We've had a Saturn Pluto opposition since Aug. 2001. (Saturn is authority and government; Pluto is brute force, wealth and transformation.) This polarization is now peaking, although its shadow lingers for two years. Look at the imbalance around us: family, community, city politics, provincial politics, federal politics, and global politics! Politics is the art of the possible; and in the long run, polarization is not skillful. It is interesting to note that this summer (July) Saturn approaches its closest point to the Sun. The last two times this happened was in 1944 and 1974 - and both these years saw world leaders fade from power. (Adolf Hitler and Richard Nixon.) Which reminds me of something a friend said, "It's one thing to shoot yourself in the toe - but don't do it when your foot's in your mouth."
You like your security but at the same time, you can never resist a fight. That's why you might experience a struggle right now. Obstacles connected with travel, foreign countries, publishing, higher education as well as with daily contacts and siblings cause you angst. You feel you can't speak up about something. You want to -- but somehow, you're muzzled. Just bide your time. The Sun soon enters your sign (your birthday month) giving you enormous power and confidence. Use this wisely. Anybody can be a bully. It takes real skill to hold things together and keep the lid on a situation without blowing it to bits.
You're at a crossroads right now about money, possessions and how to share these things with someone - a friend, a group or your partner. You always play the role of "nice". But when it comes to your money, your property and your possessions -- you're not a wuss. You'll go along with so much, but you have your limits. When you step up to that line, you hold firm. Nothing budges you! Just make sure you keep an open mind. Don't become too fixated on your own point of view. Don't let anybody try to talk you out of something either. Defend your turf but don't be greedy. What goes around comes around.
You're caught between a rock and a hard place. Discussions with bosses, authority figures, the police, parents and your partners are at loggerheads. Don't try to force your opinion on others. Similarly, don't let others force their opinions on you. (Small chance. You move too fast.) People are very hung up about a particular stance or idea right now. Don't get mowed down. If the rant starts to come your way -- step aside. ("... a lotta men didn't, and a lotta men died.") Even the best intentions of somebody (including you) to improve somebody else -- is just meddling. (And you know it.)
People want to make changes that affect your job. They think it's all for the best. You have your doubts. Just watch and listen. The fact is this year is a major turning point for you anyway. Who knows? The things that are upsetting you at work might be the actual catalyst to get you to move on to where you really should be going. (You know you stay in the wrong relationships too long -- and this includes your job.) Don't be afraid to let go of something. And especially, don't be afraid to let go of a situation that stinks or makes you miserable. (Life is too short to drink bad wine.)
When it comes to what you own, what you share with others and even the responsibilities you have for others -- you might feel compulsive now. You could be convinced you're absolutely right. Other should listen to you: you know best. (You can see how as a member of royalty you slide down this slippery slope.) Work very hard to keep an open mind about things. If people make suggestions to you about your property or about how you share things -- listen! This applies especially to your relations with lovers and your children. (No matter what Leo's think of their children, they will never let anyone else criticize them.) Fortunately, the nice thing about standards nowadays is they are so many to choose from.
You need all your patience and skills to maintain harmony with family members and partners now. Perhaps somebody is trying to tell you how to deal better with your family. Or perhaps a family member is trying to give you advice about dealing with your partner. (Note that it's everybody else who has the answers.) Of course, there's a small chance that you are the person doing this to others, but I doubt it. You're not an expert yet. And you're not perfect either. (I hope you know I'm pulling your Virgo leg.) Actually, all this insane energy promotes study and mental development especially with things like yoga, Tai Chi and Snakes and Ladders.
You can be very fussy about the ambience of your workspace, your home, and even how others speak to you. Because of this you might get something out of proportion. Something could appear to be terribly important to the point that you will provoke arguments about it, and you might have very little stake in it in the end. It's as if you just couldn't let go of a particular idea. Don't get on your high horse about anything at work, especially if it relates to publishing, the law, higher education, travel and dealing with foreign countries. (When in doubt, lead trump.)
It's easy for your sign to get obsessed about something related to children right now. Similarly, you could go off the deep over something in your love life. (For a few unfortunate Scorpios it could be both.) Oy vay. The first thing to remember is that by nature you are obsessive /compulsive. (Oh yeah - you can run but you can't hide.) What's happening right now is that the entire world is having a heavy Scorpio hit with all its communications. Naturally, this goes double for you. Restraint is what you need. Obsessive, compulsive restraint. Especially with money and shared possessions. (Moderation is always harder than abstinence.)
Domestic arguments are likely right now because somebody thinks they're right. One would think that's why all arguments take place but it isn't. However, this time it is. There's no point preaching to the choir, and on the other hand (the one wagging that index finger) there are none so deaf as those who are not here. Basically -- you can't change people. They have to do the job themselves. Yes, you can order take-out for them to give them more time to concentrate on the matter at hand. But you can't nag, cajole, coerce, beg, or shame them into shaping up. In fact, if you harangue others, before you know it, like dangerous ingrates they'll turn on you.
It's been said that the mark of a good party is waking up the next morning wanting to change your name and start a new life in another city. Keep that in mind before you go overboard expanding your views and correcting the error in everyone else's ways. Ah yes. The perfectionist! The only thing you can do right now is laugh at yourself and others. People are getting their belly in a rash over nothing. Terrible things may be happening thousands of miles away, but you are here and this is now. Avoid power struggles with others. Especially siblings. Don't push your weight around at work. Be patient and understanding. (Others find this maddening.)
No matter how much you want to buy something this week, give it a second thought. Go home and sleep on it. You are extremely susceptible to compulsive, impulsive actions with money. Read: you had to buy everything Tolkien wrote in the English language. Or ___(fill in the blank.) You know who you are. This insane financial connection relates to friends and children. You might be convinced somebody owes you money or vice versa. You might feel that your values are threatened. Actually, you are such a unique individual, you have had to defend your values since Day 1. Relax -- you have integrity! Aquarians never sell out. They just press the Shift key.
Perhaps of all the signs, you feel this confrontational influence the most. Everyone will know about it, too, because you can go from ecstasy to suicidal despair before lunch. Yes, I jest, but you know whereof I speak. You can be (at times) an emotional kaleidoscope. Let's face it, kaleidoscopes are beautiful and fascinating. But to what purpose? It's not worth having a knock down drag out fight with anybody about anything. Why? Think of your own self-preservation. Your peace of mind, the calmness of your inner being, your happiness and your relations with others are vitally important. Why would you jeopardize any of these for some stupid obsessive argument? (Your honor, I rest my handbag.)