All Signs

Ever since Aug. 2001, a Saturn /Pluto opposition has typified the polarization we see around us not just in politics but in practically everything. (Ever noticed some Raisin Bran has tons of raisins and other boxes have practically none?) Fortunately, today marks the lessening of this polarization. By June, it is virtually gone. This is a blessing because polarization implies a black or white choice, and life is never that simple. It's not a matter of either you can or you Kant ("I doubt therefore I might be.") Life is more like a slinky on an escalator. I agree with Oscar Wilde who said, "It is absurd to divide people into either good or bad -- they're either charming or tedious."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Finally, finally things are picking up beautifully for your sign! ("About time," she muttered.) The Sun and Mercury are both in Aries and they're starting to flirt with lucky Jupiter. This bodes well for romance, creative adventure, all dealings with children, financial speculation, show business, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. (Also -- professional sports.) It's hey nonny nonny for Aries! But all is not frivolous play because an exalted Mars now sails through the top of your chart igniting your ambition. Think about what you want to get done this year. Major changes where you live (renovations or residential moves) are the first things on your list.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Careful financial planning with a friend about future purchases or possible job opportunities are encouraging. You feel you're on solid ground now. Government assistance or behind-the-scenes maneuvers can help you tie up real estate deals or make improvements to your family or your home life. Nevertheless, you're still playing things close to your chest and staying in the background. This is good. You need more rest and relaxation now because your year is ending. The next few weeks are the perfect time to scrutinize your life. Where do you want to make some changes? A residential move or change of jobs is practically inevitable. Start making plans so that you are in charge of whatever happens.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You can definitely expect your popularity rating to soar during the next four weeks. This can happen in two ways: (1) in a general sense, platonic relationships and professional contacts become pleasing, numerous and rewarding. However, (2) at a more private and sexy level, some really hot stuff might take place because you feel passionate and intense about life right now and (for whatever reason) other close relationships. Your public image suddenly has a certain sexy cache. Did you suddenly snag the catch of the month? Are you flirting with the boss? Did your partner get a fabulous raise or a Ferrari? Conversations with siblings, colleagues, relatives and neighbors are upbeat and positive. (Everybody wants to hang with a winner.) Yes it's superficial -- but don't you love it?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

All hail the King! This is the month when you're noticed. Discussions with VIPs, parents and bosses bring you increased earnings, gifts and prestige. Conflict with partners and friends is nothing you cannot handle. You're prepared to take on extra responsibilities now because you know you can deliver the goods. People are impressed with you! Nevertheless, tread carefully because this powerful Aries energy is most tenuous with your water sign. (Water puts out fire.) Publishing, foreign relations, higher education and legal matters hold some surprises for you. If you are forced to give something up -- quite possibly it wasn't worth keeping anyway.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Routine obligations and duties feel like chains now. It's not that you don't want to work, because you do. But you want the freedom to call your own shots. You want to broaden your horizons through travel in order to learn more about life. You want a deeper and broader understanding of things. Sometimes you're content with your own little world -- but right now you aren't. You want the bigger picture; you want to be informed. Why not make a commitment to yourself that you'll travel or take a course? Don't hold back because of doubt or insecurity. After all, we already know you won the race with over a hundred thousand sperm. That wasn't a photo finish - it was a fantastic beginning!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You have a lot of red tape stuff to go through right now connected with insurance matters, wills, inheritances, taxes, shared debt, other people's property, your partner's wealth and earnings, need I go on? Fortunately, most of you are pretty good with details. (Not all.) Roll up your sleeves and tackle this head-on. You'll love yourself for whatever you manage to accomplish. Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, your gonads are in overdrive. Fun sex (the best kind) is promising. As a Virgo, you sometimes question the merits of relationships; as an Earth sign you never question sex. (Oh yeah.) Healthy sex improves your digestive system. (I just made that up but I bet it's true.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This Aries Sun is as far away from your Libra sign as it can get. Naturally, you feel a tad bagged. Don't try to take on too much. Try to normalize your sleeping schedule. (Librans, especially Libra Rising individuals are all over the place when it comes to sleep patterns.) Tension and chaos at home disturb your tranquility. Financial investments start to look more solid. But best of all, your relations with friends, groups and organizations couldn't be better. Others think the world of you now. Clients, the general public, friends and partners turn to you for advice. And why not? You've been a people watcher all your life. You know the score.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

There's an obsessive/compulsive aspect to you, so when you direct your energy to any task at hand - you're incredibly productive. You don't stop until the job is done. That's why others are so amazed at how much you can accomplish. Expect to dazzle them all once again now and in the next few weeks because you've decided it's time to get organized. It's a great idea. The hard work you put out now can actually enhance your career options. (Don't know how but I see it can happen.) Foreign countries, VIPs, travel related matters bring you good luck. You've finally got your eye on the prize and you're going for it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is definitely party time for your sign. You want to be on vacation. And if you can't be on vacation, you're going to fake it the best you know how. You want to spend money, and you want to have a good time. Romance, pleasure and playful escape are tops on your agenda. (You're not even trying to hide it.) This is good. With the Sun and Mercury in Aries, you feel almost defiant about truly being who you are and doing your own thing. It's more than just good time stuff. It's about your right to express yourself. Serious discussions with partners about real estate and your home scene are productive. At least you can put that one to bed.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Few value home and family more than you. You are Norman Rockwell, Grant Wood, apple pie and the flag. You know that anything that achieves greatness must rest on a firm foundation. You feel very strongly about certain issues now. In fact, I suggest you get increased physical exercise to blow off some steam. Focus on family, real estate, and your home scene for the next month. Tie up loose ends. You want to be free and unencumbered when you step out onto the world stage this year. Serious partnerships are strained now. Relationships that are meant to last will endure, but they'll need readjustments. (Maybe a tensor bandage here or there.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Busy month ahead! Short trips, meetings, negotiations, conversations with practically everyone, demands from siblings and relatives are just some of the things that keep you running. Fortunately, you're in fine form. You easily impress your daily colleagues as well as close friends. Words of wisdom tumble from your lips. That's because you are avant-garde and ahead of the pack. Since only the lead dog has the clear view -- you shine right now. Expect others to disagree with you however. Your out-of-the-box thinking will not be grasped by most. Many of you are intellectually lonely. (Gosh. That's what happens to smarty-pants.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Many of you are in a fabulous position to boost your earnings. If you're negotiating a new job or promotion -- be bold. In fact, dare to be bolder than you ever dreamt! Neptune is your ruler, and as such, your belief about what you can achieve in life is the main thing holding you back or supporting you getting there. (But "holding you back" is generally more often the case.) Your employment scene look so fabulous right now it's laughable. If you are unhappy -- walk. Or at least wait around to find out if they replace Dragon Lady. Trust your good ideas and your impulses. You should definitely be earning more money this year than last year.