opportunities to travel, to study, to explore religion, philosophy, metaphysics and serious questions dear to your heart will present themselves to you. You are always a seeker of truth -- the Questor of the zodiac. Human potential movements and media opportunities are areas that will bring you rewards. Writers can definitely publish. (If you travel -- take your diary to have something sensational to read.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Jupiter's forward movement directly benefits your partner and your partner's income. Don't worry -- you don't have to have a partner to clean up here. Jupiter is trying to bring you money, goods, gifts, opportunities and benefits from other people. In other words, the wealth of others now helps you. Expect favours, the use of other people's possessions, approved loans, extended credit, inheritances and better service in hippie restaurants. You can't be like Walt Disney's grasshopper singing, "The world owes me a living" -- so don't quit your day job. But expect more than you expect. Your sex drive is super-amped now as well. (It's more fun contemplating somebody else's navel than your own.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Jupiter now sails along smoothly directly opposite your sign. This improves all your closest partnerships and relationships. Not only are these relationships enhanced (this includes your relations with the public in general as well) but you also have a wonderful opportunity to learn more about yourself from others. People mirror you now (to yourself). Since you gain from others, this is an excellent time to hire experts and employ consultants. You will likely meet somebody from another culture or a distant place who has a great impact on you. Jupiter rules foreign countries and will attract this element to your world.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

I said it before and now I say it again: your job will improve wonderfully this year. Whatever is yucky about it will disappear or diminish. Whatever you hope to attain is closer at hand than you think. If you're looking for work, you couldn't have picked a better time in over a decade. Jupiter wants to give you job satisfaction. You will either start liking what you do or begin to do what you like. Or both. Similarly, your general health will improve as well. It's as if you are following direct orders from the general in The Bridge Over the River Kwai: "Be happy in your work." (It helps if you know how to whistle.)