All Signs

This weekend, we're all inclined to excessive indulgence. Whee! Too much of a good thing. Very few will be gripped with ambition and drive -- most of us will be having seconds of desert with extra whipped cream. (Actually there are a lot of things you can do with whipped cream, but unfortunately they're all fattening.) If you're out having fun and driving home -- make sure you are not overserved drinks. I'm not going to make any bad jokes this week. (After all, incorrigible punsters should not to be incorriged.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

These wonderful feelings of excess hit you right where you live. You definitely want to party your face off. Everything to do with amusements, the entertainment world, show business, vacations and gambling is over the top. This same extravagant quality applies to love affairs and romance. All is melodrama. You either lavish everything on a loved one, or you feel completely out of tune with what is really happening. Be careful you don't assume too much. (Maybe you shouldn't stock the fridge with enough food to feed a small country for somebody who doesn't know your last name?) Similarly, you feel indulgent with children.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You might feel overconfident about family situations, especially family businesses, or real estate deals right now. Things look very rosy. Fortunately, by nature you are a realist. Nevertheless, you could be tempted to try to buy something extravagant for your home that is really excessive. You also might try to make a real estate deal that is more than you can comfortably handle. (Doesn't that describe practically every real estate deal?) You like the best; you like quality and you are a collector. Your favourite phrase is "happily ever after." Just remember that whatever you do or buy has its costs later. (Even if the payments are interest-free and they don't begin until after you die.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You feel wonderfully optimistic and exuberant right now -- especially this weekend. People notice you more than usual, and you're in fine form. The only downside is this is a bad time for diets. This weekend everybody wants to eat and drink too much. (Remember Miss Piggy's advice: Never eat more than you can lift.) The only downside about feelings positive is that you could promise someone more than you can deliver. You are also inclined to the "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome so you might drive yourself nuts running around trying to get something that is "better." In fact, contentment is one of the greatest challenges for Gemini. (Let's face it -- contentment is a challenge for everyone.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It's a good thing you're naturally frugal and careful with your money. Most of the time. (I've seen a few lapsed Cancers.) The excessive quality that I referred to in All Signs above is that Venus (think goodies, sugar and money) opposes Jupiter -- a planet that magnifies and amps everything. That means that you will want to spend more money than you have this weekend. And yet ironically, you will think you have more money than you do. Everything to do with finances, business negotiations, sharing property or possessions, and particularly -- spending money -- is subject to "wanting too much". Keep in mind, that you already have a lot of stuff at home. (One man's Mede is another man's Persian.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leos are extravagant in different ways. You might be lavish with praise, buying yourself toys, blowing money on entertainment, seeing movies, DVDs and videos, spoiling adorable children, blowing cash on vacations and fawning over lovers. (All excellent Leo pastimes.) It's just your style. You do things in a big way because you're royalty. But when somebody turns the gain up on you -- we have serious excess. "Stop the bubble machine!" Enjoy partners and close friends right now. But be careful that you do not promise too much or bite off more than you can chew. You just can't say no to anybody now. (Practice saying this word by looking in the mirror. Get that tongue to the roof of your mouth.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You definitely don't feel like working this weekend. You have no desire to conquer the world. You simply want to have a good time. This excessive astrological element (mentioned in All Signs above) impacts your health now. Therefore -- go easy on sweets. Only one dessert per meal. Since Virgo rules the intestines, most of you are pretty hip to vitamins, healthy diets, juicing and the like. But even Virgos can go off the deep end with dark chocolate. You're only human. You might also feel underpaid at your job. You're worth more and you know it. You're right about this -- but don't be in a rush to quit your day job. The future is pretty much like the present -- only longer.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This weekend, you want fun and games with all the bills and whistles. (Batteries included.) Actually, having fun is a recommended activity. In Eastern thought, cultivating joy is considered to be one of the most valuable mindsets. You're supposed to cultivate joy to a limitless, never-ending degree! (This doesn't mean cheesecake after cheesecake after cheesecake. This refers to the joy that arises from giving, from practicing kindness, and finding 400 thread count sheets marked down 75 percent.) Don't be afraid to be happy. The fear that if you're too happy, something bad will happen is silly. If you're unhappy, something bad might still happen, so you might as well have enjoyed yourself first.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Everything to do with your home, your family and real estate is wonderfully joyful and full of delight this weekend. This joy could arise for many reasons. You might buy something beautiful for your home or for a family member. You might entertain friends and have a wonderful time. Good news about a family problem might surface. Your parents might finally approve of your lover. The emphasis is now on parties, children, romance, amusing entertainments and good times for everyone. You are a playful sign. Grab this opportunity to show others how to really have some fun! (Two is company -- three is an orgy.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Because Jupiter is your ruler, you take a positive approach to life. You expect the best and you generally get it. But sometimes you're unrealistically optimistic. This weekend could be one of those times. If you use this rosy energy to feel positive about life and enjoy others -- that's fine. However, if you enter into negotiations, sign contracts or make important deals (including shopping) -- be careful. Things appear better than they are right now. In a small way, this can be fun. But if you're signing the dotted line for something important, you should know that your optimism might not be justified. (We all know that Cole's Law is just thinly sliced cabbage.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're definitely tempted to blow a serious wad of cash on something beautiful. Because status and reputation are important to you, you're a sucker for designer labels. You feel good in the best. You know you command respect then. And you're right. (You never see a bunch of naked people sitting around a long boardroom table.) But you could be tempted to spend too much money on something you think you need. I can still remember shopping with my seven-year-old daughter and as I went to buy something she said reprovingly, "Mom, that's a want not a need." (It's shocking what they're teaching them in school nowadays.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a wonderful, hey nonny nonny time for you. You feel open and happy with your world. Fair Venus and Neptune in your sign look across the skies at fat, happy Jupiter. This beautifully promotes all your relationships with partners and close friends. You feel outgoing, friendly and financially lucky. (This part is good.) These feelings are not necessarily unfounded, but they could be exaggerated if you apply them to spending money. Enjoy celebrations and good times with romantic relationships. But think twice before you spend more than you normally would. There is something hidden (perhaps somebody who does not wish you well) in the wings. Do not be too expansive or naively trusting.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You are willing to work hard right now to promote good times for yourself and loved ones. Quite possibly, others are willing to work on your behalf as well. Physical activities with friends, sports and competitions can turn your crank now. That restless feeling you have is because Uranus is about to enter your sign. (Monday, March 10) You have never felt as before, unless you remember what 1927 was like. This is the beginning of a process where you will radically redefine your relationship to practically everyone. You will change so much you will force people to look at you with new eyes (at least glasses.) Relationships that restrict you or hold you down will be history. The next seven years will be one of the most exciting phases of your life.