All Signs

The high drama of last Sunday's Full Moon is behind us. Millions marched to express the view that war is an equal opportunity destroyer. This week things return to an even keel. Saturn turns direct (after drifting "backwards" for five months.) The Sun is firmly established in Pisces. A comment about "signs": When you tell someone your sign - you're actually stating where your Sun is. For example, if you're a Gemini that means your Sun is in Gemini. (Your Moon and other planets are likely in other signs.) But cusp births are tricky. Each year, the Sun enters a sign on different days. The dates in horoscope columns are just average dates. This year the Sun entered Pisces Feb 18th at 6:01 p.m. PST. So babies born Tuesday night are Pisceans. Sometimes Pisces begins as late as the 20th. Go figure. (But you know how vague Pisces can be.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Expect opposite influences this week. On one hand, you need more solitude. You want to grab your remote control and assume a prenatal position on a comfy piece of furniture with a direct site line to your TV. You want junk food within arm's reach. Sound familiar? However, on the other hand, (the one without cheesy crumbs on it) you see that you can move forward in the ordinary daily events of your life that were stalled in the water. It's time to wrap up the last changes to residential or job moves. This year you celebrate the birth of the new you! (Tres exciting.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

A major shift occurs this week in several ways. You can definitely expect your popularity rating to increase. Invitations pour in (hopefully, the food and drink will be excellent.) After a few financial glitches, everything to do with earning money starts to move forward. At a deep level within your psyche, (or sometimes above your left elbow) you are trying to come to terms with your basic value system in life. You need to know what matters. How else can you know how to live and make choices? Certain things fall into place to make this clear to you now. Accept no substitutes. When it comes to values -- you can afford the best.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

On-again off-again situations with partners, close friends and even important clients now fall into place. (Things are either on or they're off.) But at least you know. This empowers you. You know where you stand. Increased responsibilities bring attention to you. VIPs, bosses and the general public are more aware of you. This is a good time to take stock of the situation (particularly your career and life direction) so that you can see if your life is taking the course you want. Ever since 2001, you've been on a new path. You're in the process of creating a new you.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Things are beginning to move foreword. Your desire for freedom, adventure, or new and different experiences is strong now. You want to break free. You need a change of scenery; you want to travel. This is the year that you end a lot of the miserable mess you've been in since 2001. That's because the year 2003 will be a memorable, benchmark year for you to look back on. It's the beginning of something completely new in your life. Don't be afraid to let go. When leaping from stone to stone to cross a stream, at times both feet are in the air. Gads! I mean, really -- how often do you ever leap from stone to stone to cross a stream? Duh.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Since well before Christmas, (I said the C word) it's been tough touching base with friends as well as staying on top of group stuff with clubs and organizations. (It's not easy being royalty.) In truth, you are overworked, sleep deprived and trying to do too much. (You always overbook.) This month your primary focus is on settling matters about debt, wills and inheritances, mortgages and all kinds of commonly held property or shared responsibilities. It's boring red tape but it's necessary. You can't turn your back on it anymore. Fortunately, Jupiter in your sign brings you good luck and good fortune to tackle these little nightmares. Just do it. Remember: not to decide is to decide.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is an eventful time for you! Difficulties with parents and authority figures can be resolved. Conflict and chaos on the home scene begins to lessen or diminish in some way. All this allows you to focus more on your closest partnerships and friendships. When the dust settles, you'll have a better understanding of how important or not a partnership is to you. This is something your sign seriously questions. Sometimes partners seem to be more trouble than they're worth. At other times, you realize you don't want to go it alone. Either way, you will learn more about yourself through your one-to-one encounters with others.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Although you have been working hard lately, a lot of things were stalled in the water. Your progress has been in quicksand. Now things start to happen. Fortunately, you have the energy to work hard to get organized. Not only this, but you're focused on your health as well. You sense that you are heading into an important period of your life (that's putting it mildly) and you're going to need every bit of energy to do it. (This is so true.) This year marks a culmination of your efforts since 1996, and in some way since the late 80s. It's time to show the world your true colours. Fortunately, you're colour-coordinated -- you'll look faaabulous!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your attitude towards children and romantic liaisons is lighter and more fun loving now. This lighthearted quality lasts for at least the next five to six weeks. It makes you put amusement and fun before work. Romance becomes a priority. You feel free-spirited, and you want to do your own thing. Naturally you'll meet your daily obligations -- you're not going to blow things. But you want pleasure more than usual. Buy some sexy clothes. You want to look hot and cutting edge. Get rid of everything that is oh so yesterday. (You will never be as young again as you are today.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Ever since 2001, you've been out of the gate and running. Big plans for the future have you dreaming. Now these things start to look doable. This month your focus continues to be on home, family and domestic issues. This is simply temporary because your bigger focus is definitely on your external world, your career and what you intend to do with your life. Childhood memories plus discussions with family members trigger a lot of old tapes and insecurities. Why are you so afraid to be a burden to others? Why are you always poised for flight? You might find some answers to these questions.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

In many ways, this is a satisfying time for you. You're on the go with appointments, short trips, increased course work, reading and writing, talking to siblings plus shopping and making deals. It's time to cha cha! In the last couple of years you've been busting your buns at work. The rewards for all your hard effort now appear on the distant horizon. It's a bird, it's a plane, no! It's my debut into the real world! (Fanfare trumpets here.) Right now focus on your communicating style. Examine how you talk to others and how you listen to them. What's the point of talking if nobody gets your drift?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You now enter an interesting month where you want to communicate your values to others. Naturally, you first have to ascertain what these values are. How do you make your choices? Your values, and in a more mundane sense -- how you earn and spend your money -- are things to ponder now. You've been wondering what your true calling in life is for some time now. Sure you have a job -- but most jobs are simply what we do to pay the bills. Your life path is something else. You might get paid for it; you might not. Get ready to move forward to test out the ideas you've been toying with for the last couple of years.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

It's all about you now, dear Pisces. This is your time in the Sun, babes. Yes, it's time for a new birthday, however this is the first time in your life that you will celebrate a year when wild and wacky Uranus enters your sign. That means that you want more freedom to do your own thing now. In fact, you might be getting downright rebellious about life in general. Your individuality matters more now. You won't take guff from anyone. (I found some guff once, but I quickly threw it away.) In the two-year window ahead, your focus is almost entirely on discovering what your career path in life is. Good luck! As Kerouac said, "Walking on water wasn't built in a day."