All Signs

It is New Moon in Aries on April Fools' Day. This offers us an opportunity to turn over a new leaf (be it fig or otherwise). New Moons are perfect times to begin new programs, take stock of our lives, and encounter new situations. They're an opportunity to improve things. Do you passively accept conditions you're unhappy with or do you make an effort to change things? It's important not to blame others. One of life's ironies is that the more you study your enemy in order to point a finger of blame -- the more you become like them! Oy vay. Write down three things you can realistically accomplish in the next month to improve your life. Start by removing anything from your fridge that looks like it will soon crawl out on its own.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

A veritable potpourri awaits you now. Some could get hidden goodies or money back from the government. Others will have open conflict with bosses, parents and VIPs. (You know who you are.) The upshot of all this is that you likely become obsessed about certain ideas related to publishing, foreign countries, travel and philosophical subjects. War is always a hot topic with you because your ruler Mars rules war. You never back down from a fight. On the other hand (the one rocking the cradle) you're not foolhardy either. Your ability to research data is a fabulous now. You will win the battle at hand.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Surprises with friends are likely. Some friendships will split up; new friendships can form. You might get a gift or money through a friend, or possibly a hot job prospect. Because many of you now face a residential or job change, hot tips are welcome! Real estate matters and everything to do with home and family have never looked better. You will land safely if you are in the throes of change. Research into the holdings of others, and the net worth etc. of companies could pay off now. You might get the true picture about something. Don't worry if you cannot see too far down the road with respect to your career. (There is no way that you could see this now anyhow.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You have your goodie bag and you scored. But not without a struggle. You have recently had to deal with a touchy situation regarding the wealth of others, the earnings of your partner and what you share with someone. Possibly, someone tried to deny you your fair share. If so, they didn't get away with it. You're busy talking to partners and lots of people, explaining your side of things. As you do this, two things will unfold: you will have the opportunity to influence others; and you will also attract special people who in turn, can influence you. Your public reputation looks enviable right now.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're high viz because the Sun is at high noon in your chart. Expect to be noticed; you're the subject of discussion. Unexpected goodies and surprises occur with respect to foreign countries, travel, publishing, higher education and the media. Partners have been a proverbial pain in the butt, and you still feel ticked off about something. However, your ability to research things and bring about improvements at work stand you in good stead with co-workers now. You look great and easily garner the respect of others. Good. (The secret of staying young is to get lots of sleep, chew your food slowly and lie about your age.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a stimulating time with respect to travel, foreign countries, publishing, the media and higher education. You're really "out there" in lots of ways. Some co-workers challenge your views now but this is nothing new. You're a natural leader and used to thinking for yourself. However, even though you have the courage of your convictions - you still hate criticism. Aagghh. (Is there no justice?) Gifts, goodies and favours come your way. Serious discussions with children (or about children) take place. On April 3rd, Jupiter moves forward once again in Leo, which means you're laughing! Cogito ergo spud. I think, therefore I yam.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your concern with wellness is paramount. The steps you take to ensure your health now definitely pay off. Many of you are burrowing deep into something to get to bottom-line data. This could relate to a research project or even a family matter. You want "the facts ma'am - just the facts." And you will get them! This is partly because you make your decisions based on knowledge not hunches. Plus you are one of the most informed signs in the zodiac. Partnerships are wild and crazy right now -- definitely unpredictable. Tie up loose ends about shared estates, joint property, and how to split CD collections and kitchen appliances.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You like to keep the peace for your own peace of mind. (Survival tactic.) Recent aggressive antics by family members leave you with a pained and dismayed look on your face. (What twerps.) Nevertheless, encouraging news about your job plus your obsession about probing deeper subjects takes your mind off any disappointment you might have with the gang. After all - they are only human. And we are all dealing from this human deck of life. (Too many jokers.) You're definitely approaching a year where you will have to stand up and be counted. No more fence sitting (which is too hard on the crotch anyhow.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Arguments with co-workers might leave wounded egos limping about. Fortunately, new romance and unexpected theatrical diversions lift your spirits now. Ditto for fun time with children. Quit trying to make daily colleagues agree with you. They won't. The wonderful thing about living here (where you read this column) is that you have the right to your opinions. (This does not apply to all occupations, including the media.) Let discussions foment and bubble over. You might get a poem, or a TV script or a creative idea from them. You don't have to cry over spilled milk. Like a cat - you lap it up because you never miss an opportunity.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You feel emancipated, motivated and intent on having fun. In particular, you want to be free to do your own thing. Your creative juices are flowing. You seek romance, pleasure and creative opportunities. This isn't just an expression of your child-like ego - this is you! Ever since Pluto entered your sign in 1996, you underwent enormous changes, not only to your appearance, but also to your closest relationships. This continues until 2008. Pleasant surprises at home mingle with quarrels about money and possessions. Let new romance blossom. Romance can literally change your physical image and your personality now. Let go, and grow.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Family quarrels and disagreements about real estate have your teeth on edge. They are over now (but one never forgets.) Fortunately, meeting new faces through surprising and unexpected encounters takes your mind off all this. These new contacts offer increased favours, wealth or romance. You have to admit that you yourself have been more aggressive and assertive lately. Ask yourself if you are part of the solution or part of the problem. Of course, strength is needed for either stance. Since you are about to step out on to the world stage in a major way this year, follow the highest good. Don't be a wuss. And remember that it often takes more courage to stay in position than to charge forward. That is the courage of the yogi warrior.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You have a plethora of opinions about everything lately. You suffered some behind-the-scenes-brawls - (including fights with your alter ego) nevertheless, you came out smelling like a rose - well, actually like an Aquarian. Sudden job promotions, raises, and opportunities are now yours. Ditto for sudden and unusual purchases. (A mannequin for your living room?) It's curious because even though you're working hard now -you aren't sure this is what you want to do! Free-lancers must be like guerillas (according to Sun Tzu) who appear where others cannot go, and head for where you are least expected. On the other hand, Einstein said, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

They say that everybody lives by selling something. The secret is to find something to sell that is so good it sells itself. Doctors, nurses and teachers discovered this. And undertakers. (Plus we always need to eat.) These ideas occur to you now as you enter a 2-year window of wondering what you want to be when you grow up. You want a job that gives you joy and fulfillment. Or at least an excessive salary (you'll risk the guilt.) New research and digging just might lead you nearer to solving the answer to this quest. Forget tiffs with friends. They will heal. Focus on money, earnings and cash flow. Stay on top of house repairs and renovations. At least your job will improve while you seek your true path.